Hellsbells00 -2 points ago +6 / -8

After doing my homework on this, Elon supports increased scrutiny for H1B abuse. He's not for unchecked mass migration, just brain draining. The disconnect isn't that he wants to mass import, but that he trusts the government now with Trump in charge, and the rest of us don't because the systems are always abused, and he doesn't understand how badly they are abused already.

He needs to chill out instead of having a fit, but the level of discourse on twitter doesn't match the attention span required.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +2 / -2

No, the h1bs need to end. All immigration needs to be lower than replacement levels of native population, and spread out. Allowing them to move in groups lets them form mini states instead of assimilating.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

It would be a hell of a lot better use of my tax dollars than most of the bullshit they go to.

Hellsbells00 10 points ago +10 / -0

Construction used to be a middle class job. Wage depression through artificial labor inflation has fucked it. The jobs mexicans ruin could be middle class jobs (if you understood economics).

Hellsbells00 18 points ago +19 / -1

We definitely have low native birth rates if you discount the basketball welfare tribe. But that's not a problem immigration solves.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't walk to the nearest grocery store without getting on the shoulder of a road people are driving 60 on in a number of towns I've been to. That's fucking goofy.

Sidewalks and bigger lanes in general would be a road improvement in most urban areas.

If people can feasibly walk to a place I don't want them on the shoulder and playing frogger to do it, instead of staying in marked and controlled crosswalks and sidewalks. Bikes shouldn't be getting in the way of cars, either - but you need more than a foot wide "bike lane" on the shoulder, that is often featuring broken glass and car detritus, to get them out of the way.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +3 / -3

There are plenty of places tbat qualify as "city" without being the huge urban megacities, that do not consistently have sidewalks, etc.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

Steam doesn't pay or in any way incentivize developers to be exclusive, or try to stop them from selling games on other platforms. It just provides an effective platform. Epic does pay developers for exclusivity.

Tencent bought psyonix, and then removed a game I already owned from steam to try to force me to install their vomitous client to play my game.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's my guess for whatever would shoot at a plane on approach and not completely obliterate it

Hellsbells00 16 points ago +16 / -0

Alimony predates no fault divorce by generations. It has no place in the modern system until that mistake is corrected.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +7 / -1

Probably one of the CIWS guns, those are semi autonomous - probably popped a warning and the idiot on the confirm button panicked and hit fire without realizing it wasn't a missile.

Hellsbells00 4 points ago +4 / -0

All government powers should be looked at as monkey's paw wishes. Read the law and try to come up with as malicious an interpretation or use case as possible - you can almost guarantee that it will be used that way eventually.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not wasting hours being a vegetable watching sportsball, even if it's run by a penal colony. I will be stealing that recipe, though.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +7 / -1


What a fucking oxymoron. The faggots pretending that their "anonymous" group actually represents anything other than their tiny minority of terminally online goblins need a collective reality check.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +6 / -0

Delete universal suffrage and institute a starship troopers type system where the vote is earned through potentially fatal civic service jobs.

Hellsbells00 -3 points ago +8 / -11

He's not hiring this goober for immigration policy decisions, though. He took RFK jr for health, despite nobody sane wanting RFK in control of the federal government we do agree with his attitude towards the coof MRNA poison.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good concept mediocre execution roguelike slop.

Already played it. Not worth installing tencent spyware.

Hellsbells00 12 points ago +12 / -0

Any faggot that hysterical over this name belongs in an asylum. Thanks for closing those, Reagan. Fuck.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I appreciate both for different reasons. I'm not hardcore on old doom, my big complaint on the new ones is just how neutered the chainsaw is.

Hellsbells00 3 points ago +3 / -0

The elite themselves don't have TDS. They cultivate it in the masses. They know he isn't what they say he is, they created that image to attack him because he threatens their control.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +6 / -0

Illiterate faggotry from state approved institutions as usual?

The accreditation process needs to die.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

Destroying the financiers of islamic terror

The CIA? Saudi Arabia? The CCP?

Realistically, there's a bunch of parties handing cash and weapons to the arabs, and none of then are going under any time soon.

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +1 / -2

you don't agree with my brainlet take reee jooooooo

I understand history, modern geopolitics and the actual military capabilities of the involved parties. That doesn't mean I support Israel - it just means that unlike you I have a real understanding of what's going on in the shitbox.

You also don't understand islam or their history if you think their only problem with the rest of the world is Israel. The US has been fighting them since it's inception - the marines reference it in their song, even. And European powers have been fighting muslim invaders for nearly the entire existence of islam - over a thousand years.

You're just plain ignorant and frothing about it.

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