CarmenOfSandiego 6 points ago +6 / -0

There's been talk for a while in Scotland about how the rest of the UK, and more, will be coming for the water up there. Going to be an interesting conflict when it happens.

CarmenOfSandiego 8 points ago +8 / -0

Unfortunately for both those games the ones hired were basically done so through the Peter Principle, or whatever the name is.

Ion was hired for his raid knowledge, so of course got put in charge of non raid stuff. Same with Stellaris with the weasel they put in charge of that who outright lied about the AI getting buffs even after players were able to prove it.

CarmenOfSandiego 17 points ago +17 / -0

Unironically looking forward to the comments about this on readcomicsonline as there has been someone posting about this in various X-Men comics over the last few weeks. As expected there are SJWs both denying and berating him and others who bring up yet another change to a "historic" character, and one of the most amusing "defenses" when it comes to Morph and similar characters is that "shapeshifters are always queer", or something equally retarded take.

CarmenOfSandiego 12 points ago +12 / -0

And got told to stop by Zoe Quinn of all people, not for any magnanimous reason of course, but because it would have exposed the grift.

CarmenOfSandiego 6 points ago +6 / -0

Also for those curious, and massive spoilers ahead if you've had the unfortunate luck...

The plot to this game is two things. First, it's generally well liked, so that's a plus. Second, it's literally directly lifed later for the Obi-Wan live action show. So if you saw that, for some insane reason, that's what you're going to get with this game.

This isn't a criticism of the game, it's a criticism of how fucking lazy Disney/Star Wars/live actions can be when fishing for plot to use because a lot of writers are that shit.

But then that's old hat to many here since the ending to Mass Effect 3, which was very front and center back during the original GG days, is literally the ending to Deus Ex from 2000. This was however largely overshadowed by the build up from all 3 games in the trilogy basically amounting to fuck all, as ME3's ending was not just a single issue complaint.

CarmenOfSandiego 8 points ago +8 / -0


Hold up!

CarmenOfSandiego 9 points ago +10 / -1

It's a 9 day old troll account spamming almost every popular thread in the same time span. Go look at how badly it's getting ratio'd every single time it posts.

CarmenOfSandiego 7 points ago +7 / -0

The two on the bottom left of the upper image look like they're having an allergic reaction to something.

CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +5 / -0

Up until it happens, that is.

Remember how in the US version of The Office there's a line by Dwight about needing a new plague because of all the annoying people in the world? To the surprise of few that message became less fun in 2019 and 2020 onwards.

CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +5 / -0

‘assets’ can turn someone with a 6 face into an 8-9

Are we talking about a paper bag? As that's probably the cheapest option here.

CarmenOfSandiego 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bonobos are the most promiscuous of the primates when comparing Gorillas, Humans, Chimpanzees, and Bonobos.

Gorillas are generally 1 male to about 3 females in a harem.

Humans are inherently promiscuous but culturally monogamous for the most part.

Chimpanzees are generally promiscuous.

Bonobos literally fuck as a means of greeting. It happens all the time.

CarmenOfSandiego 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'll give them credit for being honest on this one.

Feels more like they realised they fucked up going too fast, too soon with this deplorable smear attempt and far too many normies caught on before there was sufficient weight behind the idea to work as a weapon.

CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the point is Arnold didn't have pitch perfect knowledge of english

Isn't one of his very first movies completely dubbed because he flat out couldn't speak English back then?

CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +4 / -0

I dont think mangaka suffer from increased chances of brain tumor though.

Emilia Clarke had 2 aneurysms during the shooting of Game of Thrones, the first during the very first season, the second 2 years later. The facts she had 2 and survived both is already remarkable but the fact she was only 24/25 at the time of the first points out that sometimes these things happen to anyone regardless of age or any previous history.

Then you start factoring in comorbity from other parts of someone's life.

When the term "the silent killer" gets used it really should refer to aneurysms more as they can go undetected for far too long then pop and someone literally drops dead. Whether the rupture is induced externally from a head injury or simply happens after long enough will vary as the underlying condition can be that "dormant" nothing seems wrong for years despite the Damocles sword hanging no further than the lining of a blood vessel.

Take that, the highly overworked nature of manga writers/artists that is extremely evident in the more popular series and just how often new issues get put on break because the creator literally needs to stop before being hospitalised [again], and the equally destructive working environment of Japan where men are not only expected to work like this but then go and socialise and drink themselves to stupor all for the sake, pun intended, of conforming to what is meant to be the cultural working design of Japan, and you end up with a lot of Japanese men quite literally working themselves to death.

Even when this sort of behaviour only lasts a relatively short period of time in someone's life the damage caused by that time spent under these intense conditions and the various consumptions can start a countdown that may end up ticking for years or decades but still ends up stopping far sooner than it should have.

CarmenOfSandiego 20 points ago +20 / -0

One is to rely on media outlets

There have been almost no community based cases of such an uproar

Yeah, because you presume the media is on your side.

CarmenOfSandiego 26 points ago +26 / -0

If he waits long enough he'll probably be their legal guardian soon enough anyway.

CarmenOfSandiego 21 points ago +21 / -0

“It Is Unacceptable For Someone To Alter A Work Without Considering The Original Author’s Intent”

The Woke Left: "We have considered the original author's intent to be problematic and therefore will be changing everything except the title so we still attract gullible normies."

CarmenOfSandiego 15 points ago +15 / -0

Wise man once say, "When two of your enemies fight each other, sell tickets!".

CarmenOfSandiego 10 points ago +10 / -0

Checks out, most footfags I've ended up knowing have also been complete retards.

CarmenOfSandiego 27 points ago +27 / -0

Right after their suspension for the coordinated harassment of the curator group had just ended.

So after pissing off most, if not all, of Brasil by going after one of their gamers, the first thing done after coming back from a suspension is to, /checks notes, piss off lots of black man who loved DBZ, Brasil again, most of the rest of South America, Japan, large swaths of the USA, and countless other places around the world?

That's a bold move, Cotton, let's see how it plays out.

[Copied from the other thread because SBI deserve all the attention possible about their idiocy.]

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