Devidose 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Streisand effect for that event was so absurd. Someone posted a news article relating to that person and the post and poster went up in a cloud of pixels. Problem was the poster was one of the most prolific on the ukpolitics sub so everyone realised something had happened which made more people start digging into what was going on.

Nobody probably would have given a shit if the original post had just been left the fuck alone.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

I do it as little as possible

So that's why the retard fight thread is still up despite previous threads along the same line being removed, as well as the comments telling someone to drink bleach 🙄

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

designs that are almost foolproof

Good luck getting any large scale building project done to design in the UK now. HS2 is nowhere near what was originally suggested and that's just a trainline. Then add in the various sycophants in government who will want to use the building of new nuclear power plants as a PR step for their own political interests and you have delays having to work out idiots who can't even vote properly by means of standing in the correct place.

The way things are now such a plan for building a nuclear power plant in the UK would likely result in a facility that required more energy put in than it would ever manage to give out. And it would somehow catch on fire.

Devidose 10 points ago +10 / -0

One of the last times this sort of thing happened someone edited the pic to look like a captcha with the title "Click all the Feds" 😎

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0




Seriously, how the fuck do you press r when going from a to d? 🤔 Or was this typed by someone with fingers like Prince King Charles?

I have no emoji for sausages, I am sad. 🌭

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

I didn't completely understand this until I saw it happen in real time with the coof

Would you mind listing what specifically you saw being adjusted in this way, if you remember? Covid will likely be an MSM red pill for many but exactly for what will depend a lot on "why" due to what people keep track of and experience themselves.

Devidose 13 points ago +13 / -0

I recommend Punisher Max

I recommend not giving Aaron the reading effort seeing as how he's the writer on the run which just killed off Frank, while also largely retconing 616 Frank Castle by changing his childhood, marriage, and entire center of being to more closely match that of the Frank Castle from Punisher Max.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

resurrected his wife to denounce and divorce him

Who then shot him with his own gun. More than once. Which is possibly the only weapon that exists which can hurt him right now due to plot.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hm, interesting. There's a character called Blue Shield in the City of Heroes game and that had to change a character previously named Bastion to Citadel due to Marvel complaining about copyright.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

This is Marvel eating their own gun rather than taking just a knife to their face.

There are a lot of comics doing really fucking stupid things right now at Marvel and I'm not talking things that are likely politically motivated as this ending with the Punisher may be. Wait, that's incorrect. As this ending with the Punisher is. Because Jason Aaron couldn't help but include a full page in the very comic where he spergs about his feelings and how it affected his decisions with the story literally including the following,

Since the character's [Castle] first appearance in 1973, the ideas and symbols of The Punisher have come to mean many things to many different people.

Some of those I agree with. Some I very much don't.

How fucking arrogant does someone have to be to include that in the actual fucking comic?

In addition to this dumpster fire that has pissed off a large number of long term Frank Castle readers there is the stupidity of the ongoing Amazing Spider-Man run written by Zeb Wells. Wells who has the reverse Midas touch of turning gold into shit and somehow keeps getting work on Spider-Man related comics. ASM #25 finally explained wtf had happened for so many characters to dislike Peter at the start of the run and the answer is: fuck all. ASM #26 then followed up and is being talked about as being one of the worst Spider-Man stories ever, alongside One More Day which is 99.999% hated.

Then there is the coming Fall of X event that will likely return the X-Men and mutants to being near extinct underdogs after several years of actually catching a break and even founding their own nation. Hickman, as usual, set up an incredibly interesting new story for the X-Men like he did during his run writing The Avengers, however due to management disagreements ended up walking away from the current X-Men project because Marvel wanted to milk the setting in their own way. The excitement from readers for the current X-Men setting hasn't been seen for years but Marvel are determined to fuck over numerous comics in order to force MCU themes into every story.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's one of those writers, the ones whose mere name evokes dread from the readers that actually pay attention to the names involved so know how horrible a comic is going to be before even seeing a page.

Other such names that also includes artists are,

Bendis. Enough said. I may import my old Civil War 2 rant from Reddit now that I no longer visit so I can preserve the effort it took to sort. Might need to rehost the images though at this point.

Waid. Had good works before, woke pandering now.

