Dialectic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nobody, not even you, wants to hear someone talk about their hobby in a way that makes him seem bored and uninterested.

Dialectic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Latin is almost a dead language, used primarily for interpreting historical texts and in scientific terminology. Having it as the primary language of the mass when no one speaks it is a bit of an issue.

It's beautiful, but it's not useful

Dialectic -15 points ago +2 / -17

Because the pope is the legitimate successor to st Peter, and he is the vicar of Christ. Being a bishop and denying the pope's legitimate authority publicly is a huge sin akin to denying the entirety of your faith.

Vigano is essentially rejecting Christianity and is self excommunicating. The process here is to add legitimacy so theres less chance of schism.

If vigano wants to help the church and the world then he should be fighting the evils in the world and not denying his faith.

And it cracks me up that atheists and protestants are so invested in this process when they deny the entirety of it. It's almost like you guys just can't escape the fact that God exists and this is his church. You're drawn to it whether you acknowledge it or not

Dialectic 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's alcoholic cat lady jean

Dialectic 35 points ago +35 / -0

Bro they don't give a single fuck about ending slavery lol. This is money, influence, power.

Dialectic 27 points ago +27 / -0

Japan isn't faggy enough so the commies want to fag it up over there

Dialectic 9 points ago +9 / -0

That piece of shit belongs in a dungeon

Dialectic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I got through the low rank story on monster hunter world but don't feel like grinding out the hard ranks yet, so I loaded RE2 remake back up. I'll be on elden ring when the DLC launches

Dialectic 5 points ago +5 / -0

I suppose I was oblivious to the coof bubble because I kept working, didn't submit to government and corps like a faggot, and I played games like normal

Dialectic 4 points ago +5 / -1

I don't know, I'm not a collective. I'm just a guy. If an indie game is good I praise it, and the rest of the slop I avoid.

I know I'm getting older now because I get the sense that this is a generational drama that is unnecessary. Decades ago when I was renting physical game discs at the brick and mortar stores, you just browsed the selection and grabbed what looked kinda cool and tried it out for a couple days. If you loved it you would save up to buy it, if you hated it then you're only out $2-4.

Theres always been a huge selection of literal trash games that you have to sift through. I think it's honestly childish drama to assume that because slop exists that we have to make a huge deal out of it

Dialectic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The second amendment isn't confusing. Only someone who is trying to be deceptive, a bad actor, can find ways to make the 2A unclear. And to that end, all laws can be made to say something else. This is the power of sophistry

Dialectic 7 points ago +7 / -0

First one that comes to mind is the movie A Quiet Place with John Krasinski and his real wife Emily Blunt. John's character leads his family through the impossibly difficult times of alien occupation. He's a leader and brave.

Second one is Joel from The Last of Us. He falls apart after the death of his daughter and becomes a criminal, but when Ellie comes into his life his character develops into trying to become a dad again. He's not perfect but he tried to protect Ellie and be there emotionally for her. And by the end Joel does exactly what we would all want to do to help our daughter.

Both those are dads put into extreme situations. I can't think of a regular dad like me just working and serving his family.

Edit: Adding the character Sealy Booth in the tv show Bones. After several seasons the main characters marry and have a child. Booth is portrayed as a devoted, strong, just father.

Dialectic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even obscure shit like cheap travel, van life hobby has a bunch of channels where barely dressed young women bend over and do obvious body displays while showing off their camper etc. My wife was oblivious and I'm like babe, I guarantee you these bitches have an OF or something worse

Dialectic 1 point ago +1 / -0

300gb is a lot. I have 4tb but I keep a lot of games installed. Even if I liked call of duty I wouldn't be getting a 300gb slopfest

Dialectic 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lmfao the lips though. Are you sure you aren't a professional painter?

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