Anyone here watch that off-brand Shadowrun movie Bright? They pushed the orcs=oppressed minorities angle, even though in the movie it was explicitly stated they did indeed serve off-brand Sauron in its recent history. Also I liked how Will Smith's character was never invalidated for his inherent -ism against magical creatures. The orcs ran street gangs, the elves were into dark magic, etc.
Anyone here watch that off-brand Shadowrun movie Bright?
Yes. It's not based, but it's not a preachy lecture about how stereotypes are false. It's more of a ''this is your new normal, bigot. Sit down and live like this in a diverse shithole.''
There is one noticing joke that dosen't turn into a ''how dare you, bigot'' lecture.
Awesome movie. But "recent" history? Bro, it was like 1000 years ago. Orcs were trash for being criminals. Not because of what their ancestors did 1000 years ago.
The guy who raised an army and lead a band of heroes was an orc farmer.
The Dark Lord was originally defeated because there was at least one good orc at the time.
But yeah. He took a lot of shit before and during standing up to the Dark Lord. First from the rest of the orcs, then from everyone else who pointed out that orcs were willing servants of Evil Incarnate.
Communists aren't people.
They might resemble actual humans, talk and act like humans, but Communists are defective dangerous animals that need to be put down with extreme prejudice.
Communists are defective dangerous animals that need to be put down with extreme prejudice.
Man, it's probably a personal failing, but I have a hard time justifying the last part...but it's absolutely true communists are defective and dangerous.
It's wild how broken massive swathes of these leftists are.
They see everyone not them as their enemy.
You are a direct threat to the security of The State because you believe in individual rights, or religion, or freedom.
The leftist solution to you being problematic to the absolute power of the ruling elite is always elimination.
If you make it to adult age and actively choose to support an anti-human, anti-functional, homicidal ideology, and work in service of violating the basic rights of all people - how is that any different than putting the uniform of al-qaeda or ISIS on?
She is going to get charged for every single day. There will be so many things in the world she would see and innocently just make statements that would offend certain people.
Imagine thinking "Stormfag" is an insult 20 years after that site has any any semblance of relevancy. At least update your lexicon to "Nazi" like all the other shitlibs. The only reason you don't is because you know it would immediately out you as the progressive trannies you actually are.
It's something everyone and their dog can see through because it's so obvious when they only flip out and shit their pants over extremely specific topics. James Lindsay is the ultimate example of this and is being dunked on by the entire fucking world at this point.
Look in a mirror you gay race commie. Go try to be a parasite somewhere else, you projecting clown - you act EXACTLY like the stereotype you claim to oppose.
You, who has no value of your own, cannot claim my heritage as value - you're trash because of your own worthlessness. Even if you are white (lmao, doubt) you're no better than any other leftist goblin.
Yeah and people also say "real communism has never been tried". In fact, both retarded comments come from the same people. Hitler and the german socialists were left wing.
Woke Right was a perfectly real thing we all knew about until it got noticed by mainstream people and suddenly it was being used and generalized until it had no meaning and everyone treated it as fake.
Almost like it was coordinated because we could see the grifters in our midst planting seeds and they didn't want it to be that noticed.
The entirety of "goonergate" at the end of last year proved there certainly was.
If you want to call them not Right Wing at all, that's probably also accurate, but is incredibly vague and does little to combat their nonsense and the retards they can convince to listen to them. Whereas "Woke Right" not only described their position and actions perfectly, it also immediately primed people against them.
But then everyone got convinced it was a fake psyop once it gained traction and pretended not to know what it means. To own the Left I guess.
I'm sure some of them are merely dysgenic lolbertarians who are nervous the shift rightward is going a little further right than they're comfortable with. They want a return to the 2000's era zeitgeist and no further.
The Lindsays of the world just want the scary uncertainty to stop so they can go back to their oblivious materialism and die quietly away from all expectation and standards. What they will never accept is that we're the fucking adults who have to clean up the house party mess they made and they don't like the idea that they might be held accountable for ruining the home.
I know you were talking to OP, but what's a good source for manga? I'm not a manga reader, but it would be fun to dig into the animes I like more. I don't like reading digitally, and it looks like the physical volumes are rather expensive, and would cost hundreds of dollars to read all of them. Any manga reading pro tips?
Do I just have to settle and read online, or shell out the big bucks?
Manga is basically a digital only medium. Physical copies in English are years behind the Japanese, overpriced, and "localized."
If you aren't happy with digital its really not going to be a worthwhile investment on this side of the ocean. Older series that are already fulled released maybe, but not anything recent.
