What perplexes me is that even when they do genderswap/tranny-ize the characters they don't tell good stories, which one would think would be the whole point of "uplifiting" the minority representation. No, instead they woke-ize the entire plot and make the story dumb and stupid which then reflects on the same minority representation and seemingly confirms the stereotypes.
Therefore - "uplifting the minority representation" cannot be the goal of this near world-wide effort.
Pushing woke-ideology messaging? Maybe? But again it's stupid and the stories are lame and merely hurt that message too. So it can't be the goal either.
All that remains is cultural destruction and trying to block anyone from rallying together in a shared vision...
hmm... preventing populism... That might be the goal...
Honestly - they should “white-ize” that story with an all white cast, change the names and locations but otherwise leave it historically accurate.
Once the movie is promoted heavily by progressives (and it will) THEN drop the bomb on who it was based on.
So much diversity. On the one hand the nutty leftists say that we need more race/sex/cripple/oppressedminoritydujour representation in stories. But then, to a t, they don't write stories for the respective race/sex/cripple/oppressedminoritydujour cultures... They just take old stories and wear them as skin suits which is just another form of subjugation. "You guys aren't good enough to have your own stories but we'll be magnanimous and give you these hand me down white stories..." At least Norman Lear wrote The Jeffersons and Good Times and Sandford and Son...
The romantic spy couple trope is one of the oldest stories in the biz - they couldn't write NEW characters?
I'm still vacillating between mass hysteria and intentional cultural destruction being the reason for all this.
The fight for smoking, like drinking (and to a lesser extent dietary control - fat, sugar, etc) is part of social control and almost always has been.
People knew it was bad in the 50s when it was advertised heavily on tv (do a search on YouTube for flintstones Winston cigarette ads).
That the same people telling you itobacco is evil and should be eradicated from existence are the same people demanding smoking pot be legalized and how helpful it is should tell ya something. It’s not about the science.
While I’m sure there’s a moral/ethical component to some anti-smoking campaigns, I suspect it’s always been more about being an attack on the Tobacco companies who were quite powerful at one time. Same as Code Pink (which disappeared when Obama took office and kept increasing war attacks and then opposed Trump… who actually pulled back on the wars.)
This might have something to do with it - https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/QDczBduZorG4dxZiW/sam-altman-s-sister-annie-altman-claims-sam-has-severely
I know there’s a lot of discussion that this is preparing the US to fight for Israel but I think this is a sign that the west (specifically the leftists) are going to ally with the Muslims and go all in on Palestine.
And golly we can’t have Osamas words out there about why he hated the west coz he’s gonna be from a group who’s our ally now.
And DeSantis is permanently off my list.
Anybody that plays by the Democrats' unconstitutional rules is no leader in my book.