Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

2 observations from his substack.

  1. He's Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. But then that's typical of anybody on the left these days.
  2. At the core, though, he's right. He realized that what his party was doing was not the same as they were saying. Like any soldier fighting in a war figuring out that he's been lied to by his leadership or a religious true believer being betrayed by his church, it can be quite a traumatic response (see Vietnam war vets)

The narrative in the press is just that and always will be. Chocolate Rations are up yo!

Trannie shoots up church? Nothing happened, horrible tragedy, lets not talk about that and let the victim's families move on. Gaslight people about how we don't talk about every white man shooting up a church. Black man shoots up church? Wha? Never happened. White man shoots up church? Proof of racism, must have new gun laws, must stop hate speech on the internet which obviously encouraged this hateful white patriarchy rhetoric.

Skywise 15 points ago +16 / -1

So what are they going to do then when he closes his account? Deny him his funds? Does the Canadian government require a 60 day cool off period to get his cash?

Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

Likes the masculine body type?


Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

So… the pastor that condemned practicing Yoga as not Christian puts a male stripper up on stage - presumably as a show of acts of strength and uh… flexibility?!

I’m presuming the kid is a born again Christian and that’s why he was given prominence?

But then you should NEVER cite scripture as an invective. Real Christians would know that, let alone “Christian leaders”

“By their acts shall you know them”

Skywise 31 points ago +32 / -1

That’s an immediate “close the account” and go to a different bank.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just occurred to me that this is just another variation of “It’s MA’AM!”

Skywise 63 points ago +63 / -0

Good Lord... he's never been a REAL engineer a day in his life!

His entire "work" career is 6 years at IBM as a "product manager", 1.5 years as a "Software Director" and the remaining 25+ years of his career is in diversity outreach.

His only "certifications" are for a "diversity professional" which he only got right after the Summer of Love.

His engineering and observational skills are SO good that, as a 50+ year old guy wearing a college jacket and some guy makes tries to make small talk about his jersey being a college basketball one - he immediately thinks the guy is calling him a basketball coach because of his color.

Why not gently correct the "seat mate" and say proudly "no no, i'm the newly annointed diversity political commissar" I mean... you're proud of your work in promoting racism, right?

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Robert Meyer Burnett's movie - Free Enterprise - fun little flick if you're a geek


Skywise 4 points ago +5 / -1

I suspect his position is more nuanced than that and he's being smeared by journalists and it may have been a one off comment.

That said...

Where's his attack on Biden for supporting abortion?

He's very "Pence" like evangelical. Not sure if this is even a real religious belief or some guys getting suckered in by leftists portraying themselves as Christian leaders . Like Mike Pence - who's obviously followed Christian thought - but hasn't actually read and internalized Christian philosophy. Or even Mike Johnson these days.

i've come to the conclusion that I want AMERICANS running the country and not communists or self-proclaimed "Christians"

Skywise 13 points ago +13 / -0

Equality means "Not having to do other people's emotional labor"

WTF does that even mean?!

"I don't have to defend my lunacy to you, you're just too ignorant to understand my enlightened position using words even I don't understand."

Skywise 13 points ago +13 / -0

These are the same people that say true communism has never been tried.

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really… the people who say “no troo communism” say that an apostate pope is only hated by most Christians because he doesn’t believe in Christianity?!

I just… I cant…

Skywise 17 points ago +19 / -2

Now I have the same number of fingers as my anime-waifu!!!

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s not even… The meme is that the crowd follows the narrative put forth by media.

Brooklyn bridge wasn’t a “narrative” nor is “trans visibility day”

Look - they be mad at things! I am smrt. I make memes too!

Skywise 16 points ago +16 / -0

How do you show growth? By selling product so people give you more money.

Why do you want growth? So investors give us more money.

this is all capitalisms fault

This is BS. What he’s actually saying is “I want to put out more ideological woke nonsense but if we do the company will fail, so I can’t, but I’ll keep trying!”

Skywise 9 points ago +9 / -0


Skywise 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is right out of the playbook of the homosexual lobbies in the 80s that got all books AND science banned that said HIV was primarily transferable only through anal sex (aside from blood transfusions and cuts) and that vaginal sex transferral cases were very low.

Skywise 17 points ago +17 / -0

REAL game devs will list their titles they're proud of. Not spew how they've been "9+ years in the gaming space"

Skywise 32 points ago +32 / -0

Ok, so this has been going on for a while and isn't a recent development then?

Again - who gave the order to microsoft, disney, apple and amazon? Sure... they're all woke, but to adopt the exact same tactics to LOSE money? No, that's coercion, blackmail or fascist power.

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