Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wasn't even lightning in a bottle considering it was a total sale flop. Cult classic that wasn't very good tbh.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering the horrible shit quality of her new stuff I'm convinced she had a collaborator on HP who did the outlining at least, if not ghostwrote the whole thing.

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, when the courts said he couldn't ban people, he should have ended press conferences entirely. There's nothing in the law saying they are required and there's no reason why a bunch of anointed priests should be allowed special privileges.

Hold press conferences online and let people vote on the questions. Journalists have to get in line like everyone else.

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminds me of the old Dalrock adage that "Modern women want to waste as little of their youth and beauty on their husband as possible."

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be fair, Skyrim came out more than a decade ago and had fugly women, but modders saw to that... and then some.

Guy_Incognito76 25 points ago +25 / -0

It's the kind of thing that would, in a PnP game, add roleplaying options. Like, you could give a PC some kind of social penalty, hard to disguise themselves, but easier to cause diversions, etc. But Wokeness demands diversity AND conformity, you have the right to play a hideous freak but never to be TREATED like a hideous freak.

Something simple would be the classic Fallout games where playing a low-IQ character completely changed the game and only let you speak like a retard. That level of immersion and character-building isn't allowed anymore.

Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did you know Black Isle's BG3 was going to be 3E and have a level cap of 5?

Guy_Incognito76 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think they made Karlach's face better looking but she's still hideously scarred. At least she has backstory for it. Only decent looking chick in the party is shadow girl, and the men are all gay for you five minutes after meeting.

I'm sure the wokeness was the price Sven paid to get the D&D/BG license and he was willing to pay it, which, in the long term is probably the best option for his studio, even if it sucks horribly for us.

Guy_Incognito76 11 points ago +11 / -0

p. sure the alignment and race changes were mandated by WotC.

It definitely has that Dragon Age issue of "Hi Zevran nice to meet you whoops now we are having gay sex".

Guy_Incognito76 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Why do you care?" is the standard leftist response to everything. Easy way to deflect any criticism and make you the bad guy for noticing.

Guy_Incognito76 9 points ago +10 / -1

This guy has been saying Ukraine is finished for over a year now.

I'm not saying the MSM is any more correct but the opposite of propaganda can still be propaganda.

Fact is we're in a proxy with China via this mess and we're not going to stop until maybe someone else gets elected.

Guy_Incognito76 6 points ago +6 / -0

They came from the bush now they are going back to the bush.

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Making a film a validation of identity is pathetic.

Touch grass, as they would say.

Guy_Incognito76 13 points ago +13 / -0

Thanks to technology women all feel like they have infinite options and can't make decision.

While men are "respecting" women like they say they want and thus never make a move.

Guy_Incognito76 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you go to see this movie at all you are a tool.

Been with my wife 10 years, never seen a single "chick flick" with her.

Guy_Incognito76 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think the problem is the pandemic ruined the scam of teachers handing out grades based on fluff and nonsense. By forcing everyone to take the same tests and preventing the teachers from easily fudging the numbers (since everything gets recorded online) the real aptitude of all the special snowflakes was revealed.

The pandemic did not make students dumber, it revealed how dumb they already were.

Guy_Incognito76 10 points ago +10 / -0

I can confirm wife wanted more kids until we had at least one son. I was indifferent.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I especially thought it was hilarious when gay men declared access to women for reproduction a "right."

Imagine a mad max world where roving gangs of eunuchs look for women to bear surrogate children while chad gamers protect them.

by Lethn
Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entire economy will crash first.

These companies aren't beholden to profits. If they were they wouldn't be doing this. The people at the top have infinity money, so they just push whatever they feel like.

Won't stop until the whole system collapses.

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not racist I loved the Fresh Prince.

We just hate shitty movies.

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