AccountWasFree 16 points ago +16 / -0

Don't forget, having physically weaker police also leads to more situations where an officer can claim feelings of being physically threatened to use lethal force. It goes further than just affirmative action and crosses over into the ability to use more force against the general public.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno if it will be truly universal, but it will be much MUCH broader and primarily stick to a given material. Think plastics, woods, metals, etc. And those would produce everything, potentially with each of those being close together along with a few assembler factories that exist just to put parts together when they require parts from multiple factories.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

But AR doesn't produce anything either, and your criteria that it assists artisans is a bit shallow when CNCs and the like often help steps in larger creations for various artisans, especially in regards to metal works.

But you do make an interesting point regarding decentralisation. I'm skeptical that it would be allowed to come about in such a manner, but the potential is an interesting thought experiment at the very least.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

a second industrial revolution.

If this would be comparable to an industrial revolution, wouldn't it be the third? You know, industrial machines, computers, and then this with AR.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Another good older one is Noita.

I'll second Noita as well. And, if you're a perceptive one, there is more to the world than the straight forward game, with other puzzles within the world. Yes, it's randomly generated, but there are also other constants. Very compelling gameplay loop, but like OP says, be wary of fire. Fire is your enemy.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

This just reminds me of the 90s and early 00s where gimmick products were abundant, and are often now looked back on fondly with nostalgia regardless of how fucking terrible those products actually were. Hell, it hardly ever really stopped either, since McDonalds made Quarter Pounder themed candles only 3 years ago. It's a gimmick to get people talking. "Man, isn't it crazy what Company Y did with that cuh-razy and out there product? Sure is nuts! Hahaha". That's it. That's the depth here.

This marketing is infinitely more likeable, both in the moment and after the moment, than anything that is pushing agenda crap. Bud Light faced backlash because it was clear they were trying to hasten the forgetting of their very recent fuckup from recent memory. Everyone could tell that was damage control. Is this damage control? No. It's a silly gimmick. Sometimes a spade is a spade, and unless there is more information that shows there is something else behind or attached to this, that's all it should really be seen as.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Precisely why there are weight brackets to try and mitigate this.

Doesn't matter how good you can swing a sword, if you can't deflect (let alone stop) the force of a proper swing of someone far stronger than you, who also has adequate training, it generally won't matter if you're better trained when they push right through your defence like it was papier-mâché. You need to have the strength to rightfully match your opponent, and no amount of bullshit from shows like Game of Thrones where a little girl with a dagger kills a warrior king will change that reality. Can it happen? Sure. Will it consistently happen? Absolutely not. You can't get by on exceptions when it comes to fighting. Only so many times you get lucky pulling stunts like that before someone comes along and knows that trick and you get destroyed as a result. Doesn't matter what fighting technique or discipline is used, whether it be fists, swords, or even guns.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +8 / -0

and with enough practice and dedication: of winning

Yeah, that's why there's no such thing as weight brackets in every fighting competition on the planet, because all that matters is technique! /s

AccountWasFree 22 points ago +22 / -0

How many times does it need to happen before people learn that figureheads are overwhelmingly just that: figureheads. What, you think the people behind her don't support her? You think the people that put her in that position don't support her? Stop being so fucking naive about this shit.

It's NEVER just one person. It's NEVER just been one person. It's not just Biden, it's all the Democrats. It's not just Kotaku, it's all game journos. It's not just Kathleen Kennedy, it's all of LucasArts.

Stop focusing on the one and start seeing that it's a much bigger problem.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, when I said "genetic lottery", I wasn't to imply she's some supremely attractive person, just that if that's purely natural looks without any makeup, it's a win that most people won't have. I know it's not though, I know there's makeup there.

So no, I don't think she's "crazy attractive", but was more a comment on makeup. My bad for being unclear.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +5 / -2

I'm going to do a full argument about this I think because you would be surprised how many people can actually at least end up looking cute or normal if they took five seconds to take care of themselves

I generally agree, but let's not pretend the one on the right is anything less than either a genetic lottery, or more likely more than "five seconds to take care of themselves" worth of make-up and preening in front of a mirror. Sure, she's not a fatty or turning to excessive drug use (regardless of the drug), but there are plenty of people out there that are average looking and aren't like that without being ugly. Hand her a wet-wipe and you'll see a significant difference. Hell, just go look at any number of e-thots without their heavily caked on make-up routines.

Grooming, hygiene and general self-care regarding looks does a lot, a lot more than many believe, but it's not the only factor, and as you've made mention of, weight is a major factor in that. Even mentioning yourself that you're "pushing [yourself] to get into a bit more of a regular routine", which would be more than that 5 seconds hyperbole you laid out earlier. It's not minor effort, it's habitual effort.

