SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

I mean that's just personal taste then, I find the white Asians to be generally attractive.

The yellow junglers that sling spears and have monkey toes for tree climbing, not so much.

SendTomBoys 22 points ago +22 / -0

It's the live enactment of the "my enemies are ontologically evil therefore any actions taken against them are justified" meme.

They are The Good Guys, so if you disagree with The Good Guys, you must be evil.

And that's why leftoids are actually evil. The "no bad tactics, only bad targets" approach they have shows a deep psychosis/sociopathic mass hysteria event they've been goaded into.

I think they're evil, but I don't want to murder or rape or harm them. They need to be banished.

SendTomBoys 29 points ago +30 / -1

He's attacking your beliefs because you're being a fucking faggot.

deleted 8 points ago +11 / -3
SendTomBoys 18 points ago +18 / -0

Leftoid doublespeak at every turn.

You can look up billionaire spending on elections and see that nearly double the amount fo Billionaires supported Biden against Trump in 2020.

These same leftoids will gleefully call Conservatives poor hillbilly schmucks and point and giggle that California has all the money in the USA.

They also love to to shit and giggle about how it's a lot more leftoids with college degrees, which they associate with having lots of money.

Fucking subhuman lying rats.

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good that nigger lover navy faggot got what he deserved.

Fucking faggot was prolly flexing to all the dirty commie whores there that he's "prior military" and "can handle himself in a fight".

Good riddance to the scum he put down and thank God he's free

SendTomBoys 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's so funny that the Joos keep doing it to themselves. It's like they've never heard of the Streisand Effect.

I notice 10x more than I used to ever since October 7th 2023 because of the absolute raving lunacy of basically every Jew that has a voice to speak. They act fucking nuts.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not active enough here to know all the lore, but why the fuck does there appear to only be one mod? Who the fuck can give mod status? This is retarded, every time I browse here for 15 minutes I see handfuls of pedo-trolls, Joo Shills, and other assorted retards who are clearly just here to be shit stirrers.

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just got banned on KiA over at Reddit for calling out all the dumbfuck blacks and their white lovers, and all the tourist trolls, crying about everyone being "mean" in regards to this situation.

Of course the faggot mods wont ban the faggot tourists popping in just to start shit and call everyone who thinks this is retarded a racist, but when you call them a retarded shitbag troller you get the boot.

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

It could've played like Syndicate too, which wasn't their best showing by any means but I did like the way they actually incorporated the female into the role by having her play style be different from her brother. It was cool to be able to tackle missions differently depending on who you picked.

Given the role of Kunoichi irl it would've been cool to play the male as a samurai and the Kunoichi as a classic assassin. I really appreciated the girl from the AC Liberation game, her ability to put on outfits and blend in as the help, or as an aristocrat.

Playing the Kunoichi and disguising as a geisha to poison a targets drink, or as a clothes washer to gain back entrance to an estate, things like that. Much more classic assassin gameplay.

And of course, play the samurai for the fast and loud segments.

SendTomBoys 10 points ago +10 / -0

No, the tranny and the milk dud are still in the game.

Also, literally any female in any spec ops combat role. All fake horseshit.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro I honestly can't tell with you. At least the other accounts are obvious trolling shills, you're playing the game so well I can't tell if its mental illness or troll

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

The average, untrained (non religious, non conservative) woman loves the idea of rape and abuse and being treated like dogshit.

They just think you can get that in a man who can turn it on and off like a light switch.

So they end up with scumbag subhumans who unfailingly beat and rape them outside of times they ask for it, and then suddenly its "all men are trash, every man is a potential rapist, I'd choose the bear" because these dumb untrained bitches can't be trusted to make any executive decisions.

God I sound like Imp but he's not wrong about most of it, just the absolute raving, frothing insanity he takes it to.

SendTomBoys 10 points ago +10 / -0

They'll do that shit in broad daylight in front of the camera and the Joo Shills here will still think they're clever enough to gaslight people into believing the joos control nothing.

SendTomBoys 20 points ago +20 / -0

Sounds kind of like Bungie.

I keep telling everyone that the people who made Halo and the OG Destiny are long fired or retired.

They've been completely infested by incompetent faggot commies and no matter how much more time and money they have to put into the game, it'll never been good.

SendTomBoys 20 points ago +20 / -0

Every podcast I watch has the world's most loyal listeners, and it's the people who clearly hate them the most and would love to commit a violent crime against the host and their guests.

It's actually insane, how insane you have to be to give your time DAILY to watching something you clearly hate with your whole being.

I hate CNN and Bill Maher and faggots and leftoids. What I DON'T do, is spend daily time watching them and consuming their content and then scream at them in their comments.

Sure, I get on here a few times a day for a few minutes at a time to make some comments and blow some steam, but I don't obsess over any of this. The reality is, I barely ever check to see if I get any replies because I don't care. I said what I felt in the moment and I forget about it once I leave.

SendTomBoys -12 points ago +3 / -15

Lmao stfu moron you people voted for the scum

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lmao and I was just saying some nice shit about Candass the other day. Good to know she joined that grifting sand nigger Penis Biter Daniels and his crew of simpering sycophantic retards.

SendTomBoys -4 points ago +6 / -10

Lmao shut the fuck up retard.

You have to be a brainlet rat-clawed fuckwit to think "heh support the head chopping zealot kiddie fuckers to own Le Jooden".

Mud slime subhumans aren't your friend or anyone else's.

Fuck sand niggers of every genre.

The only correct answer is "let the sand niggers destroy each other".

SendTomBoys 8 points ago +8 / -0

For someone who thinks they know a lot about the franchise it's funny that you don't even know how they filmed the movies.

Both trilogies were filmed back to back over about 18 months.

SendTomBoys 26 points ago +27 / -1

Stfu joo faggot nobody likes or wants foreign interference in our elections

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