Hellsbells00 3 points ago +4 / -1

Monarchism is still left wing.

The solution to the globalist cabal is decentralized power and government. Because then even when the sociopath goblins can corrupt one area the damage they can do is minimal and it's easy to remove them. Concentrating power is what they want.

Hellsbells00 -7 points ago +2 / -9

Did anyone ever from day one buy the patriot "front" (left wing naming convention) as legitimate? They dressed like feds, they looked like feds, they acted like a cnn stereotype to post for leftist propaganda photo ops and didn't do anything beneficial to the right.

Beyond a couple of mongoloid retards here that are likely propagandists, and not true believers, themselves - I have never met anyone who bought their bullshit.

Hellsbells00 -3 points ago +2 / -5

I don't pay enough attention to a degenerate faggot to know what drama bullshit he's done this month. He had another meltdown? Like, beyond his usual spergfests?

I barely know who he is, I just know "groypers" are edgy wehraboo faggots and fuentes is a turbo soy faggot.

Hellsbells00 -11 points ago +2 / -13

All the leftist idpol shit and cultural marxism pushed the last 80 years is a connected web of psyops pushed by multiple groups - the wehraboo bullshit is just one of the elements of it. You're correct in labeling it a grift to distract and derail young men that would lean right otherwise, who could be a real threat to the cabal if not directed into useless pursuits.

I typed up a longer explanation of this ITT. Tldr version is that no matter which dogma, the globalists' real goal is the creation and subversion of a centralized authoritarian state. They don't really care who wins, only that the levers of power exist for them to subvert.

Hellsbells00 -12 points ago +6 / -18

You have identified a problem but not the actual reasons.

The wehraboo "hitler was totally right wing" retards and "reee joooos" shit IS a psyop. It is a generations long operation with multiple goals - discrediting the right, protecting / reforming the left's image from being solely tied to the atrocities of WW2 (which was a big leftist powerstruggle) muddying political discourse to the point that the average person does not understand the basics of political ideology, and subverting or destroying real right wing groups.

Socialism is not right wing. Centralized authoritarian government is not right wing. Collectivism is not right wing. "Horseshoe theory" is propaganda designed to blame atrocities committed by extreme leftists on the right, to say "see they're evil too" as a counter to the fact that the largest example of far left ideology (communism) is such an obvious and disastrous failure. Because when yoou really recognize what the two competing left and right ideologies are, you recognize that leftism can NEVER work - it is antithetical to reality, and actual evil.

Any would be right wing idiot convinced to simp for socialism is a victory for the globalist demon. The cabal does not really care what dogma they need to pretend to believe to gain power - they are sociopaths. Manipulating, ladder climbing and subverting power structures is their specialty. The actual right wing government structures, decentralized and limited government, are the only REAL functional counters to the cabal. If hitler hadn't forced national suicide on germany, he would have gone the way of lenin - succeeded by a ladder climbing sociopath like stalin that would have driven germany to ruin anyways.

Racial collectivist bullshit like the reee joos shit is such a non-functional basis for a platform to fight the left that anyone actively pushing it that isn't retarded, is a fed. Functionally it is reductivist to the point that it ignores reality - it's greatest use is that it is very attractive to morons. It is natural to want an easy way to identify "the enemy". So it is attractive to fools to believe it is so simple as just attacking an inherent observable characteristic (instead of an ideology). But it's INCREDIBLY OBVIOUSLY incorrect. The climtons, the gates, obama, and many others - the globalist cabal is far more than just the jews. The cabal actively BENEFITS from the "ree jooos" bullshit - they use it to conveniently dismiss criticism. They chose Soros as a frontman for this reason. The people pushing it the hardest ARE the cabal's servants - the common tactic of trying to dismiss criticism of actual, evil organizations (international banks, etc) and actors as criticism of jews is their invention and one of their most effective tools. Anyone doing that is their man, either deliberately or unwittingly.

