Yes. By necessity as the insurance had to cover hundreds if not thousands of new conditions and the Obamacare law also restructured how medical insurance was calculated and paid out (EG it couldn't be a major profit center) The whole point of it was to make private medicine very difficult and messy to navigate so that they could race in and "save us" again by "simplifying" it all with a universal system... created of course by these same people.
To that end the actual costs and charges are BURIED so that it's very difficult to crack the money flow and actual costs.
That's by design.
Note Trump and the GOP had passed the law that said all medical practices and charges had to be listed up front by the hospitals.
As soon as Biden got in that regulation was suspended and I believe the law got repealed... curious that...
Skip the headline - Read the article carefully...
It bypasses our immune THERAPIES like the monocloidal treatment
Then it goes on to say -
That’s the bad news. The good news is that the new “bivalent” vaccine boosters from Pfizer and Moderna seem to work just fine against XBB, even though the original vaccines are less effective against XBB. They won’t prevent all infections and reinfections, but they should significantly reduce the chance of severe infection potentially leading to hospitalization or death. “Even with immune-evasive variants, vaccine protection against what matters most—severe disease—remains intact,” Adalja said.
Really... REALLY...
What do the mRNA vaccines do? Train our immune system to recognize bad viruses like Covid-19 Big Brother!
What does this variant do? The Ministry of Truth says its an immune-evasive variant!
But somehow the brand spanking new combo flu AND Covid vaccines work just fine?! (But the bad old Covid vaccines you've been boosted for 5 times do NOT - nor does your natural immunity)
B. to the S.
The cake is a lie and this article is just Pfizer marketing. Our immune systems are fine.
It's not the SAME you dolts.
Trump was on a slick surface with leather soled shoes which, as anyone who wears more than crocs or tennis shoes in their lives can attest to, can be a perilous situation, especially for the elderly. But Trump's mental facilities were all there. (Now you can argue whether or not he was a madman or had the proper personality to be in that position but tough, sometimes elections have consequences!)
Biden is demented and brain-damaged. Fetterman is brain-damaged.
Neither man is capable of understanding intellectual debates (which Fetterman would need to be on the floor of the Senate) let alone making complex intellectual decisions.
Would this Atlantic writer feel ableist getting on his favorite public transportation bus with a BLIND driver?
It was then that scientists started to divide the world up into groupings of colour. Colour denoted civilisation. At the top were white Europeans, at the bottom black people and all others, graded on a sliding scale. Keevak says Asians — including the Chinese and Japanese — began to "darken".
What, unmitigated, moronic and outright WRONG - BULLSHIT.
“CoLoUr” never, ever denoted the civilizations and the west never, EVER based it upon people’s “color” (let alone considered China, “white” but on their respective NATIONS.
I suspect this moron gets his beliefs because western painters painted the Chinese as white and Japanese as yellow (but using the same slant eyes) because Chinamen were inlanders and Japanese were tan ISLANDERS.
Of course this moron conveniently ignores the very real racism between the Irish, English, moors and the French!
Yes - The Opium Wars were very real. So’s the Ukrainian Wars and both are just as corrupt.
Deep state infighting. As soon as Bush announced his intentions to invade Iraq because of yellow cake there was an almost immediate push back from Democrat intel and propaganda proclaiming it was all a lie and this led directly to the whole code pink protesting groups (who quickly disappeared once Obama was elected and KEPT us fighting in Iraq)
if Bush and Cheney were so head strong about it and fabricating reasons (ala Putin) then why did Hillary give her blessing for it?
This is an absolute violation of the first amendment and those who set that up - if not the entirety of the DHS must be held accountable and punished.