Kiaatikea 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fair but I don't see a pandemic no more and I don't expect a new one any time soon. On the other hand, I do see an invasion of immigrants and I foresee more to come along with the hellspawns they'll birth. Quebec is the only province with immigration caps, laws that protect culture and a population that's vocal about their disdain to foreigners. It's also the only province that really allows you to pull out your wallet to get half decent health care instead of being forced through a shit public system. It's not perfect, but sure as hell beats what the rest of the country is turning into.

Kiaatikea 3 points ago +3 / -0

Learn French and move to Quebec (but not Montreal). They're governed by morons but it's the last province in the country that at least somewhat care about it's culture and the people living there. Case in point: you know it's good when the leftist media can't stfu about all the "racist" policies the gov keeps pushing

Kiaatikea 1 point ago +1 / -0

Weird, can you access any other Instagram pages? This is the Japanese post that had the pro-palestine comment from the linked account: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzWTbMEyRzs/

Kiaatikea 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the Jews are ignoring that specific battleground (insta comments) or they've been blocked out of it because I didn't see anything supporting Israel on these Japanese accounts. The fact that there's been no "leak" of the go pro footage either is interesting. Like I said to telia in another thread, I feel like the Palestinians are doing a much better job at it. My guess is that Israel thought they could control the narrative because they own the elites and most media.. they got confortable but now clearly that wasn't enough and they're struggling to win back the popular vote.

Kiaatikea 1 point ago +3 / -2

You asked for evidence, not an undeniable proof. If you can't understand how it's suspicious that Palestinians are present on Japanese social media of all places then you're not worth the conversation. I don't have the interest to play researcher just for your sake and even if I did, let's be honest, you wouldn't hear it. Similarly, I could say I wish Hitler finished the job and you'd still call me a Zionist so really there's no point to this exchange.

Kiaatikea 1 point ago +3 / -2

You calling me a Zionist or what? I said it before, I hate both.

You want evidence? Tell me what you think of this account: https://www.instagram.com/palestine.in.japanese/

Kiaatikea 2 points ago +5 / -3

Yeah and Hamas is doing the same and is probably better at it. Example: pretty much every posts from anyone with a big following on Instagram has pro Palestinians bot comments. To the point that even Japanese accounts that target a mostly Japanese audience have English comments from bot accounts supporting Palestine.

Kiaatikea 6 points ago +6 / -0

knights of the round, king of dragons, wild guns, super Mario kart, zombies ate my neighbor, Kirby super stars, Disney's magical quest, world of illusion, contra 3, killer instinct, Joe & Mac 1-2, power rangers the movie (Genesis version), ninja crusader, rampage, bubble bobble

Kiaatikea 12 points ago +13 / -1

Yeah it's very interesting (but not surprising) to me that the shooter doesn't identify as white and hates on Christian but plea to God. It explains why so many whites are destroying our civilization.. they don't see themselves as white. They think they're a new superior race. Also, unless you demonstrate that you're a tranny, no one can really tell. One of those kid at the school might have been a tranny in the making but she'd never know. Anyways, this ideology is full of contradictions. It's a perfect vehicle for control because if you don't have reality as your arbiter for reason then you're left with only emotions.. and emotions are easily manipulated.

Kiaatikea 37 points ago +40 / -3

Yes yes Israel is shit but so are the Palestinians. They're acting like victims after massacring innocents. At the end of the day, I have no horse in this race and ideally both kill themselves and leave us the fuck alone with their idiocies.

Kiaatikea 9 points ago +9 / -0

Beautiful. I hope this gets shared in tranny circles. The fight must be expanded. Maybe then we could finally agree on a stop to mass immigration.

Kiaatikea 9 points ago +9 / -0

Lmfao. I mean, I got to hand it to brown ADHD girl; Tranny McFag got recked at her own game. Should've known better than to play victim against the BLM demo. Don't get me wrong, both are retarded waste of oxygen but this is hilarious. Don't you just love to see them fight among themselves

Kiaatikea 28 points ago +28 / -0

At a time when mass migration and ai advancements will increase competition and diminish employment opportunities, the education system is making damn sure no kid will have any competitive advantage. Unemployment for life. Simply brilliant.

Kiaatikea 6 points ago +6 / -0

The issue is that it's not "white people" but a specific sub-group of people that usually happen to be white. But the "so called anti-racists" have brought racism back in fashion so here we are accusing an entire race of a thing that more than half despise

Kiaatikea 17 points ago +17 / -0

99% of all modern movies are intrinsically feminist. But, if we ignore those, I'd still say no. One of the major trope of horror movies was the sexy naked girl scene which a feminist would say is blatant objectification. Also, women are usually not spared from brutal deaths even if there's a final girl. Worst yet, when they survive, they're often saved by the sacrifice of a hetero male love interest (the horror!!!). Too many dumb blonde characters too. All these things go against the feminist's goal of showing perfect women + weak men in an attempt to brainwash the masses into thinking this is reality.. But I'm sure everyone here already knows this

Kiaatikea 21 points ago +21 / -0

Something needs to change indeed...we need to stop letting stupidity like this be unopposed. Look bitch, if you want zipper tits and to reduce your lifespan by 40 years, that's on you. No one is stopping you from becoming a freak show. But when you use your filthy mouth to block debate then you're the fucking tyrant oppressing reason. Not a hard concept to grasp now is it? That's what e-boy Mohamed and his butt buddy should have said.

Kiaatikea 2 points ago +3 / -1

The more self-reliant you are, the less opportunity there is to sell you something. The more automated your self-reliance is, the more time you have to follow your passion. The answer to your question is the advancement of technology and its democratization. As tools advance, more people are able to create products that rival what a company can make. This increases the competition which leads to an arm race for quality/price. At some point, hypothetically, the barrier to entry is so low that everyone becomes a creator for himself, thus removing the need to buy from anyone else. This principle is applicable to most industries. Greed won't stop but no one will care.

Kiaatikea 4 points ago +5 / -1

Lookup 'kingdom underfire: the crusaders'. It has some similarities with dynasty warriors in the sense that there are battlefields with armies clashing and you can take control of your hero and bash things while heavy metal music plays in the background. The universe is a typical western fantasy thing rather than Chinese so you got Europeans knights fighting orcs and sexy dark elves. I think it can fit what you're looking for. I played it and its standalone expansion (heroes) on the og Xbox but they ported it to PC. Idk if the port is good but the original is great.

Kiaatikea 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's part of a plan but not the plan you mention. The enemies of the West want this to happen to destabilize us. It's written black on white in Aleksander Dugin's book used by Putin but the real assholes pulling the string at this point are more likely to be Chinese than Russians.

Kiaatikea 6 points ago +9 / -3

They're not alone and not in full control. If they were, China wouldn't get away with the Uyghur genocide. Neither would Malaysia with the Rohingya genocide. Why is it that Muslims only go ape shit when it comes to Palestine/Israel while there's actual real genocide of their brothers happening in the CCP backyard? Simple, the Chinese owns a large share of the meta-infrastructure. I'll remind everyone that Tencent and others have slowly increased their control of pretty much all big AAA companies. And since we're on the topic of Canada, the current liberal ruling party is owned by the Chinese. Fuck, they own more than that, I'd go as far as to say they own half the country.

Anyways, I think there's definitely a power struggle in the background where China is winning hard, they join forces with Israel and the islamists when they can destroy us and there's basically no one left on our side in that arena.

Kiaatikea 10 points ago +11 / -1

Yeah.. at this point I'd be a white supremacist as a defense mechanism if it wasn't for the fact that half of the whites are deranged apes cheering our cultural suicide

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