Stock values always plummet when something like this happens but they recover, too.
Has anyone ever had to face consequences when something like this has happened? IIRC there have been similar updates that broke stuff on a large scale with Windows. There have also been large scale outages because some service that everyone and their grandmother uses went down. Don't remember any major consequences.
Airlines will be stuck with the bills depending on jurisdiction where they have to reimburse travelers even if it's not their fault. Other than that, nobody is going to talk about it in a week.
Except Presler does more for the right than the meme posters who are too lazy to get off their asses and phones and who convince themselves "they're preparing for shit to hit the fan" even though by then everything will be too late.
I think it's actually the first. In her argument the judge wrote that Smith's appointment is unconstitutional which is what Judge Thomas wrote in his Supreme Court opinion. And unlike the NY judges she has been pretty reasonable throughout the case.
I've seen a couple of Hydes but they didn't get much traction. I guess people moved on because he's too well known by now.
There's was one X post that used some chubby guy with a beanie and beard. They claimed it was the shooter and that he was Antifa. That one got a lot of attention early on. No idea who the guy actually was, though.
There are literally videos of the crowd taking cover, multiple shots being fired and armed security rushing on the stage:
This is allegedly the body of the shooter being dragged off: (edit2: that's likely a victim, as reports seem to indicate the shooter was on a nearby roof)
Edit 3: This might be the shooter's body on a nearby roof, according to Newsmax:
Whenever these neo-fascists talk about "democracy" the next thing out of their corrupt mouths is censorship, banning people/parties/opinions they don't like and increasingly dystopian measures to ensure nobody can question their rule or challenge their power.