Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

“I would never pants you, m’lady”

  • puts fedora on.
Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0

You own your own likeness. It's like you became a gazillionaire for some reason and then people started using your likeness for get rich quick products. They don't have a right to use your likeness to hawk their wares without your permission.

This isn't like you're out in public and somebody snaps your pic along with other crowd people and advertises THAT. That's fair use. It's intentionally just using your singular likeness.

MyPillow introduces the weezkitty pillow. For when you need some lucky money, weezkitty pillows fill that need!

That's illegal (unless you gave permission, got paid for it! :D )

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

When Obama was first elected there was an initial flurry of some stores changing their name to Obama and advertising slogans using Obama in their campaigns to get in on the hype that were all shut down. I don’t know if that came from the secret service of a c&d from the office of the President himself or just a request from the White House.

It does fall under basic law that you can’t use a public figures likeness for advertising/branding without their permission. But I don’t see why the secret service would be tasked with enforcing it.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can hear the sneering dripping from their words.

you stupid peasants

Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

He was fired on June 31?

The only way they would’ve been able to see the email is if he was running his personal email app on his work computer and it downloaded the message or he read the message on web browser.

Either was stupid.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Goes hand in hand with kids calling their parents by their first name

Skywise 12 points ago +12 / -0

It’s wife and husband.

Thank you.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been trying to find the original series but can only see the remake on Amazon - have they ever republished or is it Jack Sparrow time?

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m hearing mixed statements on this,

That the appeal can’t happen until the sentencing takes place.

That the appeals process can start right away…

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only gay actors can play gay roles. We need more gay characters.

Only black actors can play black roles. We need more black characters.

We can't show little people on the screen - that demeans little people.

I... I can't even... the pure NPC mindlessness of these retards.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Really? In my day being clockable meant you were one to get punched in the face. As in "Getting his face clocked."

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

How’d they get arrested? Investigation? Raid? Car stop?

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good Lord… they probably had dozens of sensitivity reviewers on that thing along with a woke writing squad and they STILL couldn’t get it into perfect conformity.

Skywise 9 points ago +9 / -0

It’s why I bought a NAS and started expanding my blu-ray collection with a plex server. The way things are going it’s a matter of when, not if, they’ll start blatantly censoring everything for wrong think.

Skywise 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yeah - one of my eye openers to history was reading Winston Churchill’s “A History of English Speaking Peoples” - lots of stuff there that gets buried in modern narrative world.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0


Saw the same thing in the 00s with tech journals. Before that it was all about techniques and theory and then there was this creeping politicism into the journals where it was all about the people and feelings and then racial justice. We have a very controlled media industrial complex, communist in nature, which is driving narratives and division.

Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0

So… blue cities pay to install shotspotter so they can claim they’re “doing something about crime” while simultaneously cutting funds to police and other civil services so they can funnel money to their political social groups.

Blue cities get push back from black social groups because it makes people notice crime more and that makes black pipo look bad and actually demand better policing and more civil services(never mind the fact that most of these areas are super racially diverse with minorities and illegal immigrants) so blue cities, instead of increasing policing, remove the shotspotter to “solve the problem”

Blue cities sue shotspotter for not informing them how racist they were and use it to open up a new line of funds to funnel to their social groups.

Skywise 13 points ago +13 / -0

So it came as rather a shock when, in several 2012 papers in Nature, he and the rest of the ENCODE team reported that at one time or another, at least 75 percent of the genome gets transcribed into RNAs. The ENCODE work, using techniques that could map RNA activity happening along genome sections, had begun in 2003 and came up with preliminary results in 2007. But not until five years later did the extent of all this transcription become clear. If only 1 to 2 percent of this RNA was encoding proteins, what was the rest for? Some of it, scientists knew, carried out crucial tasks such as turning genes on or off; a lot of the other functions had yet to be pinned down. Still, no one had imagined that three quarters of our DNA turns into RNA, let alone that so much of it could do anything useful.

tl;dr - We injected the world with mRNA, hacking at biology, using incomplete knowledge that was not only misunderstood - it may have been outright WRONG.

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