AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

You don't get it. Just like the cops wife, the children just walked into a doornob.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

This should be a sign that this site isn't the haven some believe it to be. Jannies are gonna jannie.

by folx
AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

I love how close this is to actually "getting it". Because they're so fucking close, they can practically see the whites of the eyes of the beast that is controlled opposition. This isn't "both sides-ing". This is a call for bi-partisan support. Or in other words, they want both parties to agree and submit not to one of the parties, but to submit to the establishment. The establishment that the "rational" person in these comics always support.

But coming to terms with the reality that both sides are being manipulated is a tough, bitter pill to swallow. Coming to terms that the "enemy" isn't actually an extremist is hard when you've been taught hate and vitriol for pretty much your entire life.

AccountWasFree 23 points ago +24 / -1

Worth noting that across all of America, there are between 500,000 and 3,000,000 defensive gun uses every year. By contrast, there are around 50,000 gun deaths, the majority of which are suicide (around 2/3rds) every year. Even padding out gun deaths to include suicides, there are well over 10 times as many defensive gun uses.

Anyone suggesting guns should be outlawed wishes to see those people as victims. There is no other way to say it. Violent crime rises when guns are outlawed, and has a history of doing so, while the crime decline RATE doesn't change at all. Meaning that crime goes down at the same rate before and after gun bans. Almost like guns aren't the problem.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +9 / -2

As per usual, retards point to story as the sole decider of "good game".

The irony is that The Russo Brothers best film is probably Avenger's Endgame, and it's only real merit is the unique element of film: moving visual.

The fact that critics refuse to judge games on what it uniquely brings to the table is all you need to know about how retarded critics are. Story isn't irrelevant (in fact, it's still pretty damn important), but forgoing that for below sub-par gameplay? It makes it a shitty game. If the story floats your boat, it might be amazing. I know I don't give a shit about it, but the elements that make it a game? That's what's important. Pong is an objectively better game than TLoU2, and considering the depth of Pong (or rather, the lack thereof), that isn't a hard hurdle to surpass.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Never even heard of it

If you've seen an Aussie actor, there's probably a 30-50% chance they've been on either (or sometimes both) Neighbours or Home & Away. They're the two main Aussie soap dramas. Chris Hemsworth, Margot Robbie, Isla Fisher, Samara Weaving, Jesse Spencer (Chase from House M.D.), Kylie Minogue, Russell Crowe were all on one or both of the shows when starting out. And while there are Aussie actors who weren't on either show, like Hugh Jackman, Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman, Eric Bana, etc, it's still a pretty common show for actors to cut their teeth on and prove their acting skills.

I was never a fan of either show, but seeing something like Neighbours come to an end? It's still the end of an era, especially with nearly 9000 episodes.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

As others have said, ditch the smart TV.

But the simplest and most versatile answer? Set up a HTPC (Home Theatre Personal Computer).

You're already pretty much doing that with your laptop, just get a cheapy shitbox computer that can handle the output and leave it at that. That way you're not having your dinky laptop to the side mirrored on the TV and it's just a box. Should be able to pick up a little microPC (or build one with second hand parts) for relatively next to nothing. Just make sure it has more than 1-2 USB slots so you can use an external hard-drive.

On that note, most TVs these days can play most video files. Just plug in an external hard-drive at the back and you should be good to go. I've used both methods. I prefer the HTPC because of the extra versatility, but the hard-drive works fine as well.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +8 / -1

Interesting. Let's see his tweets from 2016 where he threatened to move to a country with a far higher white population percentage.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

I'd argue a significant portion don't want to understand it. Blissful and wilful ignorance is far more comfortable than coming to terms with unabashed tyranny.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's never been about understanding, it's about propagating fear.

AccountWasFree 24 points ago +25 / -1

Remember, most coups around the world are backed by the elites. True revolution? It doesn't happen. And when something that is even slightly organic, like Jan 6, it gets blown out of proportion to truly and really scare people to justify cracking down on that ever possibly happening again.

There is zero surprise that these people were funding the coup in Sri Lanka.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

If you still think Republicans are on your side, you get what you deserve.

How many times do you need to see the establishment work together against the public for your to realise that there is no good political party at this stage? Are there decent individuals? Sure, but it's simply not enough, and doesn't justify a party at large.

The Republicans are controlled opposition. Their purpose is to push the same politics, only slower. Their purpose is to boil the frog, and you're the frog. Turning to politicians is beyond naĂŻve.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +15 / -1

> no attack helicopter

The sheer oppression of it all.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +4 / -2

I refuse to believe that such states can survive.