It is so easy to not be a retard that it makes the psyop obvious. Half the "reee jooos" shit is pure emotional womanly screeching, and the other half can almost instantly be corrected to be both MORE accurate and not serve their propaganda by saying "globalist". It's that easy. The pretend neo-nazi bullshit is a fed psyop. None of the big names in those groups are legitimate.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +6 / -0

The natural state of any group is not abandoning their children. There have always been shit fathers but the welfare state and multiple generations of deliberately subverted and mangled culture have done far more damage than a simple low average IQ could lead to. Government programs have ACTIVELY INCENTIVIZED fatherlessness. The CIA deliberately sold tons of crack in inner city areas. Look at the leading figures of even the more objectionable black movements of the past compared to today. I categorically reject racial collectivists and think he was wrong but even malcolm x wasn't an illiterate hood-rat drug pusher - he was more respectable than the overwhelming majority of "role models" in modern black culture.

Hollywood, the CIA, the leftist bureaucracy and the welfare state have worked to turn the black population in the US into a controlled political weapon through generations of destructive policy. Fatherlessness compounds through generations.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +2 / -2

No, yoisi is quite literally an advocate for socialism.

Being an idpol goon would make him a leftist to some degree, but there are some "reee joos" posters that aren't also full bore retard advocates for centralized authoritarian government. Yoisi has in his own words repeatedly supported socialism.

Hellsbells00 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yes. To pretend our corporate oligarchy has any relation to free capitalism is nothing but base propaganda. Most of the problems of corporate overreach aren't stopped by government regulation, they're enabled by it in the first place.

And internationally the idea of free trade was always a joke. You cannot have onesided free trade, and other nations have never stopped trying to take advantage of the US through fuckery and tariffs - doing the same in return is not only justifiable but necessary to protect our own economy.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +6 / -0

The masks were also to continue the deliberate dehumanization of your neighbors / community. Another major tool in that project is social media - it all degrades social interaction to the point you don't consider the people around you human.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who the fuck are either of these people? I've heard the name of SFO before but don't recall anyone convincingly promoting his content. Were either of them relevant in the original GG era or are they talking head wannabes who popped up years later?

Hellsbells00 -2 points ago +2 / -4

Cultural elements and political ideology are not the same thing. Saying "I am against (insert evil thing here)" does not make hitler right wing.

Hitler was a nationalist, but more importantly (and leading to the rape and death of his nation) he was a deranged leftist psychopath with delusions of grandeur, who started a war that damned his people. He was no less of a goblinoid faggot than zelensky is today. And simping for the bitch that sentenced his nation to generations of cultural suicide is vomitous.

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were right wing nationalists. The current chinese state is left wing nationalist. Nationalism is neither left nor right, it is a cultural element, which shifts along a different axis entirely from political ideologies. Don't buy into the modernist reddit goblin "political compass" that links them by exclusively "modern" values.

Religious monarchies were still leftist because of their authoritarian and centralized structure. The catholic church is a leftist globalist (anti-nationalist) organization. Hitler was a leftist, and it was that part of the nazis, not the nationalism, that is poisonous to all of humanity. Nationalism is inherently beneficial to a nation. It is also the superficial veneer used to sucker all you dimwit faggots into simping for a leftist dictator.

Trump is a nationalist. Trump is nothing like the faggot vegan national suicide architect, hitler. When you claim nationalism is linked to socialism you spew the exact same retarded "orange man is hitler" comparison as the modern retarded media owned puppet dem, from a different angle. Remove your head from the sand.

Hellsbells00 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Fascism is a left wing authoritarian ideology. The so called "antifa" is in favor of left wing authoritarian government, and mergers of state and corporate power (when it benefits them), as seen by their simping for corporate political action. That is fascist - merger of state and corporate power. They do advocate for fascism, just not the exact fascist party platform of WW2 eras.

It is ridiculous that they call the party that in theory wants reduced and decentralized government power fascist, while advocating for a functionally fascist system.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

Modern antifa are not nationalists.