Why is the go-to "anti-Stormfag" argument so often to act like an absolute retard? I get you don't like them. But there's got to be a better rebuttal than...this.
I'll give you an answer as someone who has been on both sides of this "argument" with our local extremists.
Its because both sides are incapable of talking to one another, so they just end up talking at each other until it just devolves into gayly trolling the other side. Its just insane accusations, memes, and posting single factors as if they make the entire argument for you. Its not inherent to only one side, but one side is more "accepted" here than the other, so that one seems less retarded to most people even when it itself is being retarded. The inverse of how it is in the mainstream.
I'm not saying its right to debase yourself to this level of discourse, because it truly does accomplish nothing. But if you will get the same "lol you sound like a Jew" response either way, its probably a lot less effort and time to post retarded nonsense than detailed breakdowns that won't get responded to anyway.
But that's also probably too serious of an answer to your question when most people probably want "its because only retards aren't anti-Jew!"
Critical Theory literally says that objective truth is whatever helps to bring about critical change in society, moving it towards the Socialist ideal.
Yes. You heard me. The only value for arguments or description is to promote acceptance of socialism.
The only value for arguments or description is to promote acceptance of X
That just describes most arguments online period.
I got called a child on this very forum last week or so for saying "you need to be able to sell your position to normies to make actual change." After saying you need to be able to actually explain your position instead of sperging out and screaming it.
Critical Theory is the internationally organized version of it by the Jews for their specific nonsense, but people are plenty capable of becoming that for their own beliefs all on their own.
I dare say thinking "only the bad guys are capable of such errors and biases, I'm in the right so I cannot fall for such traps" is what makes us not only always on the backfoot against said Jews, but makes us stupider in general. On top of being a literal Leftist version of thinking.
The only value for arguments or description is to promote acceptance of X
That just describes most arguments online period.
No. Are you deliberately misunderstanding me? I'll try again; with an example.
In this example you are discussing the importance of history as a school subject. You think teaching history is very important. We should learn from the past.
The Neo Marxist teacher will say anything at all about history so they can get in front of your kids and teach them Critical Race Theory in what they refer to as praxis; That is the practice of advancing CRT through indoctrination of the youth.
You later work out that the Neo Marxist teacher is teaching history through the leans of Critical Race Theory. You confront them. They just fucking lie. It now devolves into he-said-she said shit, and the teacher knows they can get away with it, because their school principle is also a Neo Marxist.
The Neo Marxist teacher is convinced that they told the truth at all times; more importantly, they are morally correct to have acted this way. No matter how persuasive or objective your words, they can not affect her.
Far fetched, you say? This literally happened to me with my child's fourth grade class.
I dare say thinking "only the bad guys are capable of such errors and biases, I'm in the right so I cannot fall for such traps" ...
Okay. Cool. If you say so. Again, you missed the specific point I made.
In this case I am laying out that Neo Marxists, by reasonable standards, do not believe that there is objective truth and they act accordingly. I will provide receipts if you want them.
Your point was obvious, so obvious that it didn't need any further acknowledgement because we all know it and agree on it for the most part.
I responded to it in the context of it being a response to what I said originally and expanded from my original point, as I assumed that it was a genuine response.
But instead it seems like you just needed to vent something from your life because you were angry about it and are just trying to jam it into a conversation. So I hope you feel better, my nigga.
I'll give you an answer as someone who has been on both sides of this "argument" with our local extremists.
Good place to be, honestly. I got called both a Nazi and zioshill just recently. Both types of accusers were wrong and retarded.
Its not inherent to only one side, but one side is more "accepted" here than the other, so that one seems less retarded to most people even when it itself is being retarded. The inverse of how it is in the mainstream.
Good point.
But if you will get the same "lol you sound like a Jew" response either way, its probably a lot less effort and time to post retarded nonsense than detailed breakdowns that won't get responded to anyway.
Yeah, it's often an incredibly pointless effort, since everyone has made up their mind. I've never been called a Jew, and I generally leave my rebuttals against the "Stormfag" side of things at "do your fucking research, you're just freaking wrong," and explain how. OP is a good example; I find myself arguing on both sides pretty often, where he's concerned. He posts a lot of absolute bullshit, and I call him out on that. And then he also posts just normal shit and draws a ton of ire from the other side because they don't like his other opinions, so I end up defending him.
But that's also probably too serious of an answer to your question when most people probably want "its because only retards aren't anti-Jew!"
