BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

This is one way to say he literally can't distinguish Asians from each other. When I was younger, that was called being a racist.
Then again, to these leftioid morons Asians are privileged, so there is that.

Funny how he later goes "it was totally you because you reacted when I called your name". So basically he spastically yelled shit that made no sense at a person and because said person looked at him and probably went "HUH?", he thinks that's confirmation he found the right person.

by Billyog
BulbasaurusThe7th 48 points ago +48 / -0

Oh, I have been told this doesn't go for third worlder babies, as they don't damage the environment.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have seen SJW types call a Caribbean origin, British woman an African-American.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

There is that "Lambert House". They say it's for LGBTQIAMPMSNFBI+- kids and questioning. They also tell you how many fun things you can do there.
That's basically them saying "you can have all this if you become one of us". What do you think happen to the kids who move in as "questioning", but then, despite all the brainwashing, turn out to be normal? Do you think they are allowed to stay?
No, all the fun will be taken away. Unless. You conform.

And these people say parents are abusive if they ground their kids for crazy behaviour or take away their internet connection when they are obviously being groomed.
But they can threaten to take away everything from them unless they homo up.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yeah, inspiration. I can hit people with my car, then get a fuckton of plastic surgery. Wonder if it would work.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

At least this one had people who cared about him and they didn't start looking after 5 days like with some porn tranny I saw recently.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean... libs like to pretend drugs are good for you, though. I'm surprised they even care. I was told by multiple brilliant leftoids that LSD cures all mental illnesses and weed does it for literally everything ever, from cancer to infertility to thrush.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's not really where it started, though. I think that's pretty much irrelevant in the sense that I have seen fucking millionaire spawns, people who never have to interact with illegal scum be just as miserable.
Like this guy, his family was all doctors and lawyers. They lived in the poshest of posh places where there were no Muzzies. None. He was still depressed as fuck.

It's really not about that. They are discouraged from standing out and such. It's considered kind of... uncomfortable if you are above average, outspoken or ambitious. They could have literally zero rapes, but the fact that you are supposed to be so muted at all times kills the drive of anyone.
Being too happy or proud is vanity and insensitive. Being too driven is being pushy and greedy. Just be sensitive to others and don't stand out.

BulbasaurusThe7th 29 points ago +29 / -0

But did you know that those countries are ACKSHULLY happier according to a study? I always laugh at that.
I lived in Sweden for a bit, they are not happy. It's just not a Swedish thing to complain. So many of them are hella depressed. Sure, they have a bunch of "free this" and "free that" that sound appealing to your average dull lib, but that doesn't make them content or happy with themselves and their lives.
A bunch of people I met there have alcohol or other substance issues. They are aimless, feel like there is no way to motivate themselves. Their relationships are not doing great. They seem to be doing great financially because they have the typical consoomer goods you associate with a good life, but they have no savings and basically they are right on the verge of financial ruin if just one thing goes wrong. Things like that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 34 points ago +34 / -0

What kind of a butcher does that? Men have nipples. Also, that scar looks like I stitched it up with my foot.

Also, nice out of date Tumblr fandom tattoo. God, so cringe.

BulbasaurusThe7th 30 points ago +30 / -0

You know what's sad? This is how spoilt leftoid trust fund babies become "educators". They are the only ones who can afford this. Same with media and such.

BulbasaurusThe7th 33 points ago +33 / -0

And it happens in so many ways.
Like how TRAs claim transitioning is a cure-all. You are unhappy because you feel ugly? Don't fit in? Have depression? Have a shit family? Just have teen growing pains? Were molested? Feel you wasted your potential? Have learning difficulties or other disabilities? WELL, just transition and you will be suddenly happy. Sure, your mom still beats you, you are bullied, your body is still weird, your still underperform in school, but now you expect this one thing to magically solve it all.
It didn't happen? Well, where to go from here? You have all that, PLUS you also fucked yourself up completely.

Or maybe the community and the way it treats apostates? You were first lovebombed and mindlessly supported by the people who now send you death threats because you are not one of their perfect clone drones anymore? HUH.

Also, the fact that the same community also pushes a lot of other illogical and unhealthy things? Like so many of adult transgenders "mentor", aka groom and molest young ones? A bunch of the older, prominent ones who were/are super connected in the community all have long lists of rape accusations. Like Eli Erlick or Laurelai Bailey.

BulbasaurusThe7th 62 points ago +62 / -0

The Troon Propaganda Machine will just say she offed herself because of transphobes. If everyone around her was supportive, they will claim it's SOCIETY. They can always find someone to claim instead of looking at their own horror cult.

Recently there was this campaign where people who detransitioned were telling their stories online.
So the perverts naturally said "people only ever detransition because society didn't support them". The people themselves told their own stories, but these disgusting freaks told them they didn't mean what they just said. I hate them so fucking much.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

Now all the other freaks pretend they were supah good gurlfrans, but it took 5 days to check in on him.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Just you wait, they will say he was a self-destructive trash person because of transphobes.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +24 / -1

I don't understand what he is bitching about. Like why did he have to publicly announce some random restaurant was not treating him well? Like that's not great, obviously, but stop trying to sound like some brave freedom fighter, it's a restaurant, mate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Who gives a shit what some oversized hentai titty online hoe plays? Nobody cares about her morals. She is a hoe.
The big mistake is that people pretend we should take them seriously. Nobody ever cared about the fucking intellect or morals or whatever of whores. They are what they are. But now people try to justify consuming their shit by "ackshully, I am a cultured gentleman, I like her personality and I totally care about her playing games".
Nigger, no, you just want to see hilariously oversized fetish level titties.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

Now say the same about the hordes of screaming ghetto-dwellers picking apart whole entire stores. Stealing a flat screen TV or some sneakers isn't unnervin, yeah?
I mean some suburban Karen taking a sign is horror, but not peaceful protests where people actually get killed by the protesters?

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

Right? I bet some wonderful female artist got paid super well for it

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Can we talk about how journalists speak like 14-year-old idiots?
Kinda yikes? The English language has so many words to express your feelings and you go with that? Someone, who I am 100% sure went to college, has worse English than mine. I'm a no-degree, working class, Eastern European who started actually properly learning English at age 15.
Just think about that for a second and weep.

BulbasaurusThe7th 27 points ago +27 / -0

This absolute BITCH. He also speaks in my name, which is nice, because look. Endangers ALL WOMEN. Yeah, bullshit, I feel more endangered seeing some Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage trying to cozy up to random women in a public bathroom.

I don't love Rowling's politics and I'm an anti feminist. But like... really, dude? Her talking endangers all women. Not trooners beating female athletes to a bloody pulp. Not men in dresses who post about wanting to rape women having access to female only spaces where I might be caught naked and fucking vulnerable. No. Not that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +27 / -2

Nobody wants YOU to do anything. You are not the protagonist of the world.

Besides, nobody ever said you need to support Russia, man. Nobody. But it's pretty hilarious to see you accuse others of being Nazis, but then you pretend you don't see when someone are actually being Nazis.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +9 / -2

Yes. I mean, I will never be over his theory about women specifically organise to kill men in March every year because of weird ceremonial black magic reason or something.
The supposed connections he makes are legitimately paranoid crazy level. Then he says "all the pieces are there, I'm the only one who sees them, but they all make sense". Yeah right.

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