Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wouldn't be surprised if there are some 'dormant' channels with nothing but bot subscribers cultivating for years and eventually getting assigned to someone. People talk about youtubers selling out, but corporations are taking it a step further and starting from the ground-up using actors to pretend to be a regular person. It lures viewers into a false sense of trust. It's like the new reality TV: 99% of it is scripted but people still get duped into thinking it's somehow more real than a Disney studio.

There is basically no quality control about this. Any kid with a phone or tablet will watch and fall into a parasocial relationship with a Youtuber, thinking it's a real person, so the actor can sell shit.

Daucus9 38 points ago +39 / -1

If my wife needs to take so many steps to essentially "take the India out of India" so she can visit India safely on her own, then India doesn't deserve any tourist money. Yes, there are basic safety precautions to take when you travel anywhere, but you know it's bad when even other Indian men complain how rapey Indian men are.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe I'm misunderstanding how geofencing works but how would they know where else the phone has been? So there is a second geofence around an FBI office in DC?

Daucus9 3 points ago +4 / -1

Isekai/regression/transmigration are super popular due to the escapism they offer, but they also end up being painfully derivative. So much of it is copying what other stories did, but lack the creativity to do something new with it. It's like the Human Centipede of anime.

Since anime runs behind the manga/manwha/manhua, I would say you are experiencing anime that pounced on Konosuba's popularity and are running "loser MC haha" into the ground.

Even this was originally considered to be a fresh spin on the typical MC, at least from a few years ago. It's sort of like how bog standard harem MC dudes were very bland losers (think Love Hina, etc.) so the male audience could project themselves onto, but then once light novels started to pick up the MCs started to become competent and a little angster (think Sword Art Online, etc.).

I've fallen off a lot of anime since isekai is so prevalent. And one of its major pitfalls is the determination to make the MC such an OP as fuck character that the story is incapable of producing a compelling villain character. When the MC does nothing but steamroll over any opposition he has, and antagonists all have to be incompetent and stupid, shit just gets boring.

But the whole "people just can't see HOW POWERFUL I REALLY AM" is slop that 13 year olds eat up and once they get sick of it there is always the next back to 13 year olds to get in line. Which has made isekai almost impossible to get stale at this point. It's frustrating because there is nothing stopping people from writing better, but why make the effort when you're going to get rich all the same?

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

A software friend of mine pointed out that 2023 had a huge amount of layoffs in this field. According to Linkin, Crowdstrike had a bunch of unfilled positions even halfway into 2024. Which is nuts, because the layoffs last year would have had people firing up their resumes and Crowdstrike should have been swimming in applications, and filling those positions. People like to gripe about unqualified people, but the sheer numbers indicate that this cannot explain the discrepancy.

Basically, Crowdstrike either did some really shoddy outsourcing to India while still saying they're hiring, or these chucklefucks thought they could depend on generative AI to make up the difference.

Daucus9 6 points ago +6 / -0

When you got a President in his 70's, voting for him also means you're cool with his VP potentially becoming President too. I'm not sure if too many people who actually wanted Biden will suddenly balk at Harris.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

They certainly will but the thing is they were desperate to keep Biden for a reason

The reason? Hillary.

Something must have finally happened that made the rest of the confident that Hillary "It's MY turn!" Clinton won't try to snatch and run.

Daucus9 2 points ago +2 / -0

GTA Online and Fortnite have done so much damage to the industry. Of course, it's not just them: Overwatch loot boxes, gatcha games in general, everything all the way back to the fucking horse armor.

If gamers just hadn't opened up their wallets to buy the slop, we wouldn't have this metastasized cancer running around.

I agree, Rockstar is definitely making some GTA content that they have no plans on including it in GTA6 - it's going straight to GTA Online 2 or whatever.

The silver lining is that yeah, it's easier than ever for people to start an indie game company.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah there are photographers whose entire job is just to follow politicians around and take pictures of them at rallies or other public events. It's like saying wow this wildlife photographer who captured a rare bird species also captured another rare bird species two decades ago.

Daucus9 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Jackson movies aren't perfect but they are the best we're going to get for at least another century. He approached it how people should approach adaptations: how to adapt a story from one medium to another. Going from a literary medium to a visual/audio medium.

The "oh boy now we can stuff this with diversity cookies to reach arbitrary quotas and add our snide little dialogue" approach is just taking the Mona Lisa and spray painting all over it.

Daucus9 8 points ago +8 / -0

The funny thing is that because the weather has changed over the past 40 years, Tornado Alley has been shifting gradually to the east. Is it climate change? Is it Santa Claus? Who knows.

