DenKon_Zenith 10 points ago +10 / -0

The difference is Epic can sometimes write good code.

DenKon_Zenith 23 points ago +23 / -0

The ships transformers were shaking themselves apart, and their "fix" was to jam a hook between a transformer and it's casing. Caused intermittent power issues; made even more catastrophic because of the retarded concept of "fly(boat) by wire" everything has these days. Power goes out, can't steer or throttle; power comes back for a few seconds, picks up on throttle and steering changes, power dies again and over corrects. Sign of full stack incompetence in both maintenance and command structure.

DenKon_Zenith 6 points ago +6 / -0

V Rising is a fun one, if you want to oppress townsfolk and hunt bosses. Satisfactory just hit 1.0, and is in an excellent state. Nova Drift, if you hate your eyeballs and want to play Asteroids on steroids.

DenKon_Zenith 1 point ago +1 / -0

Proliferation of pornography. Given the average age of exposure to it is something like eight years old now, it shouldn't be surprising the over-exaggerated forms have become the new "beauty" standard.

DenKon_Zenith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let's start with something simple; A woman is a person who's nature is that of being a mother.

DenKon_Zenith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their population is comically enough converting to Christianity at a prodigious rate. The leading class is all Muslim still. This is both internal and external political posturing; trying to keep their own population vaguely approving of them, and stabbing at the western world at the same time.

DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gnosticism in a nutshell.

DenKon_Zenith 11 points ago +11 / -0

The original Freespace in 1998 had a customizable HUD, they're only two and a half decades behind.

DenKon_Zenith 13 points ago +14 / -1

Homosexual men die faster than both of those groups. It's almost like straying from sane, realistic applications of what God gave you leads to unhappy outcomes.

DenKon_Zenith 2 points ago +2 / -0

That many cop cars? Sure it's not Jake and Elwood?

DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

40k is sci-fi for the most part, and about as progressive as an Amish neighborhood. Sci-fi is what you make it out to be, Gene Roddenberry was a flaming commie, and so is his creation. Anyone making a good science fiction universe who happens to be conservative will create a conservative world unless suborned in some way.

DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a tiny chance Exodus turns out good, but zero gameplay in the trailer is a major red flag.

DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got pulled into Icarus not long ago, it's alright so far.

DenKon_Zenith 4 points ago +5 / -1

"Nintendo Indie Direct" that's your problem right there, all that is carefully curated BS by Nintendo. Zero doubt in my mind some perpetually angry blue-hair working for Nintendo went through every applicant studio's twitter feed for anything "problematic".

by Lethn
DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Functionality is definitely a big part of it. Like Starfield would get very few positive points for it's shooting mechanic because it's so basic(and buggy), and there's a lot of shit that gets in the way without adding a lot of variability. Games like Roboquest would get much higher marks, because the shooting is better made and has systems in place to greatly differentiate player experience within it.

by Lethn
DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been pondering an objective structure to use to define a "good" game versus a "bad" game, with varying amounts of luck. "Good" being a game with systems that magnify and/or differentiate gameplay more than they get in the way of if, with a "bad" game doing the opposite. Attempting to extract personal tastes from game reviewing is proving as difficult as it is useful.

by Lethn
DenKon_Zenith 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a good number of excellent games out there, just not the mega-popular ones. Everspace 2 is a good example.

DenKon_Zenith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Modern AAA gaming has devolved to seeking the minimum viable product. Diablo 4 is a textbook example.

DenKon_Zenith 6 points ago +6 / -0

None of those holidays have pagan roots.

DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

I keep a "cover" Amazon wishlist full of cheap electronic components around. Family won't buy fifty different things off the list, partially because that many gifts would be weird, partially because they have zero idea as to what they all are. My excuse is I do use the parts, and it's fun explaining what they all do when I open them.

DenKon_Zenith 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you like flight games, Everspace 2 is a solid one. Roboquest is a fun diversionary game; roguelite shooter with some real well done movement tech. Did a good bit of Desynced if you like the factory sim type games.

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