Noctuner 14 points ago +14 / -0

The facts:

  • Orange man bad.
  • Men can be women.
  • But we don't know what a woman is.
  • More people bad because climate change.
  • But more immigration good.
  • White people are all racists.
  • Black people dindu nothing.
  • Racial profiling bad.
  • But hiring people based on race for diversity reason good.
  • Diversity is when no straight white men.
  • Mean tweets bad, but sending death threats to right-wing people good.
  • Vaccine is safe and effective.
  • But doesn't prevent infection, doesn't prevent illness, and doesn't prevent death.
  • Orange man bad.
  • Government is oppressing people with systemic racism and sexism, so we need more government to regulate everything.
  • If you disagree with us, you're a homophobic transphobic racist misogynist bigot that should go straight to concentration camp for "re-education".
Noctuner 14 points ago +14 / -0

Wants to promote his culture, but hires white liberals from Montreal who knows nothing about his culture to help him. Yeah that makes sense.

Noctuner 6 points ago +6 / -0

Evaluating evidence and claims, as to first start with asking yourself questions. It's the necessary first step. You don't evaluate anything if you never ask questions, you just accept everything.

Noctuner 10 points ago +13 / -3

In my thousands of hours of PvP gaming, I've maybe met like 2 or 3 actual hackers. It was always an overblown issue. I was reported by several players once because I did the impossible thing of doing, not 1, but 2 headshots in a raw. Yes, apparently, for some players, it's impossible to just do 2 good hits in a raw, it has to be hack. Luckily the admin realised it was bullshit and nothing happened. That was like 10 years ago, now it's probably much worse.

Personally, I'm more tired of everyone going "Please add full kernel-level anti-cheat in my games I can't stand cheaters", and they even want this in cooperative games (the reason why I didn't get Helldivers 2, I was waiting for that game for a long time, until they announced they are using a kernel-level anticheat).

With cheats now using AI, and built at hardware level, even kernel-level anti-cheats are completely powerless against that. My personal wish: Bring back community servers, bring back the feeling of actually playing together with online friends and not just random people with a matchmaker that you're never going to play against in your life, and with admins kicking out whoever stirs up drama for no reason (either because he cheated, or because he's complaining everyone is hacking).

Noctuner 7 points ago +7 / -0

No one calls Stellar Blade woke, while it has one of the most badass woman in modern gaming (the game's not even out yet, but the bar is so low it's not hard at all). In fact, the woke-crowd is the one trying to get this game cancelled, while the anti-woke crowd is like "Please port to PC too".

What is woke is not having one random black guy or a woman, it's having the exact same black guy stereotype (with that haircut), or the man-jaw "strong and independent" woman. Or it's having people of a completely difference place in a setting where they don't belong at all, and without any explanation. (like having black European medieval knights or black Japanese samurai)

Noctuner 7 points ago +7 / -0

Because eclipses predictions were always accurate, sometimes to the exact minute or even second it will happen, and you can physically confirm they are right. Out of the dozens or hundreds of climate "prediction", we can physically confirm none of them has been true so far, not even close.

Correctly predicting an eclipse makes money, since people will travel far to see it and buy special glasses and such. There's no money in incorrectly predicting an eclipse, so even corrupted people will have to make correct predictions. Having someone stay healthy brings no money to the pharma industry. Having someone stay unhealthy for as long as possible, makes pharma very rich, so corrupted people have an incentive to keep people sick in any way.

Noctuner 5 points ago +5 / -0

UK killed 750 000 dogs and cats to prepare for WW2 due to possible country-wide food shortages (and that was still at the very beginning of the war, when all infrastructures were perfectly ok).

If a country is attacked from 2 opposite sides by the 2 other biggest military power in the world (both with an army size far above yours), and suffered constant bombing, local revolutions, and other small operations all over your territory to cut resources, wouldn't you expect some logistical issues too? Even the tiny war (in comparison) between Ukraine and Russia right now has impacted logistics on a multi-national level. Remember the logistic nightmare that was at the end Afghanistan war by Biden, where all countries where in panic mode to retrieve their soldiers and equipment?

Noctuner 5 points ago +5 / -0

Regarding the French version: He used "mâles" to refer to men. In French, it's purely reserved for animals of scientific talk, not day-to-day like this when referring to men. It can't really be translated, but it's basically a huge sign of disrespect, treating men as just animals acting on instinct.

Noctuner 23 points ago +23 / -0

Progressive and Christian are oxymoron. One requires you to constantly evolve your viewpoint around the modern society, the other has a fixed viewpoint based on the Word of God (that is immutable and eternal).

2nd, the idea of a pope is completely backward. No one is above or lower, the only example to follow is Jesus, not who ever is in charge of the Church.

Noctuner 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you say "it's the Pacman shape", everyone knows what you're talking about. He's also so simple anyone can draw him.

Noctuner 3 points ago +3 / -0

That list has to be a troll of some kind. Lara #1, Agent 47 #3, Sackboy #5, 2 characters from BG3, Ellie from Last of Us but not Joel.

the poll was engaged with by over 4,000 players from all over the world.

