I had an old boss from 10 years ago on LinkedIn who went by the name Brian Smith and suddenly I'm getting email notifications from comments about Brett Smith and I'm like ... WTF... have I been hacked? No.. 40 year old guy, married, with 2 kids, has decided he's tranny and on hormones.
You younglings...
Let me tell you the story of Dan Quayle, VP candidate who got pilloried for WEEKS in the press because he did a photo-op of running a grade school spelling bee because the kid spelled it as P-O-T-A-T-O but the spelling on the card he was reading from was P-O-T-A-T-O-E and he said the kid was wrong.
And of course the related slew of SNL and late night jokes.
Russia has not yet run out of money. But, outside the big cities, the problems of spiralling inflation, goods shortages and labour shortages, as emigration exacerbates the impact of conscription and of the diversion of manpower to wartime production, are becoming impossible to disguise, despite the central bank’s best attempts to present the world with optimistic figures.
Conscription aside, how is that any different from the entire west at the moment?
The entire 4,600-person village of Nelson in Caerphilly – which itself was named after a pub – was flagged in a draft version of the audit.
Yes… they’re unpersoning an entire village that had nothing to do with naming the village because wrongthink. “Change the name racists and we might come visit!”
Also flagged was Gladstone’s Library in Hawarden, Flintshire, a memorial library for William Gladstone, a four-time prime minister whose father received compensation for his Caribbean investments when slavery was abolished.
But vote for Kamala…
I bought an XBox Series X (an upgrade from my Xbox One S) in the midst of Covid with the plan of doing some more gaming and... I haven't touched it in nearly 3 years now.
None of the games out there are even worth looking at.
If you had told younger self me that I'd become disenchanted with playing video games...
Good lord, check in their PANTS! If they EVER had a wang, they're a DUDE!
You people are freaking, insanely, RETARDED.
If you CAN'T tell what a woman is then you cannot have separate divisions! And yet... YOU DO! But you say you can't tell?!
So we’re back to women are defenseless, helpless creatures again?
I thought women were Mary-sues who were bigger and stronger than all men and saying otherwise is a hateful stereotype? (Except when it’s politically expedient)
Name and age are different - 2 kids and goin' tranny well past child bearing age? True.