Jack 2 points ago +3 / -1

Depends on the company and how much they care, if they outsource it to some giving platform then I'm not so sure it'll be up to them. I worked for a company had had a list and the list was shit and I made sure management knew and they told me there's an option where you can just donate to whatever and they'll match it, but looking at the little booklet they hand out you'd never know it.

I'm not defending fox news but it seems like the article (yeah now I read it) is talking about they found those liberal charities in the Benevity platform that powers Fox Giving. no where does the article says how much they actually gave to those charities, so it'd be no different if CNN has a CNN Giving and you can donate to pro-life and pro-gun options on their platform. Although I'm willing to bet CNN HR would be more likely to work against you if you donate to the right and Fox New HR would invite you to the liberal cabal within fox news, meetings on Tuesdays, bring a snack.

Jack 6 points ago +7 / -1

I'm not going to read the article but is it through the company charity program where they'll match the donation if so, don't they have to match it no matter what charity it is otherwise it's some kind of discrimination?

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

After seeing those statistics, I am now an advocate and I say: ♫ Wooorth it! ♫

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. But if the teacher calls upon a student for the answer and the student reply by saying black lives matter the teach is to stop the lecture to give them a round of applause and must then spend the rest of the class time on watching clips of the young turks.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

I never understood how one fucking state can dictate the packaging of product labels for the rest of the country. You'd think some red state would've wised up and do the same thing but something ridiculous like if the product contains soy there should be a warning says this product contains phytoestrogen isoflavone which may feminize men, leading to soy boys. Or something equally stupid and force companies to stick that on their products.

Jack 5 points ago +6 / -1

They are pink, I'm curious why you saw the same footage as everyone else would come that the conclusion that they're not pink. and failed to scan around the footage where you can tell they're clearly pepto bismol pink.

I'm kinda embarrassed for you.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Chief: We'd like you to live up to your own standards.

B&J: Best we can do is honor your people with the release of our new flavor: Tearlicious Trail Mix Sundae. The nuts providing a salty flavor mixed in with rocky road ice cream. Get it? Rocky road?

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

I live my life one quarter track at the time. Nothing else matters: not the rarity, not the packaging, not my collections resell value and all the facebook trading group bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.

That's fucking grit.

Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

I like it but something tells me the left is just as relieved they get to keep dangling this carrot to their latte serving arts degree base for years to come.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

one degree of separation from the American flag

Without stating the obvious about their recent antics, what a fucking stupid thing to say when everyone was literally big mad that Anheuser-Busch, the 'merica beer company was brought by a Belgian company over a decade ago. I still remember and hell I still know people to this day that won't go back to AB beers, and it was one of the reasons how Yuengling found a foothold as far down as where I live in Georgia. Yuengling was a two cases at an Ingles or a package store beer and 2008-2009 came around and boom it's stocked at every Kroger.

What a fucking stupid ass thing to say from a bunch of stupid ass cowards who keep digging themselves deeper.

Oh btw, $15 off $16 Bud Light tallboys at Kroger via their cashback. Guess they're hoping they can throw money at the problem until it blows over. It's moving as far as I can tell but at that price I expected to be flying off the shelves but no, it only made a dent.

Jack 15 points ago +17 / -2

As a straight man I can attest that the real bonus hole is the one in the rear. Usually available for good behavior, winning a wager, begging, birthdays and holidays.

If all you got is the backdoor, it's less special, not to mention GAYYYYYE!

Jack 6 points ago +8 / -2

So the give someone a beating and then tell them no more beatings and they end up thanking you strategy.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

hey reddit mods, you know what will really chap reddit's ass? Telling people the shady (most likely illegal) shit you guys and reddit done over the years.

No? Okay, stay mad.


Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't link it because it's got that extra bit of code (metadata?) in the link.

Just go to google, type juneteenth, click on news, click on tools (between the search bar and the articles, and in the timeframe dropbox select custom range at the very bottom, then just pick the timeframe you like.

you'll see it ramp up around 2013 and go nuts in recent years, but 2008 and prior not so much.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

Never heard someone hipster a damn holiday.

Yeah Juneteenth was cool and super meaningful, but now that its gone federal it's all corporate and lost all meaning, I'm so over it. I'm now into celebrating Katuweebe now, you don't know it and I'm not going to tell you what date it falls on because if it gets too popular goddess knows what they'll do to it.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

I did a custom time range on google news from 1995 to 2009 and to say the articles about Juneteenth is sparse would be an understatement. And a lot of articles that showed up in the results is there because they have links to juneteenth articles written post 2020.

I'm a fairly knowledgeable American, not a brag but I talk to a lot of dumbasses who have TDS and can't tell you the capital of new york or have basic knowledge of current events other than what youtube and late night hosts tells them. Some, I shit you not, can't multiply or divide past single digits. Just fucking morons.

Anyways, the point is: I'm not a retard and I heard of Juneteenth only after I grew up and went to Texas when I joined the Army, spent two separate summers there and never once saw anyone do a damn thing for juneteenth.

by folx
Jack 20 points ago +20 / -0

speak for yourself, I'm still watching shit from the 80s and 90s, it's an endless supply! Just like old sitcoms and tv shows. Fuck new media. And here hoping their older generation shame the younger gen in line outside of school. Hurray for the inverted population pyramid for once.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can play GT2 for PSX on my RG351MP handheld. Gimmie something strong enough to run Here Comes the Pain and I'm gucci mang.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I miss fittofat always nice seeing people get shamed for porking out.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

What issue was this? I miss me some good Punisher.

I can't remember which issue was it but it was during the Punisher Max era (although what I'm referencing wasn't from the Max imprint I don't believe)

Punisher goes to a drug lab and just shot the shit out of everyone, the gangbangers shot back but they were kinda out classed. So they dropped their guns and put their hands up and the Punisher called it target practice and shot them all in the head anyways (off frame kill which is why I don't think it was from Max.)

They hands up don't shoot and the Punisher didn't give a single fuck.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Putting popcorn into my new smart microwave and using the app to set it for 2:50 seconds ten years from now.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah but that was a "skirmish" this one is legit men vs women and top-tier fifa prize sharing women that their ass handed to them by ham and eggers.

Your bonus video of the day.

by folx
Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dylan Mulvaney wishes he looked as hot as that otamatone looking piece of ass in the comic.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I imagine you just pick doesn't fit for the clothing and not as described or pictured for yourself.

Damaged upon arrival to earth, mental quality not as expected, and a few years from now changed mind, but it arrived late.

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