In the quoted tweets she actually just rants against Jews, not Whites. On the contrary really. She even mentions that Russian deaths outnumber Jews but we never talk about them.
It sounds like the Daily Mail is conflating White and Jewish for their narrative.
Odysee cucked out. Here in Germany I get:
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Ah, these are the guys who made Heimat Defender ( A game so spicy the German government censored it because enemies were leftists.
Oh god I love this Wikipedia article:
It's full of knee slappers:
was a Spanish court jester
her appearance serving as a source of shock and amusement
So fascinated was the king by her appearance that he had his court painter ... create two full-body portraits of her
The paintings are titled The Monster
She wouldn't look out of place in modern day Western societies :D
Football clubs in Europe are regime organizations. They exist to provide bread & games & propaganda.