It's insane that when the MCU became the most popular thing in the universe Marvel comics was putting out stories with fat Squirrel Girl, Carl Manvers, Lady Thor, gay Iceman, etc etc.
I predicted the Marvel sjws were forcing these stories in order to push them into the films once all the white guys contracts were up, which was 100% accurate. So now they've not only squandered 60 years of successful comics, they're taking the MCU with them. Truly a market debacle for the ages.
He means the legends who were all systematically chased out of the industry by sjws?
he went to sign a bill in israel, he's dead to me.
Throw a ball into a pride crowd, better than average chance whoever catches it is a kidfucker.
We'll keep fighting until every last Ukrainian is dead.
The funny thing is this works in reverse. If you can get a liberal to realize they've been lied to, often it has a cascading effect that brings down the entire house.
That's what happened to me. I realized the media had outrageously lied about benghazi. In my mind we were the good guys, we don't lie about anything, it's all pure truth. So in a desperate attempt to debunk the truth about benghazi, I learned so many other things I thought were true were nonsense as well.
It's flat out a song about hookers.
Iron law of woke projection
How many predictions have they gotten wrong though? Don't just count hits and ignore misses.
That's how everything works now. Justice is dead, plan accordingly.
Underrated advice
Wouldn't surprise me but it'd make more sense to pull this before the 2024 election. In any case infowars not the most reliable source.
just quoting their own posts triggers them
As I'm fond of telling my wife, women give birth in comas. Giving birth is the same process biologically as passing feces. No one says taking a shit is the same as fighting.
Women never actually fight though. They get pregnant or go awol or get another medical exemption.
why though didn't the vaxx work?
I'm quite certain that birth control has lasting side effects (miscarriages) but there is zero research being done on this. I know so many people who tell the same story: Birth control for 5+ years, marriage, attempt to have kids, miscarriage, miscarriage, miscarriage, give up.
The studies (which are only surveys) ask women if they have ever conceived after being on the pill, and since most say yes, they conclude that the pill has no effect on fertility long term. Conceive, not give birth. This is asinine. There is no drug in existence that you can take daily for 5+ years without side effects. Not possible. It literally turns the uterine lining to poison, you're telling me that clears up instantly overnight? No way.
I knew a couple who failed to reach full term, and decided to adopt. They found an orphan white baby who's parents died in an accident. They encountered endless roadblocks trying to adopt him. The agency even said their house was "too nice" and they had "too much money" and he wouldn't be able to "relate to other kids." They had "too much land" and kids need to be "In the city around other kids" ??????? After this they were told they could have unlimited neglit babies from Africa, no questions asked.
All female characters are uninteresting. That's why heroes are male.
Even after 40 years of propaganda it's always ever been 2%.
Maybe let the player make the selection pre-game and preserve some sense of immersion.
Lol look at that schnozz, stereotypes are real.
The one and only answer to every hater should just be "It's gross that you care so much about this."
Fun fact that there is a completely separate "City of London" in the middle of London that is an international banking cartel immune to all laws and consequences.
This is the reason for the writer's strike FYI. All the black shows are bombing bad and they're taking it out on the writers.
Trying to stop tyranny? That's a paddlin'.