So glad I stopped playing Blizz games years ago before they really went full retard. BfA was just horrendous I made it to the first main patch then nope'd out when Mecha-Gnomes were revealed. The rest of the expansion sounded equally dumb with the final Old God being revealed, released, and then defeated in the same patch let alone expansion. Supposedly Blizz has pulled a hard retcon on this and is bringing back that boss again because they realised how fucking stupid it was to get rid of such an important lore character so quickly.
Other damage was done though. Shadowlands was mostly filler with a brand new Big Bad who was "responsible for everything" that had happened before, and then killed him in the same expansion. The rogue devs changing various historic features during the woke purge red pilled quite a few normies. All in all it was a great play for keeping ex players like myself away because not only had the house burned down, it had been pissed on, salted, set on fire again, then relabelled as what players should play rather than what they will want to play.
I miss Bill. And George. And Chris Farley. And Uncle Buck John Candy. And John Belushi.
TFW my favourite comedians all had some kind of substance problem. No wonder three of them were dead by 33 and a fourth [Candy] by 43. Hicks at 32 to pancreatic cancer, Belushi and Farley at 33 to drugs - speedballs both with Belushi receiving a mixture of cocaine and heroine while Farley's was cocaine and morphine.
Carlin was the only one to make it past that and would keep going for almost 3 more decades dying at 71.
When it happens it will unironically be beneficial to those he claims to champion because as with all grifters they don't want the grift to end and will often take antithetical steps to ensure their livelihood remains.
tl:dr the first paragraph
It's 4chan, so you stand a very good chance of either being trolled and/or dealing with a moron. After reading the post the former is likely while the latter is definitive, especially when considering the language used and the irony that brings with it.
gamers where unable to find a woman who agreed with their sexist rhetoric so they just invented one
Before even dealing with those three points there's the spelling issues.
While potentially homophonic the typo present requires not only additional input but moving away from a three key cluster/sequence in the qwerty line for w-e-r-e.
unable to find a woman who agreed [with them]
#NotYourShield was/is still a thing that happened, anti-GGs/SJWs can deny it until the heat death of the universe but it doesn't change things.
Erases the agency of any women who were following what happened by attempting to put all women under the same hive mind like label.
While women have been shown to have a much higher in group bias than others an absolute claim like this is easy enough to disprove by having just one person go against the claim. Imp makes the same kinds of statements about women and gets proven wrong in similar ways which should give you an idea of the kinds of individuals involved here and why Imp gets called an SJW by many.
sexist rhetoric
Astroturfing the entire reason things happened in addition to again erasing the agency of any women involved because defining the 'rhetoric' as "sexist" immediately defines the groups involved so labelling the "victims" as women would then require the perpetrators to be men. This wasn't the true but the truth wasn't the point here.
they just invented one
Again erasing the agency of those involved by dismissing any real participants and claiming anyone involved in such a way wasn't real. All the while ignoring when people did speak out against this, and other SJW ops, they would be harassed, doxed, and have their lives ruined by psychopaths who spend their entire lives online attempting to curate others.
Reminder Ciri gets raped after she joins this group, by a female member of the group who stops her getting raped by another member first.
And then the group all get murdered by a normal human who kills Witchers for sport.
You mean we can't just chug entire bottles of pills [L4D2] or eat random herbs [RE] or do... something to a ram's head [Rastan] and instantly return to full health?
Games have been lying to me for decades! 😮
Edit: speaking of L4D2, this is where the "Realism" mode would come into play and piss off any normies playing. You die almost immediately when playing Realism because amongst other things friendly fire from a shotgun is quite lethal irl.