You've been told it plenty of times in the past: Your incredulity means jack shit.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

You'd be surprised how many are sad losers that have everything handed to them. The abusive ones are typically like that, but these ones? That are primped and preened into some weird display? They're usually brought up never truly wanting for much, but that results in this paradox of wanting more. All people search for meaning. Many (and historically most) found meaning through religion. Some though material gain, self-improvement or even family. Others, through fighting injustice. But what happens to that latter group when the vast majority of injustice has already been conquered? You make shit up.

There are so many trust fund kids that join SocJus movements, and it's because they have a lack of meaning in life, and SocJus gives them that. Everyone has this drive to some extent. But the allure of fighting a supposed Evil™ to make the world A Better Place™? For the spiritually lacking, it's a serious draw.

The people this dumbass preys on to spread her ideology are definitely the types you mentioned. But she herself? She stinks of having a free ride in life, which almost definitely pushed her to the culture of Victimhood as a currency and decisions to manufacture victimhood as she needed it.

So no, I don't believe that she's the way she is from various possibilities that legitimises victimhood. She's almost definitely a piece of shit all on her own.

AccountWasFree 16 points ago +17 / -1

Throw her a piece of raw meat. Give her literally anything that a wild, feral cat would react to and watch as she predictably behaves like a human mimicking perceived likenesses rather than actual behaviours.

We all know this retard won't be biting into raw meat, nor would she shit in the wild. She's human, she knows she's human, and she does this shit for attention.

AccountWasFree 21 points ago +22 / -1

This looks like the most tryhard, upper-middle class, self victimising sad sack I've seen a while. Literally all of the "problems" she faces are caused by herself and her own actions/choices, all while she has the comfort and money to do so. Normal people don't get to spend thousands of dollars on this performative crap, but this loser, in all her provided for life, gets to manufacture hardships because without those hardships she'd have to come to terms with the concept of bettering herself.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

Statists love to define "good" as "law-abiding", even when the law is unjust.

AccountWasFree 21 points ago +22 / -1

I'm going to be an asshole for a second. She is clearly old enough that she WAS around when nambla was associated with the LGBT movement. That shit wasn't severed until the 90s.

There has always been a group that has tried to associate pedophilia and the LGBT movement. Always. Anyone saying otherwise is ignorant of history.

That said, what mattered back then was that the severing of ties happened (for the most part. There were still some associations, but relative to how it was prior it was relatively minor (though obviously still should have been severed)). I cannot say that I see that happening in the modern day. I don't think the LGBT "community" has the spine, nor the moral compass, to stand against pedophilia.

So this lesbian might be saying something good now, but she's old enough that there were still plenty of ties to pedos back in the day. This isn't a new development.

by folx
AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Now do less favourable shit, like criminal or thief or murderer. Oh, whoops, those too are also all white. I guess this makes Dall-e racist against white people.

It's because these images, specifically the ones relating to single word inputs like nurse, ceo or lawyer are going to overwhelmingly be populated with stock images for the AI to draw learning material from, because that's what image search engines are going to return. And, in white majority countries, most stock image models are going to be white. It's pretty much only the English-dominant West that put in algorithms to prioritise a fetish for """representation""".

AccountWasFree 15 points ago +16 / -1

This isn't uncommon. Over 90% of active shooter scenarios (basically mass shootings minus accidents or those related to gang violence) are prevented by armed citizens.

This isn't even new data either, this has been knowledge available to the public since at least 2018. An armed public is a safe public, and gun free zones are what puts people at risk.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

Gotta prioritise securing his business. Who cares about justice compared to his profits?

Besides, no abortionist cares about justice. They love rape, because people think it justifies abortion.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +8 / -2

Yeah, I find it funny that some twat supporting a 90s democrat is going to talk about "diluting right wing forums", as if they aren't the exact same establishment shills, just so long as it has their figurehead in the seat pushing the same politics only slower.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

If they're all male, then none of them are actually male. Male and Female are inherently terms for sexual dimorphism. You cannot have males without females.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1


Nope. It protects the life of the mother. Fortunately for judaism, there is no situation where the legal definition of "abortion" is prevented in cases of health. For ectopic pregnancies, the solution is not defined as abortion. It's keyhole surgery. For incomplete miscarriages or the case of a septic uterus, the solution is also not an abortion, but a D&C.

Banning of abortion would ban none of these situations. Pro-aborts love to fearmonger because their points cannot stand on their own.

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