Somewhat related since they claim it is about “health” and “curing cancer,” but I think it is time to admit that cancer awareness and accompanying charities are some of the biggest scams of all time. These things are complex, but we haven’t even come close to developing a new way of curing cancer. In the 80+ years since chemotherapy was created, progress has been minimal. Sure, survival rates have improved, but it is still pretty deadly. You can argue that maybe big pharma has been blocking cancer cures, and maybe that could be the case, but where has the billions upon billions accrued for cancer research gone besides lining the pockets of these charity organizations? The worst part is that it is considered taboo to even ask how the money has been spent.
It gives lip service to Asians, which apparently is enough for them. Democrats could send Asians to internment camps (again) and they would still vote for Democrats. That’s how entrenched the “Democrats are the good guys” narrative is in America.
I looked at Neogaf more often starting back in 2019, where it was relatively neutral, but I definitely noticed that it became more and more left over time, though The Last of Us Part 2 was where it became REALLY infected with SJWs, and where so many more people started attacking and insulting those who did not like far-left shit in games.
Bingo. Our medical advances are fantastic, but also allow the worst traits to be passed on since we are now able to "treat" those with severe genetic medical conditions. I knew a guy whose skin was constantly peeling off. He is now married and will most likely have children. He is passing on his genes to his children with a significant risk of his wife bearing children with these same medical conditions.
It's insensitive to say, but one has to wonder how "humane" it is for people with debilitating medical conditions to have children knowing full well that those children may very well be born with or develop those same genetic defects. Is it an act of selfishness for them to create a child that may not be able to experience life to the fullest because of those genetic defects and may require constant use of modern medicine to live a stable life?
We can go round and round about the hypocrisy of the left on China, especially when China is at the forefront of destroying the environment with their pollution and the fact that they send their fishing vessels all over the world, invading international waters to overfish and destroy the ecosystems. Leftists don't care though, because it doesn't make the West look bad. They will ignore everything China does out of spite and greed.
Part of me wonders whether it would actually be that much worse if China took over. Would living in even worse censorship and second-class citizenship be worth it if the black community was put in its place by our Chinese overlords? It's a tradeoff that becomes more and more appealing by the day. The West is witnessing Anarcho-Tyranny fueled by the egos of the silent generation and boomers (and older gen x'ers) who want nothing more than to relive the civil rights era in perpetuity.
The Proud Boys originally existed to represent what Gavin McInnes thought was masculinity, except Gavin is a massive grifter faggot and pathetic Gen X'er desperately trying to convince everyone that he is cool.
Look at this initiation ritual for the proud boys Gavin created (I apologize for using this channel, but it is the most concise video of the ritual he created). It was all a publicity stunt to him, and once the proud boys were getting too much negative attention, he bailed.
All that is left of the proud boys are those who still foolishly believe that the police is on their side and those who deny the reality of how bad the state and the corporations have become corrupted by leftism.
1% isn’t necessarily going to deter the Chinese from buying property, and I’m not convinced that Canada is actually going to enforce that law/bother to actually check whether someone is residing in a property or not.
I recommend looking up the circumstances around some of the laws passed, such as the law that allows prisoners to be sent out of HK into mainland China. Basically politicians who would have voted against the bill were locked out of the room while the voting took place.
So like the end of Idiocracy where everyone starts believing him when a live feed of the plants growing was shown, except in real life, the people would try to make up a different reason for why the plants started growing rather than accepting the truth.
Something is not right here. The media hasn’t been focusing on the fact that the shooter was white, and I don’t understand why... They are trying to stoke the flames by implying that it was a hate crime against Sikhs because 4 of the victims happened to be Sikh, but the identity is not being shoved in our faces relentlessly. I wonder if this is another suspicious incident like the Las Vegas shooting...
Well, yeah. Towers to climb to expand the view of the map, hundreds of collectibles with relatively little reward, primarily fetch quest side missions with very little to compel the player in terms of story or character in said side missions. It’s a good game, but it is hardly a reinvention of the genre like many have claimed.
Make no mistake, this isn't about fear, Nancy Pelosi isn't supporting the bill because it is too narrow. If court-packing is to be voted, she wants it to be because the Republicans will look significantly worse by rejecting it. Right now, there is no threat to Republicans by rejecting the bill. Instead, she wants court-packing to be included in something like the US budget or in some kind of economic aid package. That way, Pelosi and the media can fully ignore the objections of Republicans and just claim that Republicans "don't care about the people."
What blows my mind is that even if Democrats are caught in the election rigging, nothing will be reversed and Joe Biden will remain President. What kind of society do we live in where we just shrug and say “oh well, better luck next time” when the “winning” politician cheated?