JustHereForTheSalmon 25 points ago +25 / -0

Because the big guy wants a bigger cut.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm more surprised they didn't record history and just used it like Google used physical location data even after turning off location services.

JustHereForTheSalmon 44 points ago +44 / -0

In what I'm sure will be completely unrelated news, 12 women will step forward to say he molested them.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

You understand the purpose when you click the "X" on the dismissable shorts panel and the message goes "We'll hide this for 30 days" instead of "Okay, we'll never show this again."

JustHereForTheSalmon 12 points ago +12 / -0

The same way that only 50% of the population actually pays taxes, yet they cry about how unfair it is when tax cuts benefits only tax payers.

JustHereForTheSalmon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was Discovery Network programming available to non-US subscribers? I'm not sure that it was.

But, yes, it would be interesting to see how Sony behaves where the law actually protects people.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +6 / -1

In some boneheaded SCOTUS decision, they ruled companies are allowed to force people to waive their right to sue or seek redress in some shrink wrapped EULA.

What we see now is the result of that. Sony will not be sued. Anyone who bought any of these things within the last 90 days who attempts a chargeback will be banned from PSN and basically using a Sony anything forever.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

Men think. Women react.

"I'm not going to follow this particular dogmatic rule because XYZ" says the man.

"I'm not going to follow rules because RULES SUCK YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" says the woman.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Bad business decisions wiped out our value?

No, it's the investors who are wrong."

JustHereForTheSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Seriously. Her poor mom "needs to be afraid" of words on the internet?

If toilet paper was invented today these people would still be advocating for using your goddamn hands to wipe your asshole rather than using the white man's invention.

JustHereForTheSalmon 14 points ago +14 / -0

They ran out of fake "black discoveries and inventions" so now they have to steal white ingenuity for themselves.

JustHereForTheSalmon 9 points ago +9 / -0

Today she's not just calling HR to get him fired. She's putting his picture and dox on Twitter to publicly shame him and make sure he never gets hired for another job again.

by Lethn
JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're driven to shady advertising deals because mainstream advertisers are threatened and cajoled into shunning them.

And if you were a clueless advertising buyer in Plato's cave being shown only that PJW and Jones are eeeeevil, you wouldn't promote your brand with them, either.

On supplements in general, where do you suppose the drug industry finds their inspiration? Sometimes it's hitting up a chemical process already well known like NO2 processing in the body. Sometimes it's a potentially useful side effect. But usually it's a natural herb or substance that gets studied and the active ingredients get isolated.

Sure, placebo effect is a thing, and there is a lot of absolute bullshit being promoted out there, but if you're careful and if you like to read, there are some gems out there with very few downsides, like lion's mane and fish oil.

JustHereForTheSalmon 49 points ago +49 / -0

Me: "I don't want to date a girl who weight more in pounds than she is tall in centimeters."

Feminists: "SEXIST!"

Also Feminists: "Hee hee hee small penis hee hee hee"

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Answer? No. By design. Anyone who isn't low-T mainly posts somewhere else.

And it makes sense. People with self respect don't continually keep crawling back when fucking Google kicks them in the face. Disappearing subs, ad fraud, plummeting revenue sharing, injecting scam ads even if they don't want them, bugs galore, gimped discovery for wrong-think topics, cowardly shadowbans, etc.

You are the abuse you tolerate.

JustHereForTheSalmon 18 points ago +18 / -0

My only objection: in East Germany, every citizen knew what the Stasi were about. No one was cheering them on, unlike our DNC Stasi.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

On the contrary, it far easier to fake this than an actual attack. You don't have people analyzing a weird police response, no video or cameras that can be matched to a person, no accounts to scrub, no one pointing out the inevitable mistakes they make, no crisis actors, no payoffs. You don't even need a patsy.

Just "find" a weapon in a bathroom stall, load up a body bag with a mannequin, and grab a name out of the RNG. Fear, fear, fear! For pennies on the dollar.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

In ten years, scientists will say prehistoric trans women were better hunters than women.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

Last time I followed someone into a comic shop it was 75% Funkopop PVC garbage, 15% overflowing boxes of woke western comics, and 10% MTG. Staff was staring daggers at me, probably for ignoring the "plz wear mask" sign, but I guess I look too intimidating to get told off.

8 or so months after then I went to eat at the place a few doors down and the comic shop was gone. Nothing of value was lost.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was telling someone 20 years my junior how you could just download dedicated servers and run them. They kept referring to it as a "pirate server" and then "alternative cloud server". No, son, it used to be included in your retail copy, and you ran it on a machine on which you could actually press a power button.

JustHereForTheSalmon 20 points ago +20 / -0

"Why are they trying to ruin this kid's life?"

He's white. He isn't gay, or trans, or screaming about global warming. It really is that simple.

See: Blackface Trudeau, Blackface/KKK Northam, etc etc etc

JustHereForTheSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

"We didn't know" is the ultimate cope of the normie NPC.

Addressing the NPC: what do you mean, "we"? You chose not to know. You chose to listen to some guy who got out in front of a camera wearing a white coat, or a news anchor suit and tie, or a reflective vest and hard hat -- specifically to trick you into thinking he's somehow more than just a mere human -- and believed what he had to say.

No no no, of course it's not your fault that drinking 2L of soda a day gave you diabetes because it wasn't a newspaper headline. Of course it's not your fault for marrying that whore because billboards didn't show that chart of prior partners and satisfaction in marriage. Of course it's not your fault you got cancer from that pill that was advertised on CNN 24/7. "We didn't know."

They didn't know because they didn't care to know. Using their brains is just as painful as some soyboy carrying a 50 pound box up a flight of stairs. They won't do it. So they turn to the social circle as an excuse paying no regard to how utterly pathetic the message "we didn't know" actually sends.

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