Note, I do think most people without some kind of deformity are capable of looking normal, and never suggested otherwise either. But when it comes to characters people want to be, they want to be the best. Nobody wants to be the ugly character without some kind of other reason that over-rides that base nature. Everyone wants to be considered desirable, regardless of their personal stance. Yes, even beautiful people want to be desired and not considered ugly. Hell, even the SJWs that look like dogs vomit want to be desired, that's why they bitch and moan about "conventional beauty standards". It's not about beauty, it's about being perceived as desirable, they just go about it by trying to change everyone else instead of themselves.

AccountWasFree 22 points ago +23 / -1

I don't think anyone is suggesting that the one on the right truly is average? Just that it's not as uncommon as the retards will claim. But of course, who the fuck plays a video game and wants to see "average"? There's a reason we play games where we're the hero. That we save countries, worlds, and universes. We want an idealised story to be a part of. That includes in terms of beauty. And that's true of women just as much of men. After all, there's a reason women prefer to cosplay as characters like Miranda or Tali from Mass Effect and not Ryder from Andromeda. We all want to be idealised in all our traits, including the physical.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +8 / -0

The irony being that most of those media icons are more in line with anti-statist right wing individualism than they are of totalitarian collectivism. But they don't understand actual political stances, so there's no surprise there. All they understand is "Good vs Evil" and the MSM calls the right evil, so they need to be good and the left aren't the right, so they must be left-wing, right?

It's immature "reasoning" to a fault.

AccountWasFree 16 points ago +16 / -0

It's amazing how so few people don't understand that's what leftism is. Hell, a significant portion of leftists don't even understand that.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Wow, that's nice and all, but now can you boil an egg without looking it up online first?

Remember, these losers are terminally incompetent.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I haven't listened to Corriea's MHI books, but I would definitely agree for the Grimnoire Trilogy of books. Nothing too heavy, but it's rather enjoyable.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

The replication crisis started in the social "sciences". Key word being "started" because it has since spread at a rather rapid pace across all of science.

For those not in the know, this means that a LOT of science simply cannot be reproduced with their given methodology, making it at best suspect and at worst outright lies. If an experiment or study cannot be replicated to achieve at the very least similar findings (let alone the same findings), it is by definition not accurate and therefore faulty.

Research and by extension life that relies upon the findings of research will become very difficult when it takes faulty science to be true, and what's worse is that far too many will be too stupid to figure out what the issue is and how to rectify it.

AccountWasFree 23 points ago +23 / -0

I think the amazing thing is that there are so many people denying the reality of "ugly-ifying" characters that has been going on. The evidence is right fucking there, crystal clear with no room for ambiguity. But they still deny the reality of it all.

I wonder if it's due to the leftists innate compulsion to never say anything even remotely negative about others unless they ideologically disagree with them. Seriously, if you ever get the (unfortunate) chance to be apart of a hardline leftist group without giving yourself away, just look at how often people will walk on eggshells. Look at how delicate they try to be around what they really want to say. And god forbid if any of them confide in you, because even in online communities you can tell there is fear in what they type in case it gets reveals. In some cases, I do feel sorry for those individuals, because deep down they know it's ridiculous. But they bring it on themselves.

But because of this atmosphere of constantly walking on eggshells, they'll never acknowledge reality right in front of them unless it's ideologically approved first. Until that happens, to them the Emperor is clearly wearing clothes.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

The State always looks out for the state first and foremost. All cases to the contrary can be considered anomalies in the face of the overwhelming evidence that the state does not care for the public.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mid sixties? Which century, because the American Letter Mail Company (Spooner's competing mail carrier) started in 1844, before being outlawed in 1851. Postal ineptitude is their tradition, standing well over a century in age, and closer now to two centuries. 172 years since they outlawed competition because that's how incompetent they are.

And I can highly recommend reading up about Spooner's company, as well as the man himself who helped popularise the philosophy of anarchism (the ideology that most lolberts rely upon the most but never shed their ingrained statism to fully adopt). Even if you disagree with anarchism as an ideology, it's interesting to learn about none-the-less.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obligatory addition that the US Postal Service is a literal government backed monopoly that makes market competition as a mail carrier illegal, because Lysander Spooner provided a better alternative to the USPS and started to run them out of business with a more efficient business.

It's the pinnacle of a government job and delusions of entitlement.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

As per usual and like a broken record: The system cannot be reformed. The only winning move is to remove their power altogether. You will never change them. You will never control them. You will never get enough of "your people" (an utterly vague sentiment even at the best of times) inside.

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