But to be fair, linking William freaking Shakespeare to [drumroll] the far-right is the best thing that could happen to 'the far-right'.
Even the 'Egypt was black' people are smart enough to claim Shakespeare as one of their own. One must be very special to say: "The most ingenious playwright and poet who ever lived? NO! He belongs to the people over there whom we hate!"
Well, yeah. I didn't name myself Antonio of Venice for no reason.
Where the imp was right is that it is all the result of the ultra feminization of western society. There is almost always a woke woman behind that shit.
Thanks to affirmative action in the anglosphere, which white women took advantage the most, they are occupying most jobs in teaching, culture, academia ... The only reason they did not take over governments completely yet is that men tend to not vote for women... but with all these female teachers brainwashing them kids, it is just a matter of time.
UK is already done, Canada was over 20 years ago, USA might still have a chance though...
A major comic plot line is King Oberon giving a love potion to Queen Titania so she falls for the ass-headed character Bottom.
I'm sure I can plough an academic or two full of mead and have them say that Shakespeare was being prophetic about this very day in A Midsummer night's Dream. Let's hammer together a full on ALT RIGHT stanza:
Respectful, forlorn, glabrous and deadpan,
All matters muted, the eager aigre must behave,
What's this? The apparent deftly hands of the Iban clan,
Those thieves! This circumstance is most grave!
To loot those passed, their pithy death matters not,
Finders keepers they say, let them feast on bread!
For in their grasp is the holiest of any lot,
Out of reach is the figurative, but snatched is the literal head.
The civics of it all, leery larceny and hocus pocus,
To wash away all creant aspirations in one swift flash,
Zeus' sweat and Odin's tears will both surely soak us,
When we find these brutes we'll give them full lash!
A wry smile flickered across the Cosmic Joker's boundless face,
For the noggin was that of a Cheddar Man, fools' gone done lost race.
This reverse colonialism doesn't seem to be reciprocal. I read the Smithsonian's white privilege works on bland food. They seem to forget the the potato came from the same place as the tomato, chilli, coco and coffee. Without Europe they'd still be trapped there.
The ideology of envy and hatred. They're never satisfied until everyone is as ugly, stupid, and miserable as they are. There is no accord with such people.
They're kicking out the moslems und pajeets?
Oh wait sorry, forgot for a second that retarded leftoids don't know what words mean.
Just like with 'diversity', the subtext is 'less white'.
No, they are kicking out "the nazis", the people who dare like original Shakespeares, without an intersectional twist.
This rage should get be through the day with plenty of fuel.
But to be fair, linking William freaking Shakespeare to [drumroll] the far-right is the best thing that could happen to 'the far-right'.
Even the 'Egypt was black' people are smart enough to claim Shakespeare as one of their own. One must be very special to say: "The most ingenious playwright and poet who ever lived? NO! He belongs to the people over there whom we hate!"
Well, yeah. I didn't name myself Antonio of Venice for no reason.
I mean, sure, Shakespeare is cool and all...I guess.
But have you considered the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore?! Or Bollywood?!
Thought not, bigot!
You know two merchants of high status?
Other than myself?
I believe you may have an identical twin, as does your servant.
Not surprising. We aren't allowed to have history or culture of our own, so of course it's destroyed, bit by bit.
They did this recently with John A. Macdonald's home in Canada, who is essentially Leafland's George Washington.
They filled every plaque and room with squaw talking points all salty about being conquered two centuries ago by pathetic Canucks.
2 min Harrison Faulkner clip 2024
"de colonized" is just leftist speak for stealing white culture and pretending it was theirs all along. Or what some would call colonizing
Where the imp was right is that it is all the result of the ultra feminization of western society. There is almost always a woke woman behind that shit.
Thanks to affirmative action in the anglosphere, which white women took advantage the most, they are occupying most jobs in teaching, culture, academia ... The only reason they did not take over governments completely yet is that men tend to not vote for women... but with all these female teachers brainwashing them kids, it is just a matter of time.
UK is already done, Canada was over 20 years ago, USA might still have a chance though...
Shakespeare definitely important to the literature of western civilization. This is ridiculous but sadly can’t say I’m surprised
Ramming up the cleansing of European history to remove White people from it. The usual propaganda / erasure to proceed with a genocide.
Oh what fools these mortals be.
From forth thy reach he would have laid thy shame,
Deposing thee before thou wert possess'd,
Which art possess'd now to depose thyself.
I'm sure I can plough an academic or two full of mead and have them say that Shakespeare was being prophetic about this very day in A Midsummer night's Dream. Let's hammer together a full on ALT RIGHT stanza:
This reverse colonialism doesn't seem to be reciprocal. I read the Smithsonian's white privilege works on bland food. They seem to forget the the potato came from the same place as the tomato, chilli, coco and coffee. Without Europe they'd still be trapped there.
None of these things ever struck me as things that need protecting until they attacked them.
They are causing this 100%
There would never be a "far right problem" if there wasn't first a much bigger far left problem.
Over fears of the reality of White European supremacy.
How thoroughly absurd.
I'm going to point to this the next time someone says diversity doesn't mean less white people.
Because that's exactly what it means.
It's not less white people you alt-right, nazis, bigot. It's de-colonization of England from the English - somehow
and what is the cure for such disorders? beatings.
The ideology of envy and hatred. They're never satisfied until everyone is as ugly, stupid, and miserable as they are. There is no accord with such people.
Black people are retarded but we have to pretend otherwise
The real retards are the self hating whites. Other races dont suffer from that defect.
Dead link, for me at least.
This is the original: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14504153/Shakespeares-birthplace-colonised-fears-success-benefits-ideology-white-supremacy.html
let's start by decolonizing you.