Look in a mirror you gay race commie. Go try to be a parasite somewhere else, you projecting clown - you act EXACTLY like the stereotype you claim to oppose.
You, who has no value of your own, cannot claim my heritage as value - you're trash because of your own worthlessness. Even if you are white (lmao, doubt) you're no better than any other leftist goblin.
oh hey , its the mossad agent .
Look in a mirror you gay race commie. Go try to be a parasite somewhere else, you projecting clown - you act EXACTLY like the stereotype you claim to oppose.
You, who has no value of your own, cannot claim my heritage as value - you're trash because of your own worthlessness. Even if you are white (lmao, doubt) you're no better than any other leftist goblin.
jews aren't White
You admit you aren't white then?
no im saying you're jewish so you aren't White.