Cates. His 2021 Hulk run is... something. The fact it follows immediately after Ewing's 2018 Immortal Hulk is somewhat of a double whammy highlighting just how terrible Cates' story is. Immortal Hulk was disturbing yet praised throughout. Anyone following on from that successful a story would have had their work cut out for them but Cates just didn't even try to bother.

Phil Noto, artist. Had a thing for drawing every face the same which gets unsettling very quickly despite it working for the stories he's involved in that include withe Emma Frost and the Cuckoos since they are all cloned from Emma, or the clusterfucks of any story invoking both Jean Grey and Madelyne Pryor. Then again the Cuckoos seem to have been designed like Village of the Damned children in the first place so the unsettling feeling could be a feature and not a bug.

Greg Land, "artist". Artist might be pushing things. There are jokes Land scans real faces for his "work" and that it probably includes porn given many of the faces involved. Issue is it really might not be a joke because it's that probable.

Tina Howard. Is currently on her third attempt at telling her Betsy Braddock/Captain Britain comic after both Excalibur and Knights of X were cancelled in very short order. Could be described as falling upwards but seeing as how she's still trying to tell the same story it's more falling sideways.

Leah Williams. Bit of an oddity as she's done some good work, mostly Elseworld/What If? type works, however which could mean she's no good at working within established lore limits. Her two Doctor Strange stories were good, as was her recent X-Factor. However as mentioned the Doctor Strange stories were non canon and X-Factor was cancelled in the end so the second Trial of Magneto story could happen since a murder mystery was exactly what the new X-Factor team would deal with. Pity Trial of Magneto turned out to not only be a complete red herring but also a total waste of time for all involved meaning X-Factor was stopped for nothing.

There are many others out there but I mostly only read X-Men comics atm, just not the ones written by Leah Williams 🙄, and the aforementioned names are have had ties to the series as a whole at some time or another. Greg Land doing the art for the final issue of the original Uncanny X-Men 1963 run is still a crime against humanity.

Edit: Add Zeb Wells to be list as his current and ongoing Amazing Spider-Man run might just go down in comic history as one of the worst ever written.

Devidose 9 points ago +9 / -0

They've also recently killed off Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel like last week in Amazing Spider-Man #26 and it's been fucking hilarious watching the meltdown and fallout because nobody cares about her enough to warrant including her in ASM in the first place.

The whole thing is just being done so she can be resurrected as a mutant to match the upcoming MCU show 'The Marvels' which is establishing her as a mutant rather than Inhuman because of how utterly disastrous that show turned out.

Devidose 11 points ago +11 / -0

they approached Jackson for the rights to use his likeness

No they didn't, which was the original problem. SLJ had Marvel over a barrel for using his likeness without originally asking so getting the MCU role was both easy for him and probably one of the few ways Marvel could get out of it without being sued.

Devidose 30 points ago +30 / -0

But muh patriarchy privileges!


80% of suicide victims

93% workplace fatalities

76% homicide victims

61% homeless population


Keep in mind that pic is 10 years old so the numbers are not accurate, however it's highly unlikely any of them will have flipped the other way and wouldn't surprise anyone here if they had increased.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0


"You would only use this to play games?"

"Did I fucking stutter?"

"... Yes?" 🤔

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

if it breaks

When. When it breaks.

Planned obsolescence is a feature, not a bug, because otherwise the megacorps can't drain their customer base on a quarterly rate.

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

His question is irrelevant, he just wants to rant about something [women] again but under the guise of an actual topic. You know, how most Leftoids do.

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

Enders Game was really good. Was the movie any good?

The movie is only half the book because half of the book is about Ender and where all the action and explosions take place, while the other half is about his two older siblings who eventually take over the world with memes and sockpuppets of all things.

There are some minor differences such as the class being older. Ender is 6 at the start of the novel. He's 16 in the movie. Bean has no special importance despite what later novels would retcon in. The aliens don't get referred to as "Buggers" for fairly obvious reasons.

The major events are all in place, however and play out as they do in the book. It's worth watching at least once.

Devidose 15 points ago +15 / -0

Whether he owns a home computer or not is irrelevant to being given one for work purposes. No company should ever let someone use their own pc for work when the resources exist to provide a suitable alternative, for reasons relating to both work and insurance policies.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

False, we combust in direct sunlight ☀️🔥☠️

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

So, rapists and pillagers? 🤔

They really didn't think this one through, did they?

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

gender fluid fish and other pets

My dog's gender is "bitch", bitch.

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