The judiciary in Europe has to be purged of leftists. When unelected activists dictate what can be said or done by elected representatives, that's not democracy.
They've given the principle lip service since the first French revolution, when they were also ignoring that same principle whenever it got in the way of chopping heads off. Post-enlightenment Europe never really took it seriously like we or the ancient Athenians did. They have rights on paper, but it tends not to end well when they try to exercise them.
It's crazy how forward thinking the founding fathers were. Yes they were not perfect and should have phrased a few things differently, but what powerful statement of faith in the people the American constitution is.
They have rights on paper, but it tends not to end well when they try to exercise them.
They don't really have anything equivalent to the first amendment.
Most European born simply don't understand that. For them, it's normal to put someone in jail because one said something "islamophobic" or antisemitic, which I might not agree with, but nobody should go to jail for that, as it happened in France for instance (Alain Soral). These Europeans don't understand that, by the very same principle, it's their own speech and opinion that one day could be deemed illegal.
They all have freedom of speech in their constitution, in fact Sweden has one of the oldest entries in the world. This shit here is laws on top of it, unconstitutional laws but still enforced.
If you paid attention to it you'll notice that free speech doesn't exist in the US either for the exact same reason. Say anything you want, but once you say something the tribe don't like, you're in big trouble.
The question is, does it have a caveat baked in?
Because technically Austria has freedom of speech in its constitution as well, however it comes with the tacked on "except muh hate speech tho".
None of that, because then it wouldn't be free speech. Every single tyrannical limiting law is violating the constitution which defines your God given right to say anything you want.
The judiciary in Europe has to be purged of leftists. When unelected activists dictate what can be said or done by elected representatives, that's not democracy.
No country in Europe ever had freedom of speech and association to begin with, that's just the consequence of that.
I don't know a single party in Europe that has something close to the US first amendment as a political platform for constitutional revision.
They've given the principle lip service since the first French revolution, when they were also ignoring that same principle whenever it got in the way of chopping heads off. Post-enlightenment Europe never really took it seriously like we or the ancient Athenians did. They have rights on paper, but it tends not to end well when they try to exercise them.
It's crazy how forward thinking the founding fathers were. Yes they were not perfect and should have phrased a few things differently, but what powerful statement of faith in the people the American constitution is.
They don't really have anything equivalent to the first amendment.
Most European born simply don't understand that. For them, it's normal to put someone in jail because one said something "islamophobic" or antisemitic, which I might not agree with, but nobody should go to jail for that, as it happened in France for instance (Alain Soral). These Europeans don't understand that, by the very same principle, it's their own speech and opinion that one day could be deemed illegal.
They all have freedom of speech in their constitution, in fact Sweden has one of the oldest entries in the world. This shit here is laws on top of it, unconstitutional laws but still enforced.
If you paid attention to it you'll notice that free speech doesn't exist in the US either for the exact same reason. Say anything you want, but once you say something the tribe don't like, you're in big trouble.
The question is, does it have a caveat baked in? Because technically Austria has freedom of speech in its constitution as well, however it comes with the tacked on "except muh hate speech tho".
None of that, because then it wouldn't be free speech. Every single tyrannical limiting law is violating the constitution which defines your God given right to say anything you want.