Some fathers seem okay with their girls running around in whatever, but those icky boys better not notice princess is basically nude and advertising. This has been a thing since the 60s as per the book Why Men are the Way They Are.
Even the devil is right from time to time, albeit for the wrong reasons. A lot of normies/ grillers are basically raising their girls to be hoes. I went to a water park in a red state and found pre teen girls in sling bikinis, even saw some girls twerking to their parents' delight.
Makes sense. One priest of a religion calling for the removal of an enemy priest. The modern world hides ancient behavior with fancy buzzwords but ultimately we are still the same people pre modern world despite what normies, grillers and NPCs believe.
It is called conquest. They don't need to be nice as they come in and conquer. The myths and beliefs of the last century or two have to die, as it turns out the old ways never died. A people move in jn large numbers they will conquer the people who let them in, simple as that.
I do wonder what this has done to women psychologically. One of the principles of early game was that women were reverting to a feral nature, but I am not convinced that is true. Cavewoman who behaved like this would have died out, there were consequences throughout most of history for women's behavior. I am wondering if all of these protections and rights have turned a good chunk of women into demonic beings, into creatures who would have rightly been called witches in saner times.
Almost like professional male athletes are not great and mighty dissident warriors but entertainers beaten down in an overly feminine system who don't want to rock the boat and lose everything.