Plenty of RL humans are dishonest manipulators with no sense of shame. So yeah, good lessons here to not be too trusting and that past behavior is the strongest predictor of future behavior.
The fatty that is always talking about chocolate cake but has no idea as to who eats it all is certainly one to take note of when it's your turn to buy this weeks Friday pieday.
Plenty of RL humans are dishonest manipulators with no sense of shame. So yeah, good lessons here to not be too trusting and that past behavior is the strongest predictor of future behavior.
Whoa, cool it with the anti-[personal confirmation bias confirming] remarks!
Orcs are totally just black people, and you're the racist for not thinking so!
But for real, yeah, it's wild that 'past behavior predicting future behavior' is controversial.
There are, yes.
The fatty that is always talking about chocolate cake but has no idea as to who eats it all is certainly one to take note of when it's your turn to buy this weeks Friday pieday.