- don't give them ideas =P
- they could try, but they'd get roasted alive, considering there's fifty-odd years of comics, movies, and even an anime in circulation, lol.
being good at math.
lmao, i didn't think of that one. good catch!
maybe he even escaped the void after deadpool 3.
makes sense, how are they gonna capitalize on racebaiting if the character was already black!?!
ignorance, feigned or otherwise, in the damn headline... and they wonder why people with brains reject feminism...
the themes especially make it clear why anime is under attack with a mote and bailey.
product of its time, lol.
anime has ore family influence
damn that was a great movie...lotta heart, but a great narrative, and an emphasis on family that's neither sarcastic, nor heavy-handed/forced.
just trying to find some context to the clip in question.
after a bit of digging, i drilled down to a much longer clip of the segment in question.
Mrs. Schloss's take on antisemitism is rather nuanced ( starting around 5:35/5:36, acknowledging persecution of muslims and christians, and at least off-handedly implying that antisemitism is often over focused on, to the exclusion of other groups facing similar or greater levels of discrimination.
gotta remember, there are different camps of feminists, and the pro and anti camps are like catholics vs eastern orthodox, and get along almost as well as muslims and jews.
outlaw marriage licenses.
government should have no place in religious or personal ceremonies...
I don't blame them, but a turn off your cellphone and a no cameras allowed for visitors policy, coupled with hiring a professional photographer for visitor photos might work better.
then again, I don't know what the shrines annual budget is, so maybe that's not feasible. =/
maybe surround sound clip compressed and played through stereo speakers?
that usuallly does it for me...
If things went as smoothly as the left expects them to, their ideas wouldn't be utopian...
For the left, nothing is ever enough. There is no path but pogroms.
misread it that way, think it works better.
as an outsider looking back, Gamergate may have been the catalyst the west needed. it created a feedback loop that, in time, forced the various authoritarian groups to overextend, exposing themselves in ways that they wouldn't have otherwise dared to do until it was too late to stop them...
here's to you, gamergate. early soliders in a war, I wish I had been paying attention enough to have participated in at the time.
I don't know if I can pick between them, personally. they're both good in different ways.
certainly, it's a sequel at least as good as the original, which is almost as rare.
God, that line will stick with me forever... all I have to do is hear the name and the stupid chant pops into my head xD
lol. picky picky =p
...why do I get the feeling you like women who are bony as all hell... even by nineties standards, she barely has an ass...
yeah, but DC probably doesn't wanna talk about that too much...
personally, i thought the movie was fun, corny as all hell, but fun.