What total, utter, unmitigated, BS.
So, like, Predator, is, like, all about tacticool and
9/11Capital Insurrection,George W. BushDonald Trump Patriarchy, colonialism, evil America,racist (oops, black guy in the movies can't play that card)allegory for our times. I. m. smrt.
No you stupid twit - Predator was, and is, a leftist allegory for America's follies in Vietnam. They SAID SO AT THE TIME. Aliens was, too. THAT'S why the "gay leftist poet" wrote the novelization (and was probably getting off on the men).
The sheer, utter, idiocracy of this piece and this stupid twit who still hasn't grown up and probably goes to male bonding weekend camping trips to 'discover' his masculinity which he wants to abandon anyway and will NEVER understand the horrors and the sacrifices made by the men in Vietnam for American corporatism continued to be played out TODAY. (missing the point for the trees). Probably doesn't even know of the existence of the movie Born on the 4th of July, either.
God I hate this timeline.
Nope - It's up to the party bosses to vet their candidates but state laws and policies (the primary system and open primaries) in general have tended to destroy the concept of the party so everything's interchangeable.
There's no reason die hard conservatives could do the same to the DNC.
Oh, please - it’s “muh conservatives”
Many in the adult entertainment industry have speculated that conservative anti-porn organizations like the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (formerly Morality In Media) and Exodus Cry have been putting political pressure on companies to cut off financial resources for adult performers.
BS - This is coming from the leftists. Anybody remember Obama’s consumer financial protection bureau? Don’t you think the CFPB would be right on top of protecting these accounts? Nope - this is what the CFPB endorses. Social control through banking.
Analpundit was never conservative and this got borne out during the Obama years.
At best he’s a centrist who got temporarily red pulled after 9/11 but rapidly turned back when W mucked things up and Obama came along (not unlike little green footballs blog)
For me it was when Obama came into office that I noticed Analpundits changes and that he was effectively a poser. Obama could do no wrong - things that he attacked W for got a pass with Obama (or even praised) and speaking Ill of Obama or pointing out atheist fallacies was verboten on the Hot Air blog.
When Biden says he works with Republicans he’s talking about Analpundit.
What Trump did was put a glaring spotlight on all of this and much of the GOPe and how far out of touch they were. I had readily expected Jeb Jeb to adopt some of Trumps talking points during the primaries of 2016 as Trump was talking plainly about immigration issues and how the government was more concerned about helping other nations than our own people. Sure, the rhetoric was strong and harsh but the underlying ideas were correct for what the GOP claimed to stand for (and the DNC for that matter)
What shocked me was the complete rejection by Jeb Jeb and actually defending open borders and spending more money on other nations and the bureaucratic state. He couldn’t even lie about it to get the nomination - he just outright rejected it!
Analpundit did the same thing - orange man bad even if he’s saying what I said for the past 8 years.
This is a "forum" and all of us are hiding behind personas. While there's some overlap social media is a different thing.
"Social Media" is a place where you post what you ate, selfies and publish your life and do a whole lot of virtue signaling. It's tied to 'you'. That's why I don't do social media as I have no desire to publish my life (and it has ostracized me somewhat). I do have a linkedin account for purely professional reasons and I'm constantly amazed at what a cesspool it's become and how people will just spew their idiocy on there as if that isn't going to affect their employability.
They’re doing it supposedly to save water. Coz there’s a drought hurr durr. Never mind the fact that the large outdoor swimming pool is still in full use. Never mind the fact that REAL grass is a carbon sink and removes it from the atmosphere while Astroturf doesnt and also reflects the heat from the sun.
No - I’m sure this is a cost cutting move by Disney to reduce labor and maintenance costs but it sure is a feel good story to sell to stupid leftists.
Worse - this is a racist insult being trumpeted by white leftists who’ve been brainwashed to think they’re “ally’s”
It implies that they didn’t get there by their skills but because they overcame their RACE’ inherit traits?!
(Because they both came from wealthy families)
In that decision we must always remember as council we’re not the ‘Thought Police.’ We are not the ones that ban books,” said Mayor Walter Sendzik.
“It’s not our decision, even though it’s our facilities. But if we can have a policy, those who are making the choices for selection, they’ll be able to look at it and say, ‘Here’s what’s best for our community moving forward.
WeRe NoT tHe ThOuGhT pOlIcE. We DoNt BaN BoOks We JuSt DeNy PlAtFoRmS
She's upset that this white woman is having fun and being carefree because this black woman ISN'T (and can't be, because that's what she's been told for the past 3 years)
She, literally, doesn't understand what she's saying. She's linking words and phrases together to emote her feelings and thinking she's making a cognizant argument (like those big talking folks on CNN do) when she's just linking metaphors.
Shaka, when the walls fell, ok child? do Better!
I've since found the context for this. I gather there was a Tik Tok trend started by a black man "frolicking" through a grassy field which caused other black men and women to follow suit.
Going back to my observations above - I understand the source of her objections now but I think this ultimately confirms my viewpoint. She's talking metaphor!
Tell me you don't actually believe this.
I don't know - this was the first I had ever heard of it so I was doing this thing called 'research'
First mistake is assuming that the puke on Wikipedia is 'scholarly'.
Actually I don't presume it's 'scholarly' and I go in knowing it's got a leftist bent - especially in politics. What surprised me more that we've gone beyond leftist angles to outright marxist thought control and I've got the hard proof right here and not only did they defame the article and his memory with the marxist/racist 'lens' they even scrubbed the assassination story which would be 'inconvenient' to communist forces.
Thanks - that was part of the reason I was trying to do the research.
My knowledge of Patton was basically what I knew from the movie and a few historical stories bandied about and the whole assassination angle was new to me.
At face value though I don't see how they could've assassinated him with the car other than it being an accident. is the theory that they beat him up and made up the car story? (The original wiki article has the curious blurb that only his wife was allowed to see him for the 2 weeks as he lay dying - you'd think he would've at least told her?) EDIT: Nevermind, I see from another post that he was recovering from the wreck when he died of a heart problem while in the hospital... convenient.
They said the same thing about W Bush too.