"No, no, only retards are anti-Jew, Stormfag!" (Joke, obviously.) But it is hilarious how it is such a purity spiral on both sides. If you don't think the Jews are to blame for everything you're a Zionist cuck, but on the other side if you think there's anything to question about Jews, Zionism, or Israel, you're a Stormfag retard who is clearly obsessed and wants to genocide all Jews.
But it is hilarious how it is such a purity spiral on both sides.
That's really all it is. Both are caught up trying to make sure you know they really hate the other side, that they are lost in the sauce.
And that would be fine too, if it wasn't so boring. Its either the same old tired lines repeated forever, or super serious battle lines where you must agree with them wholeheartedly or you are the enemy.
This is mockery and it is effective despite how it makes me look.
I'd rather be a fool who is loud and nonsensical to most than a fool who allows idiots to hijack a situation that has been piggy-backed in collaboration with those against us.
I've never once said I don't like stormfags. Any slurs assumed have been by others.
This is mockery and it is effective despite how it makes me look.
I'd rather be a fool who is loud and nonsensical to most than a fool who allows idiots to hijack a situation that has been piggy-backed in collaboration with those against us.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand your autism. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of advanced internet retardation most of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head.
I've never once said I don't like stormfags. Any slurs assumed have been by others.
Uh. That's not the point. At all. And, of course "stormFAG" is a slur (and that's fine), and people who use it don't like them. This is so stupid.
I just keep seeing Stormfags bring up fantasy characters and I respond with popular modern classics (They are more accessible than the older ones).
The real question is; why are Stormfags bringing up fantasy characters and trying to remake them in their own image?
Much like anyone seeing others try to dismantle established working systems, just show what has worked before and have them query why they can't come up with fresh ideas which work all on their own.
You'd think the Master Race could come up with something original over their Cheerios and the school bus ride.
Plenty of RL humans are dishonest manipulators with no sense of shame. So yeah, good lessons here to not be too trusting and that past behavior is the strongest predictor of future behavior.
The fatty that is always talking about chocolate cake but has no idea as to who eats it all is certainly one to take note of when it's your turn to buy this weeks Friday pieday.
This is why Rorschach is well-received by audiences. Unlike superman or incredible hulk, the character is complex one with good motivation and conviction despite the original creator only tried to make him to be scrappy one. And he doesn't even have superpowers, he is only motivated by his personal goals.
Rorschach, like the blots his name is based upon, is open to interpretation by the audience.
The great thing about him is that he's not rich, but determined to bring those down who he thinks are wrong. He has no abilities other than those available to all and he makes do with that.
Some see him as a baddie, some as a goodie and others as a grey middling of both.
As always, it's down to those observing to take what they want or can from what the creator intended.
Anyone here watch that off-brand Shadowrun movie Bright? They pushed the orcs=oppressed minorities angle, even though in the movie it was explicitly stated they did indeed serve off-brand Sauron in its recent history. Also I liked how Will Smith's character was never invalidated for his inherent -ism against magical creatures. The orcs ran street gangs, the elves were into dark magic, etc.
Yes. It's not based, but it's not a preachy lecture about how stereotypes are false. It's more of a ''this is your new normal, bigot. Sit down and live like this in a diverse shithole.''
There is one noticing joke that dosen't turn into a ''how dare you, bigot'' lecture.
Bright was a much better movie than "a Netflix buddy cop movie starring Will Smith and an orc" had any right to be.
They should film Bright II. I bet Will is getting desperate for a paycheck.
Awesome movie. But "recent" history? Bro, it was like 1000 years ago. Orcs were trash for being criminals. Not because of what their ancestors did 1000 years ago.
Oh, really? I thought their war for the ring or whatever was analogous to WW2. I remember there being 'dark lord' graffiti tags in the orc hood.
I looked it up, and yeah, the LOTR shit happened 'millennia ago'. Meaning it took thousands of years for there to be a good orc, lol.
The guy who raised an army and lead a band of heroes was an orc farmer.
The Dark Lord was originally defeated because there was at least one good orc at the time.
But yeah. He took a lot of shit before and during standing up to the Dark Lord. First from the rest of the orcs, then from everyone else who pointed out that orcs were willing servants of Evil Incarnate.
Communists aren't people. They might resemble actual humans, talk and act like humans, but Communists are defective dangerous animals that need to be put down with extreme prejudice.
And Frieren Did Nothing Wrong.
Oy, dont be insultin' animals ya cunt! :DDD
Communists are more like an engineered viral plague.