Daucus9 14 points ago +14 / -0

iirc Pocketpair is a company consisting of a few guys who are flying by the seat of their pants, so it's not surprising that they might have signed a contract without considering the implications fully

Daucus9 -4 points ago +1 / -5

we're supposed to believe this guy was anti-woman

Lots of dirty little hypocrites exist in this world. Just wait until you find out about all the conservatives that jerk it to tranny porn.

Daucus9 2 points ago +2 / -0

They shouldn't have bothered to put an African-inspired nation in their game in the first place. It's like having no black rappers but you're still spreading rap "music" at the end of the day.

Daucus9 10 points ago +10 / -0

And Alec Baldwin's case just got thrown out!

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's like how there are a bunch of flat earthers but very, very rarely do they ever manage to get as far as to build a flying contraption to prove the earth is flat, and get themselves killed due to their poor design.

Daucus9 7 points ago +7 / -0

Not a chance this was government orchestrated, no way would they have wanted to do it in such a fantastic way that his fans would martyr him. If the government were to kill him they'd spike his cheeseburger with heart attack juice or something plausible for a 76 year old fatty to die of.

Daucus9 4 points ago +5 / -1

Oh man I bet RFK Jr. is seething with jealousy right now, that would have been wormbrain's only chance of getting anyone to vote for him.

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

See kids this is why banning guns at political rallies doesn't work! /s

Daucus9 12 points ago +12 / -0

Eh, doesn't seem that far-fetched. He does sound exactly like an American when a lot of foreign actors tend to dip into their natural accent while playing Americans.

A brief check and it seems like kiddy diddler Bryan Singer did the initial casting for the show, so it's possible the idiot didn't know who Hugh Laurie was.

Daucus9 17 points ago +17 / -0

Boogie is astoundingly disgusting.

Amassed (heh) a ton (lol) of goodwill in the gaming community and somehow managed to convince people he was just a good ol' boy.

Wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on hookers he buys because a real woman doesn't want to touch his fat ass.

So disgusting that having sex with him was enough for one prostitute to quit the business.

Such a weak-willed piece of shit he won't stop eating so he's 500+ lbs.

He ruined his teeth and spend tens of thousands to install implant replacements.

Has chased all sorts of things like lap band surgery, expecting it to be a miracle cure that will get him to stop shoving junk food in his fat ugly face, and gets depressed when SURPRISE his relentless shoving junk food in his fat ugly face causes him to regain any weight loss.

Such a huge retard with his finances in general. Thinks his fans are stupid pieces of shit that deserve to be ripped off.

Was involved in some cryptocurrency rug pull scam, and THIS is why he faked cancer: he was claiming the investment was in the hopes he'd get to pay his medical bills. Has refused to pay any money he took back.

The only thing that's terminal has been his career. He's fat and stupid and the fat is going to kill him and he's old enough for his extreme obesity to to make him worse because he's nearly 50 now. So he's in that stage where he can't afford to live the lifestyle he's been used to, because he's not getting paid as much anymore because his own shittiness has been driving people away. Which has made him more desperate, because the idiot has no backup - he has no job skills and has burned so many bridges to shift to different content, and he can't just get a menial worker job because he's as big as a water buffalo and too fat to fit behind the counter at McDonald's and he'd probably get fired within a week eating customer orders.

Daucus9 24 points ago +24 / -0

It's funny how East Asians can manage this just fine but certain other nonwhites cannot.

Daucus9 15 points ago +16 / -1

iirc Nintendo was responding to a question

this question was omitted in English reports about this, but the question was about what Nintendo could do to help protect children after a cosplayer sent sexual messages to children

It has nothing to do with good faith fans making fan art of Nintendo characters.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

"I Parry Everything" is the latest in the line of manga/anime with a retarded premise that pretends it makes the OC an underdog, like "In this world where a man's value is based on how fast he can make a girl cum, all I have is this lousy ability to find the G spot without fail!" that's insulting to the audience's intelligence.

Most isekai/RPGlite, are written so stupidly it's like they never even played a videogame they claim to be based off of. Shield Hero, Redo of Healer, Bofuri, etc.

Yeah whodathunk that parrying, one of the fundamentals of swordsmanship, could be useful!

The genre has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for awhile now. It speaks volumes that isekai/regression/cultivation have only managed to produce a handful of actually good series (and not the equivalent of "it tastes good if you close your eyes and eat around the nasty bits) in the last 15 freaking years.

If the genre is heavily saturated, then we should have seen a plethora of high quality entries among all the junk due to sheer volume, but instead it's been a swamp of derivative, unimaginative garbo.

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