ooo - then again... Prop Gun Fired by Alec Baldwin Contained Live Bullet, Says IATSE Local 44 — UPDATE
Don't get me started on Tom Bombadil...
They have a ring of unspeakable evil that they must get to Mordor to destroy but - hey - we'll just spend 4 weeks partying it down here at Tom Bombadil's place and listen to his eeenteresing stories. :P
John Ritter died of the same condition at around the same age years ago. Sometimes people die.
Not saying the mRNA vaxxes aren't causing deaths but sowing hysteria like this without any shred of evidence that the vax is involved (and the vax causes CLOTS, not aortic tears) hurts the cause and plays into the authoritarian's hands.
tl;dr - a female liking it when a male takes charge in bed = "having conservative kinks" and is contributing to the patriarchy.
Clown World extraordinaire.
The comments are a mixed bag of hope for humanity and just downright insanity.
So instead of replacing the man with a woman - they're replacing the man with a man who ... wait wait wait... let's do this Tropic Thunder style...
I'm just a dude, replacing a dude by acting like a chick to prove that chicks can break the glass ceiling for chicks starring in movies even though I'm still a dude.
But make sure you're the right shade of black!
“I love freedom” “I love Democracy”