Man, it's probably a personal failing, but I have a hard time justifying the last part...but it's absolutely true communists are defective and dangerous.
It's wild how broken massive swathes of these leftists are.
They see everyone not them as their enemy. You are a direct threat to the security of The State because you believe in individual rights, or religion, or freedom.
The leftist solution to you being problematic to the absolute power of the ruling elite is always elimination.
If you make it to adult age and actively choose to support an anti-human, anti-functional, homicidal ideology, and work in service of violating the basic rights of all people - how is that any different than putting the uniform of al-qaeda or ISIS on?
Commies choose to be the enemy of all free men.
Cool bro. You are right! Sure. Socialists deserve our pity and respect for the journey they are going through.
Okay, now you do SS officers.
I don't. Especially not after the fake pandemic, the masks that do nothing and the poison fake vaccines.
She is going to get charged for every single day. There will be so many things in the world she would see and innocently just make statements that would offend certain people.
"This country was a lot less shit when I passed through 200 years ago."
Imagine thinking "Stormfag" is an insult 20 years after that site has any any semblance of relevancy. At least update your lexicon to "Nazi" like all the other shitlibs. The only reason you don't is because you know it would immediately out you as the progressive trannies you actually are.
they tried to make "woke right" a thing and it failed miserably
It's something everyone and their dog can see through because it's so obvious when they only flip out and shit their pants over extremely specific topics. James Lindsay is the ultimate example of this and is being dunked on by the entire fucking world at this point.
Of course it failed. No socialist or leftist parasite can be identified as right wing.
oh hey , its the mossad agent .
Look in a mirror you gay race commie. Go try to be a parasite somewhere else, you projecting clown - you act EXACTLY like the stereotype you claim to oppose.
You, who has no value of your own, cannot claim my heritage as value - you're trash because of your own worthlessness. Even if you are white (lmao, doubt) you're no better than any other leftist goblin.
jews aren't White
You admit you aren't white then?
no im saying you're jewish so you aren't White.
oh i dunno...there were a couple guys back in the thirties...
People still think they were right-wing, all I'm saying...
Yeah and people also say "real communism has never been tried". In fact, both retarded comments come from the same people. Hitler and the german socialists were left wing.
lol, my point. there are people who will believe it, no matter how absurd the premise...
Woke Right was a perfectly real thing we all knew about until it got noticed by mainstream people and suddenly it was being used and generalized until it had no meaning and everyone treated it as fake.
Almost like it was coordinated because we could see the grifters in our midst planting seeds and they didn't want it to be that noticed.
I dont think there's such a thing as "woke right"
There is such a thing as fake people pretending to be right wing though
The entirety of "goonergate" at the end of last year proved there certainly was.
If you want to call them not Right Wing at all, that's probably also accurate, but is incredibly vague and does little to combat their nonsense and the retards they can convince to listen to them. Whereas "Woke Right" not only described their position and actions perfectly, it also immediately primed people against them.
But then everyone got convinced it was a fake psyop once it gained traction and pretended not to know what it means. To own the Left I guess.
I'm sure some of them are merely dysgenic lolbertarians who are nervous the shift rightward is going a little further right than they're comfortable with. They want a return to the 2000's era zeitgeist and no further.
The Lindsays of the world just want the scary uncertainty to stop so they can go back to their oblivious materialism and die quietly away from all expectation and standards. What they will never accept is that we're the fucking adults who have to clean up the house party mess they made and they don't like the idea that they might be held accountable for ruining the home.
Really bakes the mental bread
It's why I don't even bother engaging with those faggots.
read the manga
i have read the manga, retard
clearly you didn't understand it.
I know you were talking to OP, but what's a good source for manga? I'm not a manga reader, but it would be fun to dig into the animes I like more. I don't like reading digitally, and it looks like the physical volumes are rather expensive, and would cost hundreds of dollars to read all of them. Any manga reading pro tips?
Do I just have to settle and read online, or shell out the big bucks?
You could always try requesting them through your local public library. Or just read scans on mangadex like everyone else does.
u/enevold u/ParadigmShift2070 u/yeldarb1983 u/ApparentlyImAHeretic
Thanks, guys. Guess I'll have to settle for digital, when I'm in the mood to dive in.
always glad to help.
mangadex, mangaread, or torrent it from
Manga is basically a digital only medium. Physical copies in English are years behind the Japanese, overpriced, and "localized."
If you aren't happy with digital its really not going to be a worthwhile investment on this side of the ocean. Older series that are already fulled released maybe, but not anything recent.
