SoctaticMethod1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have watched that and yeah that plan seemed retarded, in fact it was actually in the background compared to the story and character development of the former child solder.

But props to the anime, they gave one of the best scene to show how terrifying US special forces are to go against..

SoctaticMethod1 4 points ago +5 / -1

Wanted to share this breakdown Arch did of this show just because it was a VERY good analysis of it.

Much like how the 'feminist' Barbie movie ended up making Ken the most likable guy in the film, this show in it's rush to propagandise 'toxic manosphere' and promote further censorship, actually shows how femininity has RUINED the west leaving boys and men unable to define their own masculinity.

SoctaticMethod1 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wouldn't be surprised is there's been an uptick in people going back to using ships to travel than risk commercial flights..

SoctaticMethod1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Seems like gamers aren't buying as while it's hard to find accurate sales on anything but Steam and consoles, on Twitch Yasuke simulator has more viewers than AC Shadows lol.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wait is it still 'saint Obama' or have they turned on him yet as these scorpions are stinging each other so much nowadays it's hard to keep track.

SoctaticMethod1 14 points ago +14 / -0

It might be jealousy that Trump at 78, Billionare property mogal and president of the United States is STILL a more attentive caring Dad to his son then theirs who hasn't returned with milk yet.

SoctaticMethod1 13 points ago +14 / -1

Oh this doesn't matter, Canada's fucked regardless.

I'm not a blackpiller, I FOUGHT with blackpillers a lot about Trump before he won in 2024 and the state of certain countries, but Canada is fucked because a main part of their identity is 'We're not Americans' so will do the opposite to whatever America is doing to show they are different.

This even means voting in the SAME government they've had for a decade that ruined them than vote in a guy that might get along with Trump. The Canadians that had common sense and could rationally think left Canada ALREADY thanks to the response of the trucker protests, all that's left is the retards and those too weak to speak outside the herd.

SoctaticMethod1 18 points ago +18 / -0

It was extremely smart targeting them first for deportation as the media has to defend rapists and murderers openly while regular illegals are self deporting more so they can apply from their home countries than get deported and blocked.

No wonder dem polling is at 25% now..

SoctaticMethod1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Unfortunately that's the same principle as blackmail groups like Epstein.

Whether colluding over foreign companies or child abuse, they'll always look for a way to put a leash on your neck if you aim for any position of power..

SoctaticMethod1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Meh, at this point like most of Daily Wire, I don't care about them as they're mostly irrelevant.

Something shared by a lot of former viewers according to recent news..

SoctaticMethod1 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think just like Trump winning in 2016 led to them pushing their plan without the groundwork in 2020 so they failed being accepted at large, him winning in 2024 and subsequently cutting off their slush funds has fucked a lot of those plans again.

I have no doubt that Japan was next to be subverted and their culture ruined but with the fireworks happening daily at home, they don't have the resources to push into Japan AND fight Trump. Hell they're stuck using lawfare only and that's still a losing move.

SoctaticMethod1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Israel had the highest vaccination rate out of ANY Western country, yet we're not seeing such adverse health affects compared to high vaccination areas like blue cities leading me to think some were way worse and more experimental than others. Them willing to ban certain ones that showed more a history of more adverse effects along with their elderly population contributing to high jab rates.

The push backs in the west was met with institutional crackdown, at least there is no sign of that in Japan.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

I didn't declare victory, only that they had a better chance to avoid the same path the West walked down in terms of culture.

Also using Covid was a bad move as they didn't enforce or coerce vaccines, they labelled side affects broadly in fact I think they were the first to ban one if the risker ones that was developed in Europe and didn't lockdown instead blocked all foreigners from entry instead.

SoctaticMethod1 23 points ago +24 / -1

I'd say Anime, manga and to some extent Manwha is putting up much better resistance than Western media ever did.

I think a combination of nuisance streamers, card companies censoring and the big example of Assassin's Creed Shadows has collectively pissed off the Japanese enough that they can even not follow the same self destruction the west did, especially with US government money being shut off.

These 'conservative' types though are saboteurs as rather than just going 'this show is for me, this isn't but this other one is' they do MASSIVE generalisations like your Matt Walsh types so piss off people that might be inlined to the right. Thank god they're nowadays overshadowed by your MAGA types.

SoctaticMethod1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pretty much, they've REALLY been targeting the autusts for trans'ing, when they used to be safe inside the gamer community in CoD lobbies or RPGs.

SoctaticMethod1 35 points ago +36 / -1

Because we used to be home to the most valuable resource in the universe: the weaponised autists

He who controls the autists, controls the memes.

SoctaticMethod1 12 points ago +12 / -0

Remember him for his grill than his boxing, Requiescat in pace

SoctaticMethod1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Leftist logic is denying them ANYTHING especially power is some kind of 'ist'.

They're too weak to do it physically on their own, too dumb to outsmart people and lack the charisma to charm people. The only reason they got so far is because people got complacent and thought they wouldn't be able to do damage if ignored.

They were wrong, and our culture suffered for it. I'm just hoping that this and nuisance streamers have pissed of the Japanese enough that they'll reinforce their traditions and culture while purging all the foreigners out.

SoctaticMethod1 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not a good idea in Japan's case as unlike the boomers in the West, the elderly in Japan vote the most and are very traditional/based.

Who do you think made the government there instead of locking down simply refused entry during covid? And who do you think resists a third world invasion of Japan the most?

Now robots, that could work and knowing Japan, be a year after implementation we have fully working robot cat girl maids /s

SoctaticMethod1 15 points ago +15 / -0

Which one?

The pedo corpse, the puppetmaster, the crackhead or the alcoholic abuse victim?

SoctaticMethod1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now the problem is uplay exists so we might not get ALL the stats and I doubt Ubisoft would share them.

But I also know, Uplay is shit.

But I think this might be the extent of the INSTALLED player base for this franchise, which I can understand as Assassin's Creed has been dragging on for YEARS while Dragon Age's last game was just, ok.

But know it'll be to convince those not deep in the fanbase to buy it and that seems a harder sell, we'll see this weekend.

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