Arkana 2 points ago +2 / -0

A while ago it was "otherkin" which was spread on tumblr, but this time it's "therian" being spread on tiktok. Basically the same mental illness but a new coat of paint.

Arkana 29 points ago +30 / -1

The far left hate jews because they took the propaganda and think they're just greedy rich white people. They are always operating under the victimhood perspective, which was installed by jewish academia and lawyers during the 60's and 70's.

Arkana 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because any time a government actually does try to rout corruption, every corrupt government circles the wagons and begins to strangle them to death.

You in fact do need a strong authority to enforce morals and remove those who disobey. If you try to leave it to a "small government" or the public, then the degenerates will team up and gradually overpower them. Normies just want to be comfortable over anything else, and will gladly choose what they think is the "lesser evil" to accomplish that.

Arkana 10 points ago +12 / -2

Islam still teaches this to some extent. Obviously this guy is dressing it up quite a bit though. It's a shame that most men in the west have lost the ability to properly show force in a restrained and controlling way.

Arkana 18 points ago +18 / -0

I know there is one for "Is it woke" but they don't provide good resources on their decisions. Having one for any kind of consultancy/diversity group might be good.

Arkana 3 points ago +3 / -0

How is this one different from that Suno site? I'm assuming a different filter. It looks very similar in terms of music and even images that it generates so I'm assuming that it uses some of the same services.

Arkana 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yeah, the term "human rights" was not used much at all before WWII. And it really spiked in use during the 1970's, right at about the time the "Capital H Holocaust" started being used much more too. Words like that are simply a cudgel used to attack European society.

Arkana 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah just like how comic book creators are "totally unconcerned" about being completely dwarfed by manga.

Arkana 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very true. Abortion and any number of other issues are only important if you have a functional and stable population. Right now they're have the borders open with hundreds of thousands of people coming in each year. Who cares if abortion is legal when an entire state's worth of people become displaced within a term limit.

Arkana 33 points ago +33 / -0

As always "Your speech is violence, and my violence is speech."

Arkana 9 points ago +9 / -0

You might be able to use Poast's nitter and then archive that.

Arkana 31 points ago +32 / -1

Also it's now illegal in many US states to do a boycott of israel due to laws passed too. So not only can you not question things that happened 70 years ago, you are not allowed to stop your money from going to a foreign nation halfway across the world.

Arkana 12 points ago +12 / -0

I would suggest using waterfox instead. It's basically just firefox without supporting mozilla.

Arkana 4 points ago +5 / -1

"Nation" means ethnicity. A country is composed of many different nationalities. In the US the most predominant of those is white europeans.

Arkana 11 points ago +11 / -0

Trump has always supported the jews (at least economically) it's just that he also wanted to support white men, and even the thought of that made many drive into a frenzy. In reality he is a huge compromise, and it's been clear that the vast majority of the jewish left don't want that at all. They want to project and double down until only they are in control or everything falls apart.

Arkana 4 points ago +4 / -0

Youtube recently fucked up revanced so you will need to either reinstall it or patch the youtube app with their tool.

Arkana 9 points ago +9 / -0

It really is a classic example of it. The musician part is most notable about the doublespeak. What musical prodigies exist that never played music? None of them. People develop around with what they engage with. They try to say that "It's just reading a book!" as a way to get around that.

What you expose children to shapes who they become, obviously. And the whole point of this propaganda is to lie and misdirect that obvious fact.

You just know they never consider it "Just helping them learn" when you expose them to Christian, National Socialist, or even lukewarm conservative ideas. That is "grooming" and is considered criminal activity.

Arkana 9 points ago +10 / -1

Many people are still infected by negative beliefs that pull them down and limit what they can actually do. Things like idolizing freedom, democracy, civil rights, anti-racism, anti-sexism, etc and thinking that they are anything other than moral cudgels meant to push people into complacent slavery.

They think that isolating themselves and putting away their weapons (or desire to meaningfully use those weapons) means they are principled instead of brainwashed into being weak and ineffective.

One large problem is everything reinforcing their propaganda. The education system, entertainment, mainstream media, etc. Everybody knows that some of it is a total sham, but very few understand the extent of just how much is designed to be pure mental poison.

And so they get stuck fighting small nearly meaningless battles uphill. Instead of fighting for actual freedom they are stuck fighting for paper freedom, which is all but pointless when that paper holds no actual value besides satisfying their complacency.

Arkana 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact of the matter is that women are necessary for civilization. That doesn't apply to other races. So while you might have your problems with women (especially modern women) that doesn't mean blaming or hating them overall is productive. The analogy I make for a lot of things is "Just because you're upset at a game doesn't mean you should break your controller"

Arkana 6 points ago +7 / -1

The "women haters" are wrong in that saying everything bad is caused by women first and foremost. Even people who like women should be able to understand that women do not have a place in politics. They just don't have the mentality for it at all.

It's about using the right tool for the job. You don't use a can opener to build a house. A can opener has its place and position, and can't be used for everything. Because some people might try to build a house with a can opener and fail miserably doesn't mean all the blame falls on the can opener. It falls on the person who thought that was the right idea.

Arkana 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah it's another case of projection. The place with the highest inbreeding and cousin marriage is the Middle East.

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