SarcasticRidley 6 points ago +6 / -0

Weren't we once a nation of laws?

Laws that are selectively enforced and twisted to conform to what the establishment wants to happen.

If I do insider trading, I go to prison. If Mitch McConnell does it, nobody says a word.

Laws are just words on paper. If they aren't enforced, they are worth less than a letter to Santa Claus.

Back when the country was founded, we as a people agreed the laws were just. Now, we have states that routinely violate their own laws, not just the constitution, and we have people cheering it on as long as it hurts their political rivals.

So friends, help me out, are people in your socials circles celebrating the assassination of the CEO?

Insurance is one of the few industries that fucks over everybody equally. Everyone at every level of income has some story of an insurance company trying to fuck them over. Health insurance is especially egregious because they can, and have, killed people by denying their claims that per their own policy they say they cover.

This has been happening for decades, ever since the AMA fucked us over by creating the hospital system as it is today. Millions of people have died from preventable illness/injury death due to these insurance companies wanting a bigger profit. Everyone on this board has heard of at least 5 stories.

During the lockdown, people had to watch their loved ones die from a distance, instead of being there to hold their hand one last time. This was due to rules created by the same untouchable bureaucrats that run organizations like insurance companies.

This was honestly inevitable, and I'm more surprised it didn't happen sooner. You can't fuck over this many people and not expect some kind of pushback from somebody with nothing left to lose.

SarcasticRidley 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'll be honest, the way Trump survived the first one led to many calls of 'divine intervention'

I'm not even religious, but for that moment I was just about convinced that god saved him.

SarcasticRidley 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, aspirin messes with your kidneys but if you stay hydrated it's mostly fine.

This explains a lot.

SarcasticRidley 12 points ago +12 / -0

I've had to intervene when he physically tries to fight her.

Have you tried beating his ass hard enough to the point he doesn't dare try again?

SarcasticRidley 12 points ago +12 / -0

Every time I see the username Gizortnik, ghostfox, AntoniothemerchantofVenice, Lethn, etc. it's above a comment defending jews.

SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keir Starmar literally built his career on getting off rapists and murderers. He is a leftist to the core.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please god make more of the High Moon Transformers games. Or at least put them back on Steam.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

I care more about composition because that is what I went to school for. The subject of a photo is, well, subjective. The NatGeo photos had very uninteresting lighting and composition, and the subjects were almost always political. The Time photos on the other hand were good photographs in and of themselves for the most part, regardless of the subject.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

You could drive 6 hours in Los Angeles and still not make it out with all the traffic.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

The sand dune and the volcano were the only ones that should be "National Geographic" worthy. The rest of them are so mid even I have better photographs.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's Jewel? She doesn't even look like herself.

SarcasticRidley 23 points ago +23 / -0

I actively avoid anything to do with Star Wars. I used to be obsessed with it as a kid, but Disney has managed to make it so uncool that I didn't even bother pirating the Boba Fett show.

SarcasticRidley 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women are complex.

I used to think this when I was young. As I grew older, I saw that they are ruled by their emotions, and as such their reality is defined by their emotional state. They spend all of their time and energy trying to attract a mate and keep their competition down. They crave a man's domination and control, so they act out in increasing methods in order to get a man to put his foot down. Their lives revolve entirely around what their reproductive system demands of them.

For all their pretense and posturing that they are some kind of being more evolved than man, they really act on their base instincts like animals.

SarcasticRidley 8 points ago +8 / -0

I mean, it's your gender that's destroying thousands of years of lineage so it can prance around in a dress and invade women's showers

Uterus detected, opinion rejected.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

It could be saved if they made good shows and allowed subscriptions to individual channels rather than packages. They won't do this, and instead will try to make streaming services more like cable.

SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see a lot of lolbertarians bitching about them because "muh free market" completely forgetting that the free market only works in a level playing field. Other countries have tariffs on our exports, so that's already a moot point.

Tariffs are far more moral than taxes for the simple reason that taxation is extortion and tariffs are essentially taxes on foreign countries.

Tariffs would make things like smartphones more expensive because they rely on slave labor in China to keep costs down, but the jump in price would really serve to highlight how fucked the inflation is in America to the point that the elites couldn't really hide it anymore. The real problem isn't tariffs themselves; after all, we had those instead of taxes for a long time at the start of our country. The problem is that the mismanagement and inflation of our currency by the Fed has crippled the American poor and middle class.

The fact that our industrial strength got shipped off to China means that until we restart our manufacturing here in America, it will be more expensive for the average citizen. However, these are the consequences of our actions, which are long overdue for us to pay for. It might hurt a lot in the short term, but if we can return America to the industrial giant it once was, it will be worth it in the long term.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

The funny thing is, that's actually not out of the realm of possibility.

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