Since they wanted the most iconic video games characters ever, it would have made more sense to choose non-gamers, and just ask them "Can you name this video game character?".

Noctuner 25 points ago +25 / -0

Ah yes, the classic "Hide behind fake death threats".

Also, I speak French. There's no "pretending to not understand the original text", it can't be interpreted in any other way than what it was and what everyone interpreted it as. The Google translation was just fine.

It's re-inforced by the fact that the 1st and 2nd edit doesn't mean anything in actual French. I get what they mean, but the sentence should be something like "Par quelqu'un qui, on croirait, n'a jamais vu de femme". Is IGN France even written by a French? I wonder at this point.

Noctuner 7 points ago +7 / -0

We welcome constructive dialogue and feedback

Blocks everyone who disagrees with them

Noctuner 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ok, so I guess they won't have a problem if we make children read the Bible and pray to God then? It won't make them Christians, so it's fine, right? Right? It's just about "helping them learn about the world around them"

Noctuner 7 points ago +7 / -0

I guess genes can have some influence on it, at least indirectly. But by far what seemed to be the biggest impact was the musical surrounding and transfer of experience. If you were taught by the best composers in the world, and if you happen to have a little bit of musical talent on top, it's just very likely you'll eventually become a very successful composer if you put some work into it.

Mozart was taught almost everything by his father, who was an excellent musician (composing maybe not so much) and initiated him with stuff like Bach. Mozart and Beethoven met many times and it's likely Mozart gave him some lessons as well. Beethoven was also a student of Haydn (another very big composer), then Beethoven was Czerny's teacher, which was in turn Liszt's teacher (maybe the most famous pianist in history)... The more you dig into it, the more links you find between the most renown musicians / composers.

Noctuner 5 points ago +5 / -0

The last time I saw an ad with only white people, was that "Please consider killing yourself" ad from Canada.

Noctuner 20 points ago +20 / -0

Somebody has to figure out a way to get kids off the internet.

You mean, like simply not giving them a smartphone? By simply controlling what your kids are doing, just like how humanity has done it for thousands of years, until the last 20 years or so when parents started to rely on technology to do the "parenting"?

Noctuner 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once again, we seems to be hemorrhaging basic features. A thing that vast majority of games had in history, even the bad ones, is now missing on a $70 AAA game from one of the biggest developer in the world (being able to start a fresh new game). What's the excuse this time?

Noctuner 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's really funny seeing how many African countries are against LGBT, most of them punishable with prison or even death. What's the woke answer to that? I thought black people were the best and most tolerant people on Earth and can never do anything wrong?

Noctuner 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shouldn't Titanfall 2 has a similar exploit then? It's also based on Source, possibly an even older version.

Noctuner 12 points ago +12 / -0

"Water" is offensive, please say "Dihydrogen monoxide" or you're an aquaphobe-enabler.

"Train" is offensive, please say "On-rail motorised vehicle" or you're a mechanical bigot.

should be avoided because they are "frequently used by anti-LGBTQ activists to denigrate LGBTQ people, couples, and relationships."

Oh, it's that easy? All we have to do is use the word, and you'll stop using it and find a replacement for it? Good to know you're as weak and desperate as we thought you were.

Noctuner 5 points ago +5 / -0

Man I didn't know about that, took a peek just to see how bad it was. I wonder what's worst, the fact that the dev paid someone just to have this crap written than anyone could have made for free as a joke, or the fact that someone was paid to write this, and it's the best they could come up with.

Noctuner 1 point ago +2 / -1

I never understood why people here (or from the right in general) seems to like AI.

  1. It's going to cause a massive competency crisis when its popular. You think DEI is bad? Wait until everyone is dependent of AI for absolutely everything. People will progressively lose the ability to make any choice, develop their own thoughts, and will just follow AI's orders. I'm not opening that door, ever, even if it simplifies my day-to-day life.

  2. Cheap stuff is almost always the worst stuff. Mass processed food is by far many times worst than naturally grown food, even though it's many times easier to make and in big quantities. AI will be the same, sure you'll have more images than ever, but say good bye to any form of arts with actual thoughts put behind it. Instead, it will just be a bunch of stuff duct-taped together as quickly as possible.

  3. Enjoy your loss of control. Sure, there are programs that are free for now, but the moment AI will be big enough to pose a serious threat to most industries, and thus, most money-making opportunities, say good bye to any free projects, just like how it happened with many other free and open source softwares. That, and AI will get exponentially harder to create and maintain just like any tech, to the point only giant companies will actually be able to invest and maintain it.

At least don't lie to yourself. You're not a mathematician because you're using a calculator to do "sin(45)", and you're not an artist because you used AI to draw some random pictures.

Noctuner 1 point ago +2 / -1

An eletric mixer doesn't bake your cake in an instant, you still did the actual work, only with less physical labour.

Noctuner 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you focus on improving yourself, you also improve everything around you. When you focus on destroying yourself, you destroy everything around you.

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