JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now that you mention it, some of them are a lot like those kids who had the umbilical cord around their neck at birth, it's a little more than just really liking trains and Minecraft.

JuanTitor 7 points ago +7 / -0

And then, when white (and asian) people move back to the downtowns, they bring the magic soil with them, land values go up, and screams crying out "gentrification!" are heard.

JuanTitor 3 points ago +3 / -0

I tell this story a lot on here, but after a good interview, I was rejected at the end by the police sergeant for a meter maid position because he said I was too intelligent for law enforcement.

JuanTitor 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm afraid to see how the karaoke is in the dub, though I'm sure there are a 100 videos I could easily find.

JuanTitor 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not even needed, I have at least one friends who is near fluent in Japanese that, if given the opportunity, would probably quit his current job to be an accurate translator/localized, especially since it really is a work from home position nowadays.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

To your last point, I just know that quite a few little boys like Sonic the Hedgehog, like my cousin's sons. I saw with horror as one was on Youtube the Sonic furry fanart stuff that gets pushed on him in the recommendations.

I'm sure he watched some of it to start the cascade of recommendations, but the first video was almost certainly a YouTube recommendation only because he watched normal Sonic content, not degenerate furry crap.

JuanTitor 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 'just look down" made me think: is it mostly emasculated men who have a foot fetish? Like when I think of a "bobs and vagine" Indian guy, I don't think of a high T masculine man.

JuanTitor 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a friend who every time we hung out he had a new fighting game he had been practicing that no one else he knew had ever played, so I played that game a time or two.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Skype got purchased by Microsoft, right? I'm thinking that was about the time it sucked; did it start sucking because Microsoft added all their spyware bloat, or did it suck before they purchased it?

JuanTitor 3 points ago +3 / -0

The way most women with technical degrees got their diploma is by memorizing a series of steps, not by understanding what they are doing. I've seen a handful of exceptions, but more often they operate with seemingly little understanding of the process they are doing outside of algorithmic understanding.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've probably said it before, but someone needs to open a western studio that operates out of Japan, the UAE, or some other country that doesn't have diversity laws, and poach a bunch of the top talent with them.

It's an easy pitch: come make great games and good money for a season of your life.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know why they are so bad at making anything now? Their ideology guides them to refuse many qualified candidates, and also punishes those who are talented in the companies by having them pull the dead weight of the diversity hires.

JuanTitor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Definitions matter, Mormon Jesus is a different Jesus. Biblical Jesus of Christianity is God, Mormon Jesus is a created being, the half brother of Lucifer. Same goes with Jehovas Witness Jesus, which says Jesus is Michael the archangel.

These are not small differences, as Christianity centers on Christ; it's like changing the meat in a turkey sandwich to baloney and saying it's still a turkey sandwich.

JuanTitor 6 points ago +6 / -0

At the most basic level, their souls know they are liars and are revolting against nature. No amount of affirmation can fully override ones understanding of a truth so fundamental.

JuanTitor 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm with you.

Nowadays, I keep up with the news and political goings-on, but don't read or listen to much on it; I already know my position and understand the nonsense I'm up against, I don't need to drown myself in their nonsense.

JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you tried to buy something, they might have given you a passive aggressive comment about the mask, but I'm guessing they weren't selling anything you would want.

JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Half the reason feminists don't feel comfortable is because there are a bunch of awkward autistic guys in nerd hobbies; that probably can be used against them. "Oh, so you don't feel comfortable around a bunch of people on the spectrum, you abelist biggot!"

JuanTitor 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's like the Roller Coaster Tycoon meme about how if you think you're a bad programmer, remember RCT was written by one guy in assembly, then you'll realize you're even worse than you thought.

JuanTitor 9 points ago +9 / -0

Nintendo exposed a lot of them with what they are able to do with the Switch by using efficient, well written code. Tears of the Kingdom simply couldn't be made by any western studio, but Nintendo is still able to get most of the top talent in Japan under one roof without worrying about diversity.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the big appeals of hunting and fishing as hobbies is they naturally gatekeep out insufferable women. Still women in those spaces, but they generally are the kind who accept the hobbies for what they are. I don't think the rise of bow hunting is just because of Joe Rogan, I think the invasion by women of other hobbies plays a role.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Been off social media for years, but I know a conservative religious Jew from college who was always arguing against the leftists. Me and him probably agree with almost everything outside of things like who Jesus Christ is, but most aren't like him, as you said many Jewish people abhor their religious roots.

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