Good point, thanks. Guess I'll bite the bullet and dig into digital when I'm in the mood.
I mean, its free for 95% of series. Even the biggest in the world you can find someone scanlating it for free somewhere to avoid the major pay sites.
So you don't lose a whole lot trying it.
Oh, for sure. I just meant I don't like digital reading in general.
what are you asking for exactly? cheap physical copies?
If there is such a source, yes.
Thanks for the other link too, I'll check it out.
Probably ebay used, I use for translated scans
big bucks is kinda what it takes, digital copies can be cheaper. Most book stores have a manga section today.
Bro, internet autists is like core demo.
The fictional fantasy characters analogy never gets old does it?
Do you think knife ear could take on Superman or The Incredible Hulk?
I still don't get this argument style.
Why is the go-to "anti-Stormfag" argument so often to act like an absolute retard? I get you don't like them. But there's got to be a better rebuttal than...this.
I'll give you an answer as someone who has been on both sides of this "argument" with our local extremists.
Its because both sides are incapable of talking to one another, so they just end up talking at each other until it just devolves into gayly trolling the other side. Its just insane accusations, memes, and posting single factors as if they make the entire argument for you. Its not inherent to only one side, but one side is more "accepted" here than the other, so that one seems less retarded to most people even when it itself is being retarded. The inverse of how it is in the mainstream.
I'm not saying its right to debase yourself to this level of discourse, because it truly does accomplish nothing. But if you will get the same "lol you sound like a Jew" response either way, its probably a lot less effort and time to post retarded nonsense than detailed breakdowns that won't get responded to anyway.
But that's also probably too serious of an answer to your question when most people probably want "its because only retards aren't anti-Jew!"
Critical Theory literally says that objective truth is whatever helps to bring about critical change in society, moving it towards the Socialist ideal.
Yes. You heard me. The only value for arguments or description is to promote acceptance of socialism.
You can't actually talk to someone like that.
That just describes most arguments online period.
I got called a child on this very forum last week or so for saying "you need to be able to sell your position to normies to make actual change." After saying you need to be able to actually explain your position instead of sperging out and screaming it.
Critical Theory is the internationally organized version of it by the Jews for their specific nonsense, but people are plenty capable of becoming that for their own beliefs all on their own.
I dare say thinking "only the bad guys are capable of such errors and biases, I'm in the right so I cannot fall for such traps" is what makes us not only always on the backfoot against said Jews, but makes us stupider in general. On top of being a literal Leftist version of thinking.
No. Are you deliberately misunderstanding me? I'll try again; with an example.
In this example you are discussing the importance of history as a school subject. You think teaching history is very important. We should learn from the past.
The Neo Marxist teacher will say anything at all about history so they can get in front of your kids and teach them Critical Race Theory in what they refer to as praxis; That is the practice of advancing CRT through indoctrination of the youth.
You later work out that the Neo Marxist teacher is teaching history through the leans of Critical Race Theory. You confront them. They just fucking lie. It now devolves into he-said-she said shit, and the teacher knows they can get away with it, because their school principle is also a Neo Marxist.
The Neo Marxist teacher is convinced that they told the truth at all times; more importantly, they are morally correct to have acted this way. No matter how persuasive or objective your words, they can not affect her.
Far fetched, you say? This literally happened to me with my child's fourth grade class.
Okay. Cool. If you say so. Again, you missed the specific point I made.
In this case I am laying out that Neo Marxists, by reasonable standards, do not believe that there is objective truth and they act accordingly. I will provide receipts if you want them.
Your point was obvious, so obvious that it didn't need any further acknowledgement because we all know it and agree on it for the most part.
I responded to it in the context of it being a response to what I said originally and expanded from my original point, as I assumed that it was a genuine response.
But instead it seems like you just needed to vent something from your life because you were angry about it and are just trying to jam it into a conversation. So I hope you feel better, my nigga.
Good place to be, honestly. I got called both a Nazi and zioshill just recently. Both types of accusers were wrong and retarded.
Good point.
Yeah, it's often an incredibly pointless effort, since everyone has made up their mind. I've never been called a Jew, and I generally leave my rebuttals against the "Stormfag" side of things at "do your fucking research, you're just freaking wrong," and explain how. OP is a good example; I find myself arguing on both sides pretty often, where he's concerned. He posts a lot of absolute bullshit, and I call him out on that. And then he also posts just normal shit and draws a ton of ire from the other side because they don't like his other opinions, so I end up defending him.
