Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

And because of that, anyone dealing with blood magic must be dealt with in the exact same way. And because mages just can't fucking stop messing with the blood, mages need to be permanently dealt with themselves.

The "Tranquil Solution" wasn't just a funny holocaust reference, it was legitimately the best thing for everyone in the country.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm not a European so when I see dirty ghetto rats that everyone hates, I think blacks not your trailer people.

Adamrises 4 points ago +5 / -1

Its been however many years and I still can't get

Should I get you a ladder, so you can get off my back

Looks like more Darkspawn

Out of my head. The PC lines really were so snarky that it really was emblematic of the era.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

DA2 just built off a lot of the setups that DAO already had. Like, the wierd "Mages are Jews" to "Elves are niggers" thing is a DAO creation and DA2 just ran it into nightmarish levels.

You can actually trace Woke as a whole through the original three DA games, as each one reflects how Wokeness was at its time. So while DAO is pretty standard and offers a lot of rebuttals to the Woke talking points (like Sten and his entire race), a lot of it is being set up there for DA2 to run with it.

But, DA2 is also one of the funniest uber woke games. Because its still very early in that culture, so its super clumsy and almost every time proves the "racist/bigot" completely right by accident.

Like the mages are oppressed and watched because people are afraid they'll mess with blood magic (demon shit), which is "bad." But then almost every mage you meet from random rabble to their leader uses blood magic the moment they stub their toe (meaning they were messing with it before). So they are 100% in the wrong and belong in their camps being oppressed.

Origins is a good game on its own and it mostly completes its own story so you can play it and not engage further with the trainwreck.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah I feel like he has some mental issue going on under the hood, because him when he is lucid (like talking about games or him a lot of years ago) and him arguing is really night and day. His argument style often is just blindly making shit up and then letting it roll off him when its disproven without even acknowledgement.

I really wish I could know more because its fascinating in a sad way.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

All of that is true, but its in the same way that removing all water from an area prevents pests. Its weighed entirely as "this is the benefit" without balancing against the heavy baseline cost. Which is only the case when you assume the mutilation is a baseline and normalized.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

We have results for that, I remember discussing it back in my psych undergrad over a decade ago. The physical pain is so severe that it creates a notable brain change similar to that of PTSD (if not literally just PTSD) that doesn't get wiped even with infantile amnesia. It was theorized that the restraints, the vision of your mother not helping, and the pain creates a very formative memory.

The fact that it was openly addressed and talked about in a classroom of 98% women not generations ago means its also not entirely a "groundbreaking study they don't want you to hear" as it can clearly get through in other places.

I know this is a real "dude trust me" source, but it was a very long time ago and I recall little specifics beyond the topic.

The circumcision thing is at the point where everybody clearly knows its wrong and barbaric, but nobody wants to be the one to acknowledge it because it would make everyone in America look like monsters and crumble a billion dollar industry from lack of foreskins. So they just pretend not to notice.

Adamrises 7 points ago +10 / -3

People turning to Jesus after years of gleeful, hedonistic sin is the same as a woman trying to "settle down" after spending her youth being a slut.

Its often entirely self serving, if they even mean it at all beyond the veneer. If they mean it truly, they should be doing so in humble appreciation of a second chance, rather than screaming about it for attention.

Adamrises 13 points ago +13 / -0

Even if they were making competent products, the sheer amount of them they've pumped out in those years would be hell to keep up with. They've got movies, shows, comics, novels, all of which involving the main characters and building off each other.

The MCU was literally just movies for most people and that's why it was able to succeed. The first batch of TV shows was mostly irrelvant extras (like the EU was for old Star Wars) and it started to die once the TV shows became necessary post-Thanos.

Its no wonder that even people who aren't culture war aware couldn't keep up, both motivationally and money wise.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

I don't either, outside when people post these. It came up a few times years ago here when people probed him and he acted real dodgy around it.

Adamrises 3 points ago +9 / -6

I miss my nigga like you wouldn't believe. Not psychotic Current Year Imp, but that meeker, passionate younger guy he was pre-Win move.

While the crazy was already brewing, there was a time when he seemed genuinely interested in wanting to help men escape feminism's clutches. Now he has let rage drive him mad, and gained a very specific pro-semite crusade that is at complete odds with being anti-woman.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

The only hole in that theory is his very soft and weird relationship with his mother, which is very uncommon with FTMs (much more of an MTF thing).

His refusal to condemn her and treat has as this one exception all screams very much single mother behavior, with a guy who was raised with mom as god and was destroyed to learn that every other woman is dirty and sinful compared to her.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Because he can't make more people hate women if he only talks in the place that only woman haters would go in the first place.

He wants his message spread, one way or another.

Adamrises 12 points ago +13 / -1

While that is true, I don't think fraud even comes close to the amount of times insurance is just dismissive of people in genuine need. Like for every guy who burns his business down to collect insurance, there are dozens who just lost a home in a flood that get handed a pittance and told to figure it out. I lived in Hurricane country and you had to have multiple home insurances legally (wind, flood, etc.) and every one of them would refuse to pay because of things like "well the wave of water was caused by the wind blowing, so its not our domain, bye."

Emergencies should not be economically devastating.

The problem is that this is circular logic. If insurance paid out reliably and was realistically affordable, emergencies wouldn't be devastating because they'd be covered by a service you paid for to keep their cost within range of what a normal person can afford.

So it comes right back to insurance being far too expensive and far too stingy, which makes every normal person hate them. They might have some genuine reasons for doing so, but the insurance industry is giga rich which undermines them nickle and diming regular people.

They are a business and out to make money, but when your business is in human suffering and you make your money by telling people to die in pain so you can save a buck you have no moral ground to stand on.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

Fair, I think we all missed flags like that back in those days in our own hobbies.

The fact that they actually wrote "I'm the avatar and you gotta deal with it" to introduce a character is a level that most things now don't sink to. And not even in a "this person is very in the wrong and will get shut down hard for it" set up, as she gets away far too much still in that regard.

It still boggles the mind.

Adamrises 30 points ago +31 / -1

Insurance is one of those industries that no matter your class, politics, or any other demographic you have been fucked over by in some way. Every single person in a "civilized" country hates them, and I doubt even the guys working in them don't hate everyone else in them too.

You can't be openly and actually evil like they are and expect anything but the most dismissive and hateful responses back to your tragedies.

And honestly, if they bungle their own response to this poorly enough it can easily cause a lot of repeats of it, which will be met with similar cheers which will motivate even more people.

Adamrises 22 points ago +22 / -0

Korra literally opened with "I'm a strong brown woman Avatar, you gotta deal with it" and you thought it had somewhere to go downhill from there to begin with regarding wokeness?

Like it certainly did get worse and woker as time went on, but they literally told you that was going to be the case in the first episode openly.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem with Siege is that its players are famously too toxic to actually get anyone to play the game, on a level with League.

Both on a "kick you for playing one iota wrong" level and a "ban you for not respecting the Tranny Operator's pronouns" one.

Adamrises 1 point ago +3 / -2

Considering the two main demographics that play CoD are boring white boys and niggers, that's also the two main groups I'd expect to smoke weed every day and think that makes them cool.

So really, its perfectly encapsulating its market.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Turns out when people are scared of the Feds busting in their door and forcefully bussing them home while confiscating all their shit, they try to get ahead of it by taking all their ill gotten gains and bouncing.

Its literally crime and law enforcement 101. You can't catch every criminal, but every criminal should feel like they could be the X% that is and be terrified of how much they'll lose if so.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are about 10 years late on this train. The "twitter manga" industry is already off to a running start and pumping out mountains of products, a few of which become fairly big hits on their own.

If the "standard industry" becomes fully censored, then the parts that people can't put out will simply phase that way and leave the "Mainstream Anime/Manga" to be random shounen/isekai slop.

Its literally the most pro-pirate, anti-corporation market in the world. Most of its fanbase only exists on non-official, volunteer products. Attempting to control it will just drive it further from the light and what control they already might have on it.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's more of a "before they were big" situation.

Cullen was always an established star, its just the general fandom around him changed from "a pretty distinct VA who is always good" to "THE OPTIMUS PRIME?!!?!!"

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

The AI that took working class jobs happened years ago and nobody really batted an eye about it because of how little the Leftist types cared.

Basically every machine took jobs from working class people. Sometimes to the benefit of almost everyone (like a lot of factory ones) or to the complete decimation of a sector of American jobs (self-checkout and self-order stands).

That started happening well before even the "learn to code" event, and we all just collectively shrugged it off.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only problem I have with this idea is that no matter how it gets setup, the Left will use it to remove our guys citing the same reasons and with three times the support from the Government/Legal system. You can make it as ironclad, pro-constitution as you want and they will give a flimsy justification and push it through with full approval.

Its one of those situations where the rot needs to be stymied first before we start cleaning the mess its made.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

The deification of Cullen didn't really take off until the Bay movies treated his voice as this grand event to hype them up. Like he was always great and beloved, but he wasn't on a level you wouldn't expect to hear him in random places until then.

Same with Kevin Conroy between BTAS and Arkham Asylum, where he went from one of the Batman voices of people's childhoods to THE GUY.

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