DNA1 5 points ago +7 / -2

Literally all this spam because some of us said we didn't care about drawings and had better concerns. I'm so happy you're triggered. Keep seething and contrary to my leading sentence, keep posting; it brightens my day.

DNA1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Potential correlation between the vax and pox has been discussed before on NNN, not sure if it ever made the rounds here. Sample threads:

Think I may have seen something about this on a few sites as well. And, of course, general talk about weakening the immune system and AIDS-like effects was discussed well over a year now.

Overall, I have no personal stance on the "monkeypox" as it needs more research on my part, which I'm not inclined to do at current moment. Vax is bad. Pox is bad. That's good enough for now.

DNA1 11 points ago +12 / -1

Bret Weinstein's infamous podcast, where Steve Kirsch wouldn't shut the fuck up, was mid-June or earlier - https://rumble.com/vijpp5-how-to-save-the-world-in-3-easy-steps...covid-19-perspectives-from-an-exper.html

I don't remember if they talk about the Japanese FOIA request that unveiled the spike protein NOT remaining in the shoulder there, but if not then that factoid was certainly no later than EOM July.

(On that note, this year between 2 Mar 2022 17:28:49 UTC and 26 Jul 2022 16:18:52 UTC, the CDC removed the claim that mRNA and the spike protein don't last long in the body, see embedded archive links.)

Doctors For COVID Ethics Symposium was July 29 & 30 of 2021 and I don't remember which session or timestamp, but 1 of them explicitly elucidated to the laymen implications of spikes being cleaved into the bloodstream.

Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and many others have repeatedly been banging on the table in very detailed, technical terms. Many whitepapers were ignored.

Of course, this is strictly addressing this part of the article:

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has claimed that there was no known association between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines as late as October 2021.

VAERS database stuff was prior to May, 2021. Well before the bad faith provided timeline of October 2021.

And, of course, we knew the vax was going to be dodgy even in 2020 given both intuition/common sense and past data on mRNA and such. Everything about response to the WuFlu, and CDC messaging (including waffling on masks, etc., in Jan+ of 2020) was a red flag, which unfortunately came to fruition.

Edit: VAERS was prior to May, 2021; updated comment inline with link to a KIA2 thread. This isn't even considering the far more frequently discussed info on NNN. These dates are the "at best" timelines for CDC, the reality is far worse for them.

DNA1 18 points ago +19 / -1

I don't know about the number of deaths, but the aviation industry isn't doing too hot either:

Effects are less pronounced because the percentage of pilots that quit or were fired/laid off due to mandates had an immediate, more visible impact in an already limited, extremely specialized work force.

People have almost become accustomed to flight delays and cancellations, but it doesn't seem like it's done thanks to the high altitude factor.

DNA1 53 points ago +54 / -1

So they're blatantly going to violate the Hyde Amendment while lying that they are not violating the Hyde Amendment. This type of shamelessness is certainly consistent, like the "peaceful" protests as prime example...

DNA1 25 points ago +26 / -1


  • Went out of its way to sponsor the vaccines
  • Broke standard watch guard protocols on trials
  • Lied about masks
  • Lied about "2 weeks"
  • Changed PCR test cycles post-vax rollout
  • Repeatedly stated the VAERS database was unreliable due to self-reporting (in reality reports get follow-ups by personnel)
  • Suppressed info about non-patented solution like Ivermectin
  • Recommended that Ivermectin NOT be used on pregnant women due to "unknown risks"
  • Overruled advisory board safety recommendations
  • Recommended vaccines / stated vaccines had "no known" side effects on pregnant women
  • Recommended vaccines to children
  • Ignored advising the population about essentials like Vitamin D, zinc, exercise, avoiding obesity, etc.
  • Re-defined the word "vaccine"

...and much more. There is no question -- they were straight up malicious. I assure you there is no reality where this wasn't intentionally done, especially at the higher levels of these medical experts.

This is the same situation with The Fed asserting "transitionary inflation", you really think economic experts who study these things for their livelihood are less intelligent in their field than idiots like us seeing trillions of dollars being pumped in to the economy - making the debt to GDP ratio the worst since WWII?? Not a chance.

Don't get me wrong, normies are morons and I hope many of these Nu World Gestapo suffer a painful, miserable death for berating and pressuring their fellow men to get the needle due to a self-serving, arrogant, condescending impetus to feel morally superior. Fuck this world. Abort everyone.

Edit: Grammar/typos. Last edit - Removed line 'Fauci and others have received monetary awards over the years as well.' He has received compensation in various forms that incentivizes human risk and extending the pandemic, but I don't believe it has ever been directly linked from pharmaceuticals (although this explicitly has been clearly noted/disclosed for various doctors and officials). There's also some fuckery with his wife Christine Grady, but I don't recall off-hand and would need to dig it up.

