BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +22 / -1

Fucking blackpill everyone, just lay down and die. I don't understand the point of this.

by folx
BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Am woman, hi.
I have been in a situation when I needed to ask back in high school. It was awful! Thankfully a friend of mine basically ran back into the classroom and just asked every girl while I was stuck in a bathroom stall. God bless her, wherever she is.

But yeah, it's horrible enough when it's other girls. I can't imagine some cartoon-voiced dude. SHIT.

by folx
BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Same with that Allyn Walker tranny pedo one. She sounds like a woman, she just does!

The thing about troons is that you can see what they think the other gender is. The women always "become men" who wear UWU cutesy shirts/bowties, are soft boiz, just such lame, pussy bullcrap.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Serpentza is one, the other laowhy86.
They are super interesting. They talk about a lot of stuff, like going to hospitals in China, prostitution, the failing economy....

BulbasaurusThe7th 30 points ago +30 / -0

I recently got into two YouTube channels where the dudes used to live in China. They talk about how things really are there

The comment sections always have some people obviously sent there by the chinese gov. But they often have Arabic usernames. Dunno why Arabic in specific, but it is very common.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

You assume I understand the weird stuff going on with you.

Yes, I really do care about internet points. Sure. Will you call me a Pick Me, like a feminist would?

Women support and are against everything. A bunch of women are against abortion, a bunch for it. So then what spiteful opinion you hold?
One of my favourite anime ever.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

He hates everything with women.
Hates whores, but if you say we should ban porn/prostitution, he screams.
He always talks about having kids being a cuck horrible thing, but he is also against women having the right to abort.

All the weird crap with him is just all over the place, man.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

You bring women into everything, yet you just don't talk about this, because they were never brought up. Dude. You can tie in women into ANYTHING we talk about, no matter how unrelated and random.

But here? Oh, the perpetrators were just... never mentioned, OH NO.
Also, I am sure it was women. Yeah, right. Sure.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

You just have to listen to the way many gay men talk about underage boys. Look at the likes of James Charles REPEATEDLY being caught preying on underage boys.

Of course they wanted money, these bitches. But would they make any without a lucrative market? Hm.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

Then again, if the financial world collapses... in theory... who can outlast that and profit once it comes back?
The billionaires who already have billions, land, assets of every kind, who can live off of that for all their lives.
Or us, normal people?

I know you overestimate your own wealth and societal value a lot here, but you would not even be in the same ballpark as those big banker dynasties.
They lose money. Hell yes, they do. But their never lose it all. I only have this one place where I live. My one moderate car. IF I lose that, I lost what I owned.
The bankers can afford to lose BILLIONS and still stay at the top, just outlast the issues and you even buy the lie that it's an issue for them that they have to fake losses for a few years while we all get fucked over. HAH.
And you laughed with us when the celebs moaned about being locked in their mega mansions during COVID, talking about how they are doing their part and making such sacrifices. This is the same, but bigger.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

Interesting how you assume like superhuman calculation and intentional, foaming at mouth malice when you talk about women, coupled with coordination that is basically borg-level.

But you just give the benefit of "oh, honest mistake" to people with a vested interest in the financial world going their way AND the power to make it so.

Interesting how selective you are with what's plausible and what isn't.
You also say I have an infant's intellect when it comes to finance, but you pretend you know everything when it comes to accusing women. Like when you claimed it's more likely women specially made monekypox to kill men only, than a couple gay men on an individual basis molesting kids and infecting them.
You claim the craziest, most ridiculous theories are true, and you know it for a fact, but everyone else is an idiot.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

You are doing the exact same thing leftists did with the "10-year-old can't get abortion" story.
You completely ignore the ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO DID THE RAPING. These despicable broads I would execute if it was on me could try selling their kids all day every day if nobody paid and took up the offer.

Yes, the gay community has a lot of pedophiles. Not all. But it is a gigantic problem there. You can fucking rage at women all you want, but you are a rape supporter through basically trying to blame women, but ignoring the actual rapist gay men doing it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

The people who own banks want us to just keep more money with them they can control, "whoopsies, just lost", manipulate the investments and stock markets to "whoops, just became valueless Monopoly money, let us take it off your hands", etc.
You yourself complained about some bank being "more feminine way" because some woman became some high position there and how you can not trust them with your money.
But the others are genuinely nice people who just want to help you, right?

Then again, you excuse men, especially Jewish men even when they publicly, obviously do fucked up shit, even on an individual basis.
Like pedophiles and such.
(I would love to hear your hot take on Liev Schreiber, that fucking disgusting piece of Satanic shit.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +20 / -1

Oh, yes, we should do it like big good equality China. Force women to have abortions if they exceed their baby quota and take photos with the aborted fetus next to them in bed to use to shame them.
I bet this fuckface thinks China is great.

Also, another case of "too many people in the world". No, too many useless third worlders being kept afloat by them gibz. The world is not overpopulated because a white couple has 3 kids in Oklahoma. It is "overpopulated" when African couples who have zero anything just sit around and have 15 kids who grow up and do the same because libtards like this demand we send them money.

Of course he would say those Asians and Africans don't harm LE ENVIRONMENT, but it's funny how he ignores the fact that those adorable monkeys and elephants are not killed off because of my Eastern European ass. It's Africans killing them so Chinese can buy their body parts to cure their impotence.

EDIT: He says he is "half-Jewish", but his loyalties are obvious.

BulbasaurusThe7th 52 points ago +52 / -0

The saddest thing is, this is a friend of Gaiman who died. And he still defends this. He still claims the casting is great, because he is a fucking retarded liberal.

These reasons are why I don't feel sorry for him being fucked over by that ugly feminazi ex of his. He is spineless.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

every leftoid white Haylee Kaylee Aiden Kayden : "Natives didn't even know what war or violence meant before whites. Oh, those headdresses? Respecc those, only accomplished warriors were allowed to wear them."

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +13 / -2

Fucking leave, you disgusting child molester.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Without baby sacrifice, you can't be diverse.
But diversity is great and productive.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah. Those were great. I feel they are way too weird now, I just don't think they match the quality of their older stuff.
Also, have you noticed how they made some amazing songs for movies that were either meh or bad? Breath of Life for that awful Snow White one, anyone?

BulbasaurusThe7th 35 points ago +35 / -0

It's very selective what outrages them.

There was this Netflix show filmed in my country, Hungary. There was a character in it. She is basically that universe's version of gypsy. The actress is... not Indian, but some brown whatever. I don't care. She is also a circus artist/thief.

Retarded libs on Twitter tried to cancel the poor stunt double, an actual cricus artist, because she was white.
The fucking retards claimed they should have found a brown stunt double in Hungary, because le racism. Yeah, sure, don't pick the actual best suited lady in a situation where she is risking her safety and possibly her life for your entertainment.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +9 / -1

Do you understand what growing is, you retard? That's like saying you can feed a toddler a whole ass steak, because their teeth are growing.
They are not fully developed and biology works in a way that has continuous growth. You don't grow to your full height overnight either.

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