This is the point that the general population needs to recognize that a "race war" is already well underway. This is just the pro-European side losing, and the anti-European coalition winning. It's not about fairness, law, justice, or duty, it's about attacking their enemy, that's all.
Yeah it really was familiar in that regard, let's hope that enough of the general public realizes how media narratives work and that they can just be complete fabrications too.
You'll always get a woman that the media fawns over who cries out as a victim too.
I'm not sure people years from now will keep mentioning the "deadly capitol riot" like the games media can't get over gamergate though.
Well put. Racial quotas like this only serve to punish people who preform better than average, and bring down the quality overall. They do not care, it's about anti-European propaganda. Even more so that they can get a company that was once proudly American into one that hates everything that it once stood for. Hiding and shaming the company for its past transgressions as well.
Anybody who says that big corporations only care about money just needs to look at this. These kinds of policies are not for the sake of profit. Not even the "appealing to a wider audience" lie works when they've been doing it for nearly a decade now. They will gladly burn money to influence people's opinions, especially young children.
I suggest using this 1828 Webster's dictionary as well. Especially if you want to see which words have more recently been invented or had their definitions changed. For example if you look at quarantine you can see that it was mostly about preventing disease from ships, not individual people.
I've said this elsewhere here, but using the word "racist" gives you no benefit. The word was created and used as an attack against Europeans from its inception and the people who use it now still hold that position.
Instead of that call it what it is, anti-white. If you call something racist, the white person is always considered more racist inherently so you always lose. If you call something anti-white then you frame it against something that is pro-white. Either they openly come out as anti-white, or they have to distract from the issue by changing the subject.
This comic immediately comes to mind. Of course the correct thing to do isn't embrace becoming what your enemy calls you, but to not play into their narrative and instead just pursue your own interests.
Because "Climate Crisis" wasn't getting the kind of fear reaction they wanted. And if anybody is actually worried about the environment, they have to come to terms with this before thinking that more taxes or government programs will fix anything.
If you look at the major cities, yeah. Even according to wikipedia, if you look at the demographics of Toronto you can see that it's less than 50% white.
Yeah all that happened was the police let them in, a security guard shot a woman, and somebody probably stole some hard drives.
Meanwhile people in congress lie about what happened, trying to get victim points about how totally in danger they were while in a separate building. Bringing in the national guard and erecting a fence to show their confidence in this (totally legitimate and not becoming a police state) government.
They aren't to mock you, they are to demoralize you. As they say "If the situation was hopeless the propaganda would be unnecessary."
A battle isn't only won by how many people die, it's much more often won by which side gives up first.
I would suggest using the "allow right click" extension, which helps out with a lot of sites you want to download images from. Another annoying thing is whenever a site uses a "webp" image instead of something sensible like jpg or png.
For people who don't want to go to instagram, this is the image.
Yeah, they are very signal driven. It's important that they are signaled that something is good or bad, rather than what the truth of the matter is.
This is why if you ask average progressives why they hate Trump and like Obama most of them would not be able to cite policy decisions. They want to be told how to feel.
If it's work people don't want to do, then the employer needs to offer higher pay or benefits to attract people. Instead of that, they have a labour pool of immigrants and people on "temporary" visas to pay bottom of the barrel price.
It's the same with housing. People will say "Something needs to be done about these housing prices" and at the same time support increased demand for housing by bringing in thousands of new people every year to cities.
Dr. Deena Hinshaw also announced Tuesday they had found 931 new cases of coronavirus, 676 of them being a variant. The positivity rating was a whopping 10.2 per cent. Three more deaths were also reported.
Three whole deaths huh. I'm assuming they were 60+ years of age with underlying conditions as well. Surely it's worth destroying our economies to help a few handfuls of people, not going to do much about obesity, car crashes, or drug use though.
Well there's essentially two countries in one at this point, the rural americans and the global urban progressives. That's why stealing the election from the enemy country was considered good. It's already a cold civil war.
They are both important. Floyd's will demonstrate that being a white male police officer and doing your job is punishable to the fullest extent. Rittenhouse's will be to demonstrate that if you try to defend yourself or your overall community with force you will be attacked relentlessly as well.
No matter what, this will clearly divide society between those who are anti-white or not. You don't even have to be pro-white, if you aren't against white people enough you will be entirely vilified.
You cannot run, because this is affecting nearly every single European nation to one degree or another.