AlfredicEnglishRules 11 points ago +11 / -0

ModDB used to be really nice. I loved it for half life mods.

AlfredicEnglishRules 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just find the signal and use it to control the drone to your house. Then you have a free drone.

I wonder if it will be radio or cellular control? Local or long distance? These differences mark how to find the right signal.

AlfredicEnglishRules 3 points ago +3 / -0

With all the stuff you can do with a game engine these days, why choose this? It's like the studios haven't figured out their size isn't worth it anymore, so they insist on doing a really bad game as their last one. A spit at us as they drown.

AlfredicEnglishRules 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now I wish we could have a proper Paradise City sequel.

AlfredicEnglishRules 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw it all the time in Hawaii. Sadly it's something I see commonly in tourist areas.

AlfredicEnglishRules 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please tell the tourists to stay home. They'll almost demand the tribe accept them and worship them.

AlfredicEnglishRules 11 points ago +11 / -0

The thing is, elves are actually based on real people. The various traveling people had a specific Germanic group that fit all the original descriptions. The legends change based on lactose intolerant areas into vampires. When the English got it, the people descended from many of these same groups, but lost the idea because they all started farms or fiefdoms. The French interpretation and English folklore combined to make a completely different group. Let's not forget the Scandinavians had just as many weird ideas. Tolkien knew about this because he studied languages and history. He had plenty to work with when he made the elves, and chose the language based on the English ideas of the Welsh.

Today the entire idea has changed so much that no one realizes those traveling families still exist. The elves still wander. Saying they're black is an insult to them and the legend they made.

AlfredicEnglishRules 26 points ago +26 / -0

He had aliens without emotion, demigods, Russians who speak Klingon, a blind man guiding a spaceship, and a Frenchman who had a speech impediment. The diversity he showed was not the one people today speak of. In fact, when the show tried to do just that, it failed. So the quote itself is not a problem, it's the interpretation.

AlfredicEnglishRules 12 points ago +12 / -0

In the mind of the showrunner, writers, and others in charge the thought is being black is disability enough.

AlfredicEnglishRules 8 points ago +10 / -2

I think someone has a boy that negatives your comments every time.

AlfredicEnglishRules 5 points ago +5 / -0

They need exercise quals like that military? No wonder all the quals for PT were lowered. They got a sniff of that and freaked out.

AlfredicEnglishRules 5 points ago +6 / -1

I've enjoyed whole episodes of star Trek where not a single woman showed up at all. I actually forget there are women in James Bond films.

AlfredicEnglishRules 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is actual science to it, but the people who promote it generally are middle class hippy idiots.

AlfredicEnglishRules 17 points ago +17 / -0

Roxanne was cured and doesn't need to turn on the red light no more.

AlfredicEnglishRules 4 points ago +4 / -0

So they were blocking burning man and got arrested? I don't think this was for the reasons it's being praised.

AlfredicEnglishRules 6 points ago +6 / -0

Older kitchen appliances as well. Pressure cookers, blenders and others were called dangerous while the designs changed to cheaper parts.

I'm a tech guy who specifically uses new tech for figuring out how to use it for stories. Quite often I deal with people who think that something existing means everything changes tomorrow. It's not as easy as they think and it's a good idea to have experience in the field already to work with it. I can get concept art from AI, but I have to know what I need and how to set it up before I get the art I want. I don't just sit down and the AI faeries print it out in perfect order that even a child could understand.

AlfredicEnglishRules 8 points ago +8 / -0

Something I've learned from most liberal friends is they truly believe they are in the middle, and true conservative beliefs are slightly to the right of them. Anything beyond that is fringe extremist politics. Even when shown they are very far left, and the middle is much further than they think, they listen to NPR, and other liberal media that convinces them otherwise. It's a media reinforced bubble that is very difficult to break through.

Everyone else is talking about age of consent, but I bet child labor laws are a big aim. We see big statements about Chinese factories with children making products, but there is a history of children being coal miners and farmers in ours. If you saw the age of new soldiers throughout history you would be shocked. You will see this erode, and possibly even from a 'right wing' push.

Ultimately though all the pushes look to be for a Eunuch class again. When they took over China, it meant a new dynasty would begin. A slave class for bureaucracy that rules for the sake of bureaucracy not the country. Wars will rage, and keeping the emperor happy will be deemed more important. The class system will be rigidly held, and if you want power you need to consent to the demands of the government. It's a Eunuch opportunity to move up in the world. To achieve this means changing every law and precedent from the last 100 years and mocking anyone who gets in the way.

AlfredicEnglishRules 7 points ago +7 / -0

Based on the amount of time, I would say Mr Data. Star Trek the Next Generation is about 300 years in our future. We've already surpassed some of the tech from the show already.

Do you think people 300 years ago had any idea what today looked like?

The best we can do is archive and preserve knowledge.

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