"No, no, only retards are anti-Jew, Stormfag!" (Joke, obviously.) But it is hilarious how it is such a purity spiral on both sides. If you don't think the Jews are to blame for everything you're a Zionist cuck, but on the other side if you think there's anything to question about Jews, Zionism, or Israel, you're a Stormfag retard who is clearly obsessed and wants to genocide all Jews.
That's really all it is. Both are caught up trying to make sure you know they really hate the other side, that they are lost in the sauce.
And that would be fine too, if it wasn't so boring. Its either the same old tired lines repeated forever, or super serious battle lines where you must agree with them wholeheartedly or you are the enemy.
The ultimate rebuttal has already been done.
This is mockery and it is effective despite how it makes me look.
I'd rather be a fool who is loud and nonsensical to most than a fool who allows idiots to hijack a situation that has been piggy-backed in collaboration with those against us.
I've never once said I don't like stormfags. Any slurs assumed have been by others.
No it isn't.
Please, for the love of God, understand this.
Israel is dividing the West so that it may conquer the world via Russia and China.
You happy now?!?
Genuine question: how would you feel if you hadn't been a retard in your last post?
"But he was a retard in his last post."
I'd imagine I'd be asking people questions as if they were genuine...
Hey! Amazing! You passed!
Now can you quit being a retard everywhere else?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand your autism. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of advanced internet retardation most of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head.
Uh. That's not the point. At all. And, of course "stormFAG" is a slur (and that's fine), and people who use it don't like them. This is so stupid.
I know more than a few stormfags who enjoy being known as stormfags.
They've told me that you can't take that word away from them and they use it as a badge of honour.
Leftists: the demons are literally us, that’s why right wingers like this show
Right wingers: yeah lol
You: Superman is kinda hot tho
I'm more of a Batman guy but sure.
Why are you so obsessed with that boring Gary Stu in a cape?
I just keep seeing Stormfags bring up fantasy characters and I respond with popular modern classics (They are more accessible than the older ones).
The real question is; why are Stormfags bringing up fantasy characters and trying to remake them in their own image?
Much like anyone seeing others try to dismantle established working systems, just show what has worked before and have them query why they can't come up with fresh ideas which work all on their own.
You'd think the Master Race could come up with something original over their Cheerios and the school bus ride.
Trying to remake? It literally happened in episode seven, only she was arrested by fantasy city guards instead of modern cops.
Yes. I understand.
The 'inference' here is that she kills demons and demons are evil regardless of what they say.
Who else could stand in for demons in real life?
That's a great learning tool for children to explore allegory.
I know, let's have stormfags use it!
Plenty of RL humans are dishonest manipulators with no sense of shame. So yeah, good lessons here to not be too trusting and that past behavior is the strongest predictor of future behavior.
Whoa, cool it with the anti-[personal confirmation bias confirming] remarks!
Orcs are totally just black people, and you're the racist for not thinking so!
But for real, yeah, it's wild that 'past behavior predicting future behavior' is controversial.
There are, yes.
The fatty that is always talking about chocolate cake but has no idea as to who eats it all is certainly one to take note of when it's your turn to buy this weeks Friday pieday.
Opinion discarded.
Also since you are upset about us "stormfags" claiming characters, im going to do it more.
An admission of being a stormfag and considers my calling them so a slur.
I can't wait to see what you come up with next :)
So much winning!
ok jew.
Jesus was a Jew.
He also said they'd all be eternally damned unless they accepted his salvation, so there's that.
This is why Rorschach is well-received by audiences. Unlike superman or incredible hulk, the character is complex one with good motivation and conviction despite the original creator only tried to make him to be scrappy one. And he doesn't even have superpowers, he is only motivated by his personal goals.
Rorschach, like the blots his name is based upon, is open to interpretation by the audience.
The great thing about him is that he's not rich, but determined to bring those down who he thinks are wrong. He has no abilities other than those available to all and he makes do with that.
Some see him as a baddie, some as a goodie and others as a grey middling of both.
As always, it's down to those observing to take what they want or can from what the creator intended.
You want to call OP a pEdoPhIlE posting cartoon kids so bad rn lol
I can smell it.
One might infer that projection is not limited to those seeking to manifest their predilections onto Kraut only cartoons.
Whoever smelt it, dealt it.
Why do you hate Germans so much?
I love Germans. They make the best kebabs in Europe there.
those arent germans those are arabs.
The dudes asking me if I would like them scharf, kräuter or knoblauch all have blonde hair and blue eyes.