Empty, vindictive and otherwise cruel hearings and investigations
Oh, like the 57th attempt to impeach a President? That kind of empty and vindictive, or is it only "empty and vindictive" when people you don't have a cheerleading spot for go and do that kind of thing?
One of the guys I talk to in Discord mentioned this ... he took a quick look.
First page had an LGBT flag as one of the trends (of three mentioned), second page had furries.
Hard no.
(Apart from anything else, I'm thinking - without any evidence - that if they've got furries in the top six there must be a thriving CP community on there)
Dunno if I'd go as far as to call him a moron, but the fact remains that there's one topic in particular that Imp just can't be rational about, and it's a topic he seeks to drag into every conversation.
Discussing stuff with Imp can be bloody hard work; quite frankly I'm simply not oftne in the frame of mind for it.
Can I lobby Congress to search-and-replace "terrorism" with "wrongthink" throughout Federal statues?
I mean, I'm fairly sure at this point that the FBI will let actual terrorists walk on by just to make sure they nail that political dissident...
Or the RNC could stop picking candidates who libertarians find repulsive, if they want those votes?