Nationalism is not inherently left nor right, and was the only salvageable element of the germans ideology - and also what they discarded post ww2. This is why Germany is still failing today - they kept the socialism, all the structures of government power and rejection of individual rights, and only changed superficially.

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Theyy advocate for centralized authoritarian leftist government.

That is far closer to fascism than ANY right wing ideology can ever be by definition. And their current applications of government control through corporate power (e.g. social media censorship and debanking) that they cheer on, match the "merger of state and corporate power" definition of Italian fascism.

Hellsbells00 4 points ago +5 / -1

They didn't get the correct dosage of lead.

While they do correctly identify lead poisoning as a cure for leftist dogmas, they incorrectly attribute it to a preventative, very small amounts delivered over time. The functional treatment for acute leftist derangement is rapid application after onset, as advocated by Patton towards Moscow.

Hellsbells00 -15 points ago +3 / -18

If you agree with them on fundamentals and only differ in surface elements that's their victory.

All socialism is globalist rot.

Hellsbells00 13 points ago +14 / -1

Attributes considered attractive in men correlate more with discipline and intelligence than those commonly considered attractive in women.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing "good" or "natural" about deviant faggots is that natural selection is being applied by ending their defective line, which is good for the species.

This faggot isn't a christian at all.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +11 / -5

That thing is a conpro brigade goblin. It's not a real disillusioned trump supporter dooming, it's a fake shilling faggot trying out basic forum manipulation tactics.

Hellsbells00 5 points ago +5 / -0


Multiple generations of corpse puppetry later it is finally, FINALLY dead.

I wonder who gets the freespace IP.

Hellsbells00 13 points ago +15 / -2

A combination of factors. Genetics plays a part because low IQ means you're less likely to break out of conditioning, but even worse is their culture and the welfare state. When you grow up being told to succeed and act respectably is bad, and crime and degeneracy are expected or desirable, predictable results ensue. The welfare state has also decimated generations through encouraging fatherlessness. Single motherhood is highly correlated with criminality.

Blacks trap themselves in a cultural death spiral accelerated by government and media. Economic factors like the death of manufacturing jobs (also government assisted) and destruction of urban centers (the above, plus CIA causing the crack epidemic) also accelerate this.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, no, get fucked. I'm not your peasant. General rules I accept, but you don't own me and if you think you can dictate specifically which users I'm "allowed" to reply to on a discussion forum, you're fucked.

And you didn't address the rest. You didn't target bitchboy despite him doing the same thing to gazerbeam, you're only protecting him because he or his brigade spam your report queue when someone points out HIS OWN STANCES.

If I was profile stalking and replying with generic insults to every post that would make sense as harassment. It is very clearly not that. This is me seeing him starting shit in a thread I opened and pointing out his hypocrisy in the exact same manner. Most of the time I see this retard I don't reply.

"Pointless drama" by arguing with someone who is a lying, scheming propagandist, and a brigader. Because political arguments on a board for that topic are "pointless drama" - only because the same faggot brigade constantly shitting on you and trying to incite riots is blowing up your queue.

I get that you're insinuating I can shit-talk in a non reply, and that's passive-aggressive bitchlike sniping which IS pointless drama - exactly like the whinging bitch thread that faggot made about me that prompted you attempting this, where he was too much of a coward to even use the correct username and get my attention.

I only engage in directly refuting someone's bullshit. And I won't stop doing that when it's called for just because it hurts his fee fees. You only care because it makes work for you. You may as well just kill the board off entirely, you're letting it die a slow death to cancer.

Hellsbells00 3 points ago +5 / -2

no bearded dwarves

That's going in the book of grudges. If you don't rock and stone, you ain't coming home.

Hellsbells00 12 points ago +13 / -1

Gaetz was getting to be known before that because he was pretty good in congress.


I want to say this meme blew up in 2020. He was pissing off a lot of goblins pretty early into his career.

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