Never met a soul in real life that knew of him organically.
Tate was astroturfed - pushed by the media.
You "point out" baseless claims of vague qualities that you claim he possesses and a disingenuous paraphrase of "his" message.
You shill for a worthless degenerate propped up as a strawman to denigrate masculinity with. This strawman was created by propaganda outlets, not natural.
Andrew tate is the equivalent of george floyd. An absolutely indefensible mongrel propped up by the globalist media specifically to incite conflict.
Oh look, a conpro fed shilling for the astroturfed degenerate strawman they want to use to poison the well.
Typical. You are a worm.
Nobody with a brain ever pretended tate was one of ours.
The criminal goblin with an astroturfed social media (propaganda) presence has no relation to actual right wing politics.
The majority is forgettable isekai shit web novel slop that nobody cares about.
Adaptation anime can be, but isn't always. Adaptations are low hanging fruit and while the anime itself doesn't always break even they aim for merch sales and the like as well.
Anime originals are not at all expected to lose money - and this is where most of the top tier shows come from anyway. Gundam sure as hell prints money, any and all gundam manga are barely tertiary compared to the show and model kits etc.
Cowboy bebop, for a less "toy salesman" example. That wasn't made as a loss leader.
Nobody should give a fuck about internet death threats, and these pedo goblins trying the fake crying is sickening.
Let's pull the mask off here.
Dooming, shilling, attacking the actually SUCCESFUL right wing elements (attacking the Trump admin, on the literal pro-trump site no less, over your own hysterics) and deliberately advocating for counterproductive retarded stances.
And 15 days old, conpro poster account, brigading a board that you have zero understanding of.
Go tell your wife's boyfriend you can't pay his salary anymore, fed goblin. You're super obvious. You lost, and you'll always lose. Die mad about it.
Actblue was caught in a massive money laundering op, still nothing. Onetime small donors find themselves with a record of having routinely given thousands of dollars, to conceal violations of election law and dirty money.
Winred is also dirty with their spam texts and false claims of support when their donations actually go into the GOP establishment machine (so their claims of being for Trump are lies), but AFAIK nowhere near as dirty as actblue. And then there's shareblue, which was the democrat forum manipulation farm. Almost certainly our own pet pretend nazi retards hail from there or a similar fed op.
I am fairly certain that the majority of his support is fake, astroturfed bullshit. Much like how any criticism of poor policing standards is funneled into intentionally inflammatory bullshit - the media goblins prop up a deliberately worthless figurehead, like how they prop up only the worst faggots as martyrs for BLM shit.
They want puppets to fight and ignore the strings.
I don't think I've ever met one of the hardcore libertarians that would disagree with that. The faggy pretend "left libertarians" that have no understanding of economics would, but they also think that libertarianism can be chopped into pieces and they can just take the "no drug laws / no anti-degeneracy laws" and throw away the rest.
They're as libertarian as the antifa fags are actually anti-fascist - a negative value.
Get fucked, moron. I have never been a leftist of any flavor, and I was calling those "but we really are mostly leftist" screeching idiots out from the early days.
The conpro mongoloid faggots are not conservatives. They literally actively simp for socialist policy and cry out for authoritarian government but "our guys". Any conpro poster is not an actual OG here. Look at who I'm replying to if you're actually being serious. if you're just deliberately being a goon and trying a motte and bailey with the "we just want foreigners out and the gov to stop oppressing whites" lie.
If you aren't stupid, the goon you are defending is one of the actual "hey guys hitler was based let's have centralized authoritarian government like the gay commies but it won't be gay because it'll be on OUR side" morons. I'm not pro immigration. I'm not anti free association. I am anti "gay communism but it totally won't suck because it'll be white" as if the white leftists didn't rape and destroy their nations.
She must have read the job title wrong, because violence against women and girls is what she's trying to safeguard.
What an absolute oxygen thief masquerading as a human.
Literally day one was not on this site, nor this decade.
I was there. That faggot I replied to, all the conpro faggots, and the entire fed psyop brigade screeching REEEE JOOOOOs and trying to slide with racial idpol shit and "but maybe we SHOULD become socialists" to attempt to derail any and all right wing gathering sites were not, they aren't legitimate posters and I don't give a FUCK about their worthless opinions. And the site this group started on wasn't faggit, giving a fuck about easily manipulated, gay internet goodboi points deserves mockery. Appealing to "but u hav teh downvotes" instead of a real argument gets you negative points, and anything that does that is stealing the oxygen it breathes.
fire does not discern between poor and wealthy after all
There's a section of Hawaii that might disagree with that. Was it last year or two years ago where that area the rich wanted to buy up "just happened" to burn, forcing the locals to sell?
When haven't they been? Not in living memory, that's for sure.
Realistically, the Irish are pretty fucked. As entertaining as the IRA was, more of their population left for America during the 18th century than actually remained and survived. As a culture they're pretty gutted and their language is nearly extinct.
he doesn't NOSETICE
The guy on twitter said something that wasn't full retard "HOLOHOAX!!!111" shit, therefore REEEE JOOOS and everything he touches must be shit.
OP is a retard.
Yeah because fake internet points from a board with more tourist faggots than original users matter. Definitely more than the actual correctness of the post.
Pathetic, goblin. Back to your containment board, where dimwits and their fed handlers belong.
20 gauge is for women. It's also more expensive than 12 gauge. Birdshot will stop a small drone, but it's range is pretty shit and drones are a hell of a lot more maneuverable than clays.
If we're talking taking out small suicide drones, birdshot would probably be enough. It's not really a solution that would work on a battlefield unless you knew someone was going to be using them near immediately, but it is a funny excuse to take up clay shooting, which is good training for shooting moving targets.
What you are looking for isn't an FPV drone in the cheap range by your requirements. Cheap FPVs are all racing types - they aren't stable and their cameras aren't good.
You want a camera drone, something like a DJI mini. That is stabilized and has a longer battery. If you want one that is also FPV you'll pay a lot more for it. Cheap FPVs and camera drones are in the three digit range. If you want something that is FPV but also has a good camera and long battery you'll have to add a digit.
Isn't it closer to two decades at this point? When did asscreed come out?
You aren't white you're a fed mutt shitposting from a basement somewhere. Die mad about it, you will never be what real Americans are.
They'll never stand for themselves - the only way to save them would be to essentially invade. You could call it many things, but american troops fighting in bongistan would be an invasion.
Shut your mouth, shilling goblin. You are no different than the "we wuz kangz" goons, trying to ride the accomplishments of my ancestors because you have none of your own. I don't buy in to the "white" nationalist bullshit because that is literal nonsense, a mishmash of a hundred european nationalities - you do because you're pathetic and have no value of your own to claim, only others heritage to parasitize.
Looking out for Americans is a matter of national economy. Trying to tell me I should reject actually valuable Americans in favor of leftist goblins that share my skin color is anti-nationalist shilling. You belong in a zoo with the other feds or low iq apes. You are so pathetically obvious - you certainly aren't from my genetic lineage, you pathetic mongrel.
Perish, subhuman.