DestinyDraw 3 points ago +3 / -0

An image from Stellar Blade would be more contemporary

DestinyDraw 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand what are you trying to say with this post?
Are you just making fun of Tate or what are you trying to say?

Video shows Shanequa clearly hits the light switch a few times instead of turning the ship

Tates tweet aside, it's actually a low IQ comment. I'm not a ship engineer, but a software engineer with experience in black hat hacking.
There are many explanations why the lights could go on and off multiple times. And it begins by the simplest thing, if your system is under attack, your first response is to try to reboot the system to regain the control. Ideally you try to go offline so the attacker can't control your system from outside.
I've no idea what is Andrew's source for his comment and I'm not defending him, but I highly doubt that they have simply played with lights, even if it was an inside job.

DestinyDraw 8 points ago +8 / -0

Rightful so. Keep your sexual preferences private, they don't belong on the streets and especially not in schools.

DestinyDraw 2 points ago +2 / -0

The game was very cheap in most sales for a while already.
I bought it for a similar price few years ago.
I mean it's 5 year olds at this point with a sequel.
I can highly recommend the game, I like it more than the second one and played through it 3 or 4 times already.

DestinyDraw 0 points ago +3 / -3

Neither the first game nor the second felt woke to me. Not more than the og SW.

DestinyDraw 5 points ago +5 / -0

I bought the Sequel at the last sale. They have fixed most problems, still I had few crashes sometimes. But it wasn't too bad.
However, I've a high end PC; therefore no idea how it runs on middle and below.

DestinyDraw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Victims families are always monitored by FBI. They know exactly that people will go for vengeance.

DestinyDraw 5 points ago +5 / -0

The thing is, that "normal" people who enjoy something, they will enjoy it and then move on with their lifes. Even if they want to discuss or share their recent experience with other people who had the same experience, they will do it for few days and move on.
At the end, any "normal" person values real life more than fantasy worlds that we experience by reading books, watching anime/movies/shows or playing games.
Therefore "fandoms" are full with people who are obsessed with things they enjoy. These people stick around all the time, they can't stop thinking about it, because their life sucks and they can't deal with it.
Being obsessed with something is obviously not healthy and these people are mostly disturbed.

DestinyDraw 5 points ago +5 / -0

It wouldn't be so evident if the main character wasn't a woman.
Imagine if Ghoul would be a woman or even better, a black woman. People would go nuts.

DestinyDraw 5 points ago +5 / -0

I always prefer to make up my own mind. And thankfully piracy exists.
Download BG3 for "free", if you like it enough you can still buy it later.
I personally simple don't enjoy the gameplay. Sometimes I've phases wegn I play top down turn based strategy games, but not all the time.

DestinyDraw 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is weird to me, how popular Minecraft rule34 is...
Minecraft was top 3 most searched video games on cornhub for 2023.

As for the topic, I have to say that most popular games are played by children (as well). Games like Minecraft and Fortnite.
I mean it's obvious, if a game appeal to all ages, there will be more people who will play it.
Parents will most likely let their children play "harmless" shooter than sexual suggestive games.

DestinyDraw 8 points ago +8 / -0

The levels of fakery, psychopathic behaviour, astroturfing, psyops and power modding is off the charts and that's just the stuff that's been documented.

I would argue that it's a typical internet behavior. I'm a bit older, still remembering forums era. It was all the same, people don't change.
Reddit stands out to me as an even bigger echo chamber, because of the downvoting system.
If you don't agree with the majority, your comment/post will be rendered invisible by downvotes. It has also much greater bearing on impressionable minds of young people.
You get rewarded with points for "good behavior" and punished for "bad behavior".
And now with censorship that comes from above (actual reddit admins), we can't even have our own communities, where you don't get downvoted automatically to speak slightly negative about certain topics.

DestinyDraw 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude, it's simple biology. If she has huge honkers at 20, they were already big at 15.
And cleavage isn't even erotic, not to mention porn. Stop being a snowflake.
And it's not even about being horny. Censorship simply sucks. If it was released in this way, nobody would say a word nor create a mod to expose her breasts.

DestinyDraw 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is where piracy and modding shines on PC. Once it's out, you will be able to find an old copy of game at some point and there are always people who make mods for such things. Taking assets from old files and inject them into the latest version of a game is easy.

DestinyDraw 13 points ago +13 / -0

Obviously we have the same system here, but what I dislike about reddit, that it's a huge echo chamber. The big difference is the censorship, which proves that it's a controlled environment.
Meanwhile you can't even write the word "trans" in the comments of /r/KotakuInAction2.
If you want to know what the truth is, always look at what you are not allowed to talk about.
It's ironic how most upvoted comments there talk about "reflect and reexamine your own views".

DestinyDraw 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tifa is actually Nr.2 most searched video game character on pornhub 2023.
What is weird to me, that Nr.1 is "Chun-Li fortnite" instead of Street Fighters. GenZ play too much fortnite.

DestinyDraw 4 points ago +4 / -0

Generally: What people forget that Scientists are human as well. And often not the best one.
They are often geeks who were bullied at school, have no idea how to talk to women, or are even still virgins.
This kind of people's identity and their ego is build on their PhD title. They are petty, are trained to trust only in was what told to them in school, by the books and have often no real real life experience. They often want to be right so badly that they are blinded by their ego.

DestinyDraw 3 points ago +3 / -0

I watched all series from the "The Defenders universe" and I find all of them quite good. Jessica Jones Season 1 and Daredevil was the best, Iron Fist was pretty cringe, Luke Cage series was mid, but I can't remember any of them being woke, beside few gay side characters.