Being hanged was very much the appetiser if you will; according to that article you had your dick lopped off before having your guts spilled prior to being dismembered and your pieces being prominently displayed around the country. Still too good for paedos mind. I wonder with modern medicine, how long could one make a blood eagle last, hypothetically of course
God almighty, I was a late starter despite growing in the 80s, although mates had SNES/news/sega and the like, so mario, sonic and street fighter were staples, then in 90s it was playstation, I remember paying that off weekly for six weeks to get it, played dozens including resident evil, all 3 of them, some kind of demolition derby thing, metal gear solid, a few others in short not a bloody clue
That's probably because way in the back some guys in their fifties were the olden day stasi