Good riddance
What's the fucking point this dude could take no pay at all for the remainder of his time there and still have billions leftover in his bank account
Forever projecting
It took two women to do a single man's job and i bet they couldn't even do it
Fine by me i only drink coffee
Everybody is racist it's human nature
My job is probably worse for my health then some plastic burgers so I'm gonna keep eating them cause i don't care and can't gain weight anyway
If i made new year's resolutions on Twitter that say the same shit but about women i would be called an incel and banned
Oh fuck off it's comedy everybody is fair game
I'm surprised the hamplanet or the darkie wasn't first for the women's vote
Stop lumping satanists in with these retards. I know alot of satanists and they are more based then most people here
This guy are sick
My head is swimming
Same here i thought they were just weird dudes that dress like woman which they are and i only ever seen fake ones in movies as a kid
Why the fuck are they still calling her a whistleblower she didn't blow shit except for some dongs probably
What's even the fucking point like what does it add to the game that this character that's obviously a female is non-binary
I hate all people so I would say dogs suffering is worse then people dying
I don't know who he is but I could already tell he was a pedo just by looking at him
I doubt it cause every time i go on Twitter it's all furries and trannies
Is it really a prop gun anymore after you kill someone with it
What a very punchable face
Why can't they do bloodborne it seems like they only do ports of their garbage exclusives
Ugh who would pay to see this porker naked