Now I'm not going to argue that there's nothing to the "culture" argument at all, but I think that it is idiotic to completely dismiss the "nature" argument.
They're related. Culture itself comes from nature. There's a reason sub-Saharan Africa was still in the stone age while other races were cultivating empires or sailing the globe. It's also a fact that Africans never developed a written language or agriculture.
I would've gone with isopropyl alcohol, since any of it that's spilled will clean itself. Hot sauce should get the job done, but it just sounds unnecessarily messy.
Muslims also love to lie. Their religion commands them to lie to the infidel, at least until they have the numbers to start killing them instead.
It's the UN. They're practically bragging about it on their own website.
Bernie has no principles at all.
Like every leftoid, they'll do whatever they think will benefit them or harm their enemies. Principles, standards and morals are a nonfactor with a communist like Bernie.
Troll or actual retard who can't argue?
With leftoids it's a moot point. You can never tell if they're just retarded of if they're obfuscating and trying to gaslight you. See all the disingenuous questions, like "What does woke mean?" or similar stupidity.
It's not mythology, you pathological faggot. Fucking useful idiots think white culture being erased is cute.
Especially since you know this faggot would be reeing like a jet engine in afterburn, if it was the other way around. They already freaked out when the actress for the live action Lilo and Stitch remake was the tiniest bit too pale.
Who do you think it was that sold the slaves to begin with? Yes, that is literally the only real historical achievement that blacks had. Not surprising for a race that never developed agriculture or a written language.
Here I thought they'd given up on monkeypox. Seemed like too many people were getting wise to how it spread. How do they expect to cover it, without anyone getting wise to it being a disease spread by faggots? I know the MSM will just downplay or outright ignore it, but will it work on the masses this time?
I suppose it doesn't really matter, if it gives governors an excuse to violate the constitution with more lockdowns again.
It's not even true when it's windy and sunny.
It's worse than that. You can't get power from wind turbines when there's too much wind either. They have to lock the blades in position, lest they spin too fast and tear themselves apart. There are actually videos of this happening due to the brakes failing.
Most European countries are well on their way to becoming Islamic states. I wonder if the ones responsible plan on converting to Islam or if they're stupid enough to think they can control this beast. They'll be ruling over a bunch of third world shitholes, it nothing changes soon.
It's definitely both. That these recent capeshit movies have been so heavy on the "shit" part has only exacerbated the fad's inevitable end.
Here's an archive link.
Definitely sucks that Sony is doing this, but it's part of why I've always preferred physical media. The other part being censorship of digital media. It's also why these companies want everything digital only. You will own nothing and your happiness is a non-factor.
Faggots can cause the same response as maggots? It's like poetry.
"it reduces the severity of symptoms" which is totally impossible to disprove.
Also entirely impossible to prove. Although anyone who claims they believe this has 100% proved themselves to be a useful idiot.
The goal is to either get anime censored or to get the anime makers to censor themselves. These faggots and their handlers won't be satisfied until every form of media is pushing the exact same ESG and DIE bullshit.
For now, that is. A CD or pirate sites are the only way to keep the original. Safe bet that sites like Spotify will be compelled to replace it with the "improved" version.
portray the victim and/or family as seeking revenge
Funnily enough, this is actually an argument for keeping someone imprisoned. It's much more difficult for the victim's next of kin to hunt someone down, when they're surrounded by armed guards in a very secure building.
A better comparison would be to putting down a rabid animal. They're too dangerous to be among other people, even other prison inmates.
They're not just trying to replace Whites. They're also trying to replace most Asians, with notable exception of the Chinese.
Lord of the Rings is fine, at least until they decide to butcher the books. Anything beyond those and the movies may as well not exist.
I don't see how both seaboards could be nuked and not have the fallout from at least one of them fucking up the middle. Ideally it would all blow north over Canada, but that doesn't seem very likely.
It's gotta be tons of make-work jobs for diversity points, or money laundering.
Probably both. Can you think of a better way to launder money than a nonsensical job that pays way too much? It wouldn't even stick out, with all of the various positions that exist solely to meet ESG scores now.
Last I checked, muslims hate jews. Apparently Mohammad's death was caused when a jewish woman poisoned him. Guess she didn't appreciate him murdering the men of her family and being enslaved.
I certainly hope this actually happens. Nothing would please me quite so much, as seeing Disney's execs seething over losing the rights to one of their biggest characters.