Choked her, called her a whore and her knees are bruised? It's a tough profession.
Apparently usaid was paying for joke writers.
They are very loud. I don't know if that is a competency.
"election experts" lol
It's literally systemic racism.
Murder seems a little extreme for a consequence. How about we tone it down.
Better for who, the 2 guys making $10 an hour?
Coincidentally Yemen recently shot down 2, US, F-18s.
Let's just shut down the govt
But what if he's only 5' 8-1/2" tall?
I can't stand her accent, she sounds like a retard, in addition to saying retarded things.
If adults want to sterilize themselves that's fine, but let the kids grow up and become adults who can make that decision for themselves.
Exactly, the problem is these researchers were threatened which means a lot more were too. It will be very hard to find any actual truth.
No [women] should be able to tell [men] what to do with their own bodies!
Exactly. It's the logic of a leftist climbing on high powered electrical equipment crying about safety.
Good thing they ratified the constitution so she can't possibly send the delegates back, LOL
They can be used as a floatation device.
Lol not after they arrested their Dem NY mayor.
Time to fire up the SNES blows on cartridge
A child died.
I'm sure detonating bombs is illegal. This is worse than Obama's random drone attacks on civilians.
bUt tHiS wAs pRoBly PaId fOr By BiG OiL!
It's entertaining for a lot of reasons lol
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Lol it's exactly what I voted for!