It's always the same result when you ask them what they mean by whatever -ism they've just used. They don't even know themselves. They're just regurgitating random buzzwords that get repeated over and over until they lose any meaning.
Like that apple-eating Canadian conservative who completely short-circuited a journo by asking him what he means with his various buzzwords.
Somehow literal rape with drugging the victim was OK in that other progressive Sci-Fi series, too. Forgot the name. The one that's basically a Star Trek rip-off and has that nonsense gender-tranny-all-male gay species.
her audience seems primarily made up of young women who are excited by the fashion content
Yea .. no.
These women are there to virtue signal how tolerant, accepting and progressive they are by complimenting someone grossly unattractive. They're patting themselves on the back at her expense. It's just the usual performative narcissism.
Wait till you hear that they started introducing "high-def only for premium users".
Yea, that's a thing now. Not sidewide but I've seen at least one video where "high-bitrate 1080p" was premium-only.
Shit's circling down the drain hard these days on Youtube.
Actually it sounds like the opposite.
The frontpage has always been chock full of propaganda channels that they push. Fun fact: here in Germany (probably all of Europe and I think Canada enacted a similar law) they even have to push state-run media channels by law.
The recommendations in the sidebar have always been more in line with what you actually watch (although on rare occasions they still sneak some late night propagandist in there).
I remember another case a few years back where a female German far-left politician got raped by a migrant. She either refused to report it or when she reported it she refused to give any description of the rapist.
Supplements are a massive industry. Some of them are good. Some of them are massive, sketchy rip-offs.
Tons of people are peddling them. From commentators to gaming channels (yea, those "gaming drinks" are supplements, too).
I don't generally have a problem with them except the ones that just feel too snake-oily. Personally I take a few myself. Although I stick to basic stuff like Vitamin D, C and the like. Stuff that doesn't promise to give me the ability to fly and see through time.
Well, that's kinda unspecific.
I watch these guys regularly: (hobbyist machinist with a sense of humor and great production values) (who doesn't know this guy?) (makes pop culture sculptures out of clay) (this guy makes dioramas) (watching a wood turner is also surprisingly entertaining) (educational and funny videos about animals) (makes knives out of food) (some based guy doing shit with guns)
Or if it has to be animation:
AFAIK the EU retards just passed a right to repair law that includes clothing.
Of course it wouldn't be the EU if they hadn't managed to subvert a good idea and replace it with ideological eco bullshit.
So instead of a "right to repair" we get a "nightmare bureaucracy that is completely detached from reality and makes everything more expensive".
Governments are hoping to get another pandemic. Not only is the US presidential election next year but also a EU-wide election for parliament, too.
Mail-in votes are the best way to stop the wrong parties from getting too many votes.
You don't know the half of it. Poland is well and truly fucked.
Their new leftist government is going full EU-fascist regime.