DNA1 22 points ago +23 / -1

Original - https://www.theepochtimes.com/exclusive-cdc-claims-link-between-heart-inflammation-and-covid-19-vaccines-wasnt-known-for-most-of-2021_4638716.html

Between a number of posts or references between here and NNN, we have the receipts now dating years and contrary to their claims of innocence, are firmly aware of the CDC's culpability in crimes against humanity including genocide.

DNA1 3 points ago +4 / -1

PlayAsia and Solaris Japan are good alternative for some physical games and merchandise including anime/movies/music/figurines. I don't think either does manga, but I've only bought artbooks...and, of course, there are others.

Right Stuf was well touted so it's a sad loss but I'm sure there are perfectly fine options outside of this...the only thing I'm extremely thankful for is finding out they got pozzed before I ever one day used them. Fuck Crunchy Roll.

Sadly, not all with matching principles will be informed.

DNA1 4 points ago +5 / -1

We prefer his handling of the CCP Virus fauxdemic over other politicians. I'm not an expert on all of his policies, nor can predict how he'd be as U.S. President, but him going against globalist scare tactics doesn't seem to support your thesis that he's a cuck, irrespective of whether you're right. If you want to argue the latter, seems fitting for a separate thread with supporting arguments.

DNA1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Dom got burned out fighting his Rule 16 crusade or other dumb shit 6 days ago, and can't be bothered to clean out explicit spam like this - https://kotakuinaction2.win/logs

DNA1 8 points ago +8 / -0


With truth bombs like these, it's hard to tell when you're being sarcastic.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

People are brainwashed. I mean that literally: the globalists work in tandem and own all of mainstream media, have sizeable influence in pretty much every single large corporation, bribe politicians, etc.

The plebs simply obey and don't think for themselves, have far more serious problems - that their overlords have helped instill in society - and can't afford to, or are among the fortunate to escape mere peasantry such that they can view the world from an ivory tower.

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

And you strike me as extremely dimwitted. Drawings aren't real, if people watch child pornography there are already laws for that -- prison term is a perfectly fine deterrent for something like 99.9%+ of the population.

In practice most of this doesn't even boil down to toddlers or the like; people raise a fuss about attractive developed teens, or even baby faced adults (Valve is extremely egregious on this point), sometimes as an attack vector that they know will resonate better than simply "misogyny".

Anyway, I legit don't care if people fap to underaged drawings. If you go become a Hollywood hero, I'll salute you.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's relatively new, let's see how long the whales stay with it; if they can't sustain the user base, then it'll be an utter disappointment to the brand.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did the same with Handbrake actually. Well, I rarely watch anything in the 1st place -- just a disclaimer/note for anyone using VLC. Not hard at all, but does require some effort.

DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

You aren't killing anyone, you edgy faggot. There are plenty of rapists out there -- why don't you come back to brag once you've been of actual use to society?

Oh, of course you won't; just like the retards from ConPro that once mass-spammed this forum while jacking each other off and accusing everyone who didn't give a damn about fictional drawings - because said accused are not retarded and can separate fiction from reality - of being pedophiles.

But if you are so brave, you can start anytime with cleansing Hollywood and report your heroism. Nobody here is stopping you, cock sucker.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

It also doesn't work with soft-subs if watching something in a different language (e.g. anime, foreign film, etc.).

DNA1 8 points ago +8 / -0

This site has some good articles, recaps, stats, and quotes. Examples:

...and numerous others, a lot that I'm familiar with from other sites but some new or fresh angles. See their front page and especially World News.

Edit: I have Javascript disabled.

DNA1 20 points ago +20 / -0


These people really need to be taken to task for linguistically appropriating my fucking language.

Misogynoir: The Unique Discrimination That Black Women Face

DNA1 10 points ago +10 / -0

RT states:

Shakira’s public relations team insists she has never tried to defraud the authorities. Moreover, Shakira has already paid the money demanded by the Spanish Tax Agency along with interest believed to be around €3 million ($3.04 million).

If this is true, doubt much comes of this ala the Panama Papers incident (nothing really happened, right?).

The only celebrity going to jail that stands out is Martha Stewart, and she wasn't indicted for the insider trading.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably some machine learning false positive.

In other news, piracy prevails again. Squenix can go fuck itself.

DNA1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm at $0.000055 on CoinMarketCap - https://archive.ph/ZIPth

Not bragging, but I don't recall seeing any of you cock suckers on the market.

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