I think the moment he loses this momentum is when the Dems get to start reacting instead of being on the back foot, and that's why he will grind to a halt with lawfare nonsense.
Which I think he knows too, which is why its shotgunning daily.
He has had close to a decade now of Marvel execs in his ear hyping him up as the next big thing and one of the faces of their new MCU.
I think most people would fall to that poison even if they were once better than it.
I was going to point out when I was writing that how unlikely you were to even know what kind of cigarette they were smoking unless this writer literally stalked and watched them for a creepy long amount of time to notice it was a Marlboro they were pulling from, but it felt superfluous to do so.
However, smoking Marlboros has a purpose in the lie, in that its meant to evoke a specific type of person in your mind because we all know who smokes Marlboros.
Problem being, that person is completely at odds with every other detail about these two guys. No one at a fancy Trump party in a nice suit using terms like "Hitlerian" is a guy who smokes Marlboros.
So, like the rest of the story, this author is trying to pepper (now I can't stop using it) every single stereotype they can of the Right to make you hate the people at this party without coming out directly and saying it.
We've seen who "checks the facts" and what you consider a "source."
At least the mystery might be something useful, or at least give me something to think on even if I reject it.
But the journalism brings me straight up nothing but an exercise is dismantling lies and still getting brainrotted from the journey.
At least in the anime circles there is an actual audience who spends a lot of money for them to be pandering to. Fujos are rabid and retarded, but they do make up a market demographic, even if I wish they would all die.
Woke pandering doesn't have that benefit, because their people don't ever buy these products in any appreciable manner. Its why they need funds from outside groups to sustain them even when they should sell gangbusters based on all other factors.
Outside on the sidewalk, two tuxedoed men smoking Marlboros are trying to remember what exactly the president said that morning. Are we entering a New Dawn? A New Era? Wait, was it Golden Era? Golden Dawn? They erupt into laughter. “It’s a little bit Hitlerian,” one concludes.
I've seen journos just make up shit outright before, but usually they are are more creative than this. Literally no one uses the word "Hitlerian" other than pathetic journos themselves in articles like this. Nor will a guy who smokes fucking Marlboros give a shit about the exact name used, he will celebrate or shit on all of them.
What's particularly sad about this article, is it spends half the time quoting and describing people's real feelings about why they came to support Trump or abandon the Left. It doesn't even fully shit on this people directly when it does so, it just lets them sit, even if you know the intent is to find this horrific or scary. But this person had a real insight into the reasons why Trump dominated, and they are doing everything possible to ignore it.
Even worse, they keep peppering in these obvious fake details and bits. The kind of person or sentence that no Right-wing person would actually say, but a Leftist's idea of a Right winger says all the time. Like "wooping like a football game watching Fox News" or "low T soy beta cuck loser" which is a caricature of what they think their dad or the "alt right" does. Its got one foot in reality, and three other limbs in their imagination.
I’d later discover she’s married to an alt-right activist with ties to white nationalists.
I promise that this so called activist is neither alt-right in any sense, nor could he be "alt-right" and not end up tied to "white nationalists" in any form to this person. Frankly, I'm surprised that didn't go without saying, but they probably realized calling them "alt-right" isn't gonna work anymore.
The service members who are reinstated will be restored to their prior rank, and will be provided back pay and benefits, according to the fact sheet.
That's the best possible outcome. I doubt any of these guys would want to come back in any form, minus a few younger guys who might be super gungho about Trump or getting deployed to fuck up some Latino countries (as it seems might happen), so giving them their rank, prestige and years worth of backpay is the highest possible compromise.
Its also a great note about Trump himself. He was the one who authorized Warpspeed, and always seemed to be pretty pro-vaccine (likely because he authorized it and tied it to his ego). So his willingness to correct mistakes regarding the force with which it was mandated both during and after his administration is a good show that he might be willing to put his ego down when it was clearly in the wrong or misused.
I still remember watching MadTV on Comedy Central years later when they had the rights and aired it like all day, and the sheer amount of random bleeps (usually just a pure Mute button) was notable even at the time.
The one I specifically remember, and still use, is "my stupid [homo] brain." Because its such a dumb phrase that it becomes funnier because of how stupid it is.
This isn't a pivot away. Its throwing a bone to give their defense a point that they aren't hilariously biased and ultra woke. It exists so that it exists and can be cited as proof they "shoot both sides when they deserve it."
Its how these Leftie shows always do it. Once things start to get a little shakey, they give themselves this little shield to act like they are somewhat bipartisan and throw normies off that they are equally as guilty as the ships that get sunk.
The % of White people is still falling like a rock in every Western countries.
Unfortunately, this is unlikely to change even if the pendulum politically swings hard.
A lot of younger guys I know are completely lost in the doomerism that they refuse to even entertain the idea of procreating until its far too late to pop out a Net Positive number of white kids, and that's not even getting into white women and their nonsense.
Even our own side is guilty of making the situation worse, ironically while decrying its such a problem. Every article about how "you'll never afford a house! boomers destroyed the economy beyond repair! every bush holds a predator or indoctrinator after your kids!" might be true enough, but it also works to create this oppressive fear that keeps a lot of whites from ever feeling secure enough to start having kids, let alone a lot of them.
While at the same time, the groups whose low impulse control or low IQ that prevents them from living at any time other than the omni-present will continue to not give a shit and just pump their genes out.
I'm sure becoming the most annoying and difficult to deal with person possible will absolutely save and benefit you. Along with the assumption that everyone must always comply with your every demand and request, even ones that are "reasonable."
Every single one of these will make you a very large target, a known problem, and easily zeroed in on to find something to remove or discipline on.
Trump has already shown that he is demanding results this go around, from creating DOGE (meme as it is) to criticizing ICE to deport more faster within its first week acting.
If any agency is underperforming as hard as this type of employee would make it, they will be on a short list to either get shut down entirely or pressured into selling each other out as the "problem" to be removed.
The only three "new" games I played last year that both held my attention and I'd consider worth the money were Romancing Saga 2 (a remake, but a significant enough one to be its own product), Unicorn Overlord and Steamworld Heist 2. It was a pretty weak year all around.
Which is why I'm currently putting another few hundred hours in Starcraft 1/2, hoping for Monster Hunter to be good.
That's how the majority of "Right Wing Figure Heads" are. They just appear one day with these massive followings and we are all supposed to just roll with it. I don't believe all of them are plants per se, but they aren't organic and are surely grifters.
Which is why they all self implode within a few years trying to grand stand on nonsense any organically grown guy would know is a bad take.
My principles and protections don't apply to non-Americans in the same unflinching status they do for actual citizens. If you want to become "one of us" you need to be on far better behavior than a regular idiotic Ameritard to get equal rights to him.
That was the entire purpose of how our immigration system was supposed to work, the best and brightest, and revoking it for failing basic behavioral tasks should be the case.
I'd say every nation on Earth should feel and act in the same manner regarding their own country.
The visa is still legal unless it had a very specific clause about committing a crime and then deporting yourself, even if the person its held by has become a criminal.
Which means its still a "legal immigrant" and a problem that isn't being talked about enough.
Paper Mario hasn't had an unironically good game since TTYD back on the Gamecube.
Anyone who still held out hope is the bigger fool here. Especially with them just remaking TTYD to milk them instead of remaking the original which was in far greater need of an updating. Relatively, I think both still hold up fine.
Its amazing that they managed to take what should have been a slamdunk remake of one of their most requested and loved games, and forever associated its name with this nonsense.
Because its all anyone talks about now. The casuals and "pro-representation fans" have already forgotten it, so now its legacy is just being the Tranny Censored game.
You don't need to see the entire web to know you shouldn't get involved. Those of us who are older had just as many pitfalls of cigarettes and alcohol, not to mention pot, that we had to navigate around not becoming addicted to the the detriment of our life and finances.
It doesn't take a redpill awakening to recognize that having 10 streaming services cuts into your budget. You shouldn't need to be taught that even.
It's quite bizarre how fast his trade wars end.
The Left and basically the entire rest of the planet have only gotten by because they receive very little resistance when they talk shit. Its been decades of the US basically cucking out to everyone, even when we are at war with a country.
So the moment they don't get that quick cucking, they get scared fast. Like a woman who realizes that you aren't gonna take that phone smashed into your head lightly and might hit her back.
Honestly, I think the painfully overdone Jewish plot from the Knuckles show (that only bleeds over into a single scene in 3 thankfully) is far worse than the interracial.
Not even just a generic "Jew bad" criticism, that shit is painful to watch in how stereotypical and try hard it is.
Its adapting the most unquestioningly loved game in the entire franchise, and is literally bursting with nods to that game. Which means its both exciting for a parent who loved Sonic back in the day and a kid who just loves Sonic now.
It even took to heart criticism from the previous movie and basically cut the human characters down to a fraction to focus on what everyone wants to see.
Literally the only thing you can sit and complain on is the black wife, which from a culture war standpoint is something, but its still a Major Company listening to feedback and actively improving their product for their audience. Which is a miracle in Current Year.
They have that retarded idea that most people have that sumo is just "fat people wrestling." So they wanted a fat girl and gave her a reasoning. But its still an extremely demanding combat sport that, like always, would highlight a woman's physical differences to a point of making her a joke.
Then again, in that image she already has man length and thick arms so I'm sure they just ignored all that anyway