I have a very liberal co-worker and we get along (we never discuss politics) and she went on a rant about about trans rights and the ban on the transing of children in Texas and gave the usual screed about old white men and then she kept going on about how she couldn't believe anyone would be stupid enough to vote for Gov. Abbott. That was when I told her that I had voted for him and she was shocked and said she thought I was more progressive. I then asked her if a kid can tell you that he/she is the opposite sex and we have to take that as the gospel truth, then why can't a 10 year old tell me that he wants beer for him and his friends at his birthday party because he is mature enough to make such a decision. Heck, why have any restrictions for kids?
She told me it wasn't the same thing and walked away. I remember about 20 years ago someone told me that the end game for the lgbt activists (not the ones who truly want to be left alone of course) was pedophilia and I told him that he was being paranoid. Now, I fear that the day is common with the mainstream media will openly defend pedophilia once they can "normalize" a kid changing their sex.
Something I've learned from most liberal friends is they truly believe they are in the middle, and true conservative beliefs are slightly to the right of them. Anything beyond that is fringe extremist politics. Even when shown they are very far left, and the middle is much further than they think, they listen to NPR, and other liberal media that convinces them otherwise. It's a media reinforced bubble that is very difficult to break through.
Everyone else is talking about age of consent, but I bet child labor laws are a big aim. We see big statements about Chinese factories with children making products, but there is a history of children being coal miners and farmers in ours. If you saw the age of new soldiers throughout history you would be shocked. You will see this erode, and possibly even from a 'right wing' push.
Ultimately though all the pushes look to be for a Eunuch class again. When they took over China, it meant a new dynasty would begin. A slave class for bureaucracy that rules for the sake of bureaucracy not the country. Wars will rage, and keeping the emperor happy will be deemed more important. The class system will be rigidly held, and if you want power you need to consent to the demands of the government. It's a Eunuch opportunity to move up in the world. To achieve this means changing every law and precedent from the last 100 years and mocking